Qi Ji and his party returned to the capital without much fanfare.

On the rivers and lakes, six doors can be regarded as the number one person, but in the capital city can not be ranked, low-key is inevitable.

Only the Ministry of Criminal Affairs sent a group of people to receive the partially confiscated properties of the Fortune Villa and the Central Plains Escort. This was the necessary contribution to ask the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to close the six doors to avoid court attacks. Some of them went to the emperor’s small vault. Only the six doors belonged.

Of course, before that, Qi Ji had already intercepted a part of it, otherwise the bulk of it would be taken away, and he would not have to do his best to make money.

Wang Zhenfei, Qiu Xingjian and others were put in death jail and rested for a day. The next morning, the wizard called a cadre and subordinates at six doors.

Bai Yujing, Yuan Zixia, Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, Zhongyuan Yihong, Qu Wurong, Gao Jianfei, Gao Li, Qiu Fengwu, Ma Feng, Xiao Shaoying, Sheng Rulan, Yang Zheng, and Duan Yu and Zhu who have come to report after their marriage Zhu (Hua Huafeng), together with the elderly Wei Shanhe and Liu Feixuan, have successively gained more than a dozen backbone forces.

Outside, there were red shoes to provide information, and Ji Bingyan was in Lanzhou.

"For the first half year, everyone worked hard," sat up and looked around at everyone, "but the rivers and lakes have been quite unstable recently, so I still can't relax."

"If there is a task, continue to perform it. If the task is over, there will be arrangements afterwards. In short, this year will not let everyone idle."

"Of course, in the past six months, we have also made a lot of income. These days, we will verify the credit and reward everyone. We can't let everyone work in vain."

"Everyone has it. You don't need to refuse. You can change the success method if you don't want it. This must be communicated to everyone. This official lowered the request and let them seize the opportunity."

This is a world of will, and most of the high and deep martial arts are controlled by the famous schools. The reason why the six doors are not masters is due to the practice.When he first entered the six doors, he had seen the cheats collected in the six doors, they were very ordinary, and he would be considered a genius if he could be a master, so when he came to this world, he did not practice other martial arts.

Those martial arts skills are not something he can easily get, unless he doesn't use any means.In the low-level world, he has reached the peak, and this is not necessary.

So before Ye Gucheng died, he didn't ask for the Flying Immortal from Heaven.Like the jellyfish Yin Ji, Xue Yiren, and Mu Taoist, none of them looked like people who would be willing to pass on their techniques.

There are so many famous schools, obviously not everyone can worship them, so many young people with dreams of the rivers and lakes choose to join the six doors in order to learn the best martial arts.

In the eyes of Qi Ji, ordinary martial arts is a must-see for them.

In order to motivate the hunters to complete the task, the six doors have provisions to exchange credit for martial arts, but the requirements are very high. Most people may not be able to complete it several times in their lives. Qi Ji has long wanted to change this rule and used this reward Lowering requirements is the beginning.

This is also an opportunity for most of the six doors.

"Also, many of you have your own subordinates. When you practice, let alone those who eat and wait to die. Everyone must have a group of people who dare to fight. The six doors are never peaceful. You must be desperate at any time. You can do it a few times with just a few of you."

Qi Ji didn't say much, this appearance was just to soothe people's hearts, and the key task arrangement could not be arranged here with fanfare.

I don't know how many secret agents from other forces are in the six doors, but it's not just the Azure Dragon Society.

Back to his office, Qi Ji recruited Gao Li and Qiu Fengwu in the first place.

"How did the members of the Blue Dragon Association check?" He asked directly.

"It's not very good. The Blue Dragon Society is tightly organized. Few people show flaws, but spies from other forces have found a lot." Gao Li said, "The members of the Blue Dragon Society have only found some peripheral personnel at the moment. To provide the information, I don’t know which force the person buying them is. I’m currently watching it closely, hoping to follow the rules. The only one who is sure is the head of the prison. The other members have yet to be confirmed and there is no evidence."

"It's okay. If you have any doubts, you can just find a reason and send them out." Qi Ji said, "It is not necessary to nail them to death, as long as it does not affect the overall situation."

"Of course, if there is a crime, there is no need to be merciless. These are all within your jurisdiction."

"Adults have so many talents, can't you change them to do it?" Gao Li still didn't adapt to doing this.

"No, except for the two of you, no one understands the Blue Dragon Club," Qi Ji refused. "Or, will Ma Feng be transferred to assist you?"

"Forget it, the subordinates do their best." Gao Li and the two quickly refused.

They don't work with perverts.

After Gao Li and the other two left, Qi Ji called Chu Liuxiang again.

"Chu Xiangshuai makes friends in the arena, do you know who Bai Xiaosheng is?" Qi Ji asked.

"Bai Xiaosheng?" Chu Liuxiang thought for a while, "It seems that he has heard of this person, but has never met. It is said to be very mysterious and I don't know his origin. Adults are interested in him?"

"Some interest, what else?" Qi Ji asked.

"It seems to have heard that he wanted to write a book of weapons, but then for some reason there was no news, and people disappeared in the rivers and lakes." Chu Liuxiang recalled, "What happened later is unknown."

"Then trouble Chu Xiangshuai to search for one or two for this officer." Qi Ji looked at Chu Liuxiang and smiled, "Don't use this for almost two years."

"My lord made a joke," Chu Liuxiang smiled awkwardly. When he heard the first sentence, he really had the intention of procrastinating, "What about after I found it?"

"Look at what he is doing, then come back and report." Qi Ji said, "No need to force it."

The weapon spectrum has not been released yet, which also made Qi Ji wonder. Since Bai Xiaosheng had such a plan before, why there is no news?

Could it be the reason for the integration of the world?

Those people Bai Xiaosheng had seen the original weapon spectrum, so they got the ranking.In today's world, masters emerge in an endless stream, and some of them are dragons who see the beginning and the end, so it is difficult for the weapon spectrum to be born?

Then, do you want to lay out a weapon by yourself?Put yourself in the first place, did you complete a side task?

The system didn't say that it must be Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum, right?

After thinking about it for a long time, I dismissed the idea.

Can you complete the task? Another thing is that I have arranged the weapon spectrum and put myself first. I guess I will not be able to live in the future.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

The leaderboard is an honor on the surface, but it is actually a hatred thing.

If you don't climb to the top, who wants someone to press on him.

"Bai Xiaosheng, Bai Xiaosheng, come up quickly." Qi Ji muttered to himself, "There is no saying that Xiao Li Feidao ranked third in the weapon spectrum. It always feels that this world has nothing to do with the world of Xiao Li Feidao."

"I don't know where Li Xunhuan is hiding. After looking for six doors outside the Guan, there is no news for more than half a year."

"If the weapon spectrum is released, can Xiao Li Fei Dao still occupy third place?"

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