Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 106: The Greatly Different Weapon Spectrum (For Collection)

Deep mountains, valleys.

A simple wooden house with a gurgling stream in front of it.

On the bluestone by the stream, a man in white is carving intently, very intently.The thin knife is very flexible in his hand. The wood in his hand changes shape with the passage of time, and gradually has a "human" outline.

On the bluestone next to him, there was a crooked wine jar, which was obviously already exhausted.

A little further away, a big bearded man stood by, looking around very vigilantly.Although it was very quiet at the moment, there was no risk, and he did not give up his job.

Only occasionally glanced at the white-clothed man's gaze, which was full of tenderness, which was very inconsistent with his external image.

Life is full of contradictions, and no one can do anything about it.

This is true for the big beard, and so is the man in white.He who hates loneliness the most in his life, but has always been with loneliness.

The knife in the hands of the white-clothed man has stopped, staring at the finished wood carving.

This is the image of a woman, the outline and lines appear to be soft and graceful, making the statue look like it is alive.

But the white-clothed man was not satisfied, shook his head, sighed, and shook it with one hand, and the wood carving was crushed in his hand after a lot of effort.

The debris fell down the arm, as if something special was flowing away from the heart.

"Go back, it's time to eat." The white-clothed man stood up and turned to look at the big-bearded man.

He is no longer young, and there are wrinkles around his eyes, but his eyes are still bright.

If the odd trick is here, you will definitely be able to recognize that the man in white is Li Xunhuan in the same year that he was in the examination room.

"Yes, young master." The bearded man replied.

"How long have you followed me?" Li Xunhuan asked just a few feet away from the wooden house, and the two of them went to the wooden house.

"After the master passed away, I have been following the young master." The bearded man thought for a while and said, "It has been more than ten years since the young master left the customs."

"It's been so long!" He exclaimed, "Want to go back?"

"I'll just follow the young master, and I don't know what to do when I go back." The bearded man replied.

This answer was unexpected, and as expected, Li Xunhuan didn't know what answer he wanted to hear.

"But I'm homesick!"

Is there still a home?Li Xunhuan asked himself.

There is no home for a long time, otherwise why wander alone for more than ten years.

Homesickness is just an excuse, it is the person in my heart that I really miss.

Don't ask for anything else, just ask for a long look to see how you are doing.

As long as you live well, that's enough.


The hustle and bustle of the city, the flow of people.

In the busy city, there is a large-scale manor.On this day, the owner of the manor finally walked out of the claustrophobic chamber.

"Hello, owner." The old housekeeper Shi Li greeted him.

"Are there any major events in the near future?" the middle-aged owner asked.

"The Kanto Evergreen Escort is a joint operation with the three major Escorts of Central Plains, and the five-dogs blooming flag has been played. After the collapse of the Central Plains Escort, it became the largest Escort in the North." The old butler replied.

"The joint operation of the Escort is expected, but what happened to the closure of the Central Plains Escort?" The owner frowned, "Isn't the Central Plains Escort Branch of the Qinglong Club in April?"

"The owner of the village has been in retreat for more than a month, but he doesn't know it. It is said that Wang Zhenfei, the head of the Central Plains Escort, was greedy for ink and silver, and blamed the people of the six doors. It also involved the murder of the hero of Heshuo Wan Junwu and was killed by six doors. It was found out that the headquarters was cleaned again, so it went bankrupt soon.” The steward said, “It is said that Di Qinglin, the hereditary first class Hou, was cancelled hereditary and imprisoned the mansion for his involvement in the case. In this case, the Qinglonghui could not intervene at all. Over the past year, six doors have severely suppressed the Blue Dragon Association."

"It's crazy, I dare to do this kind of thing, isn't it enough for them to make so much money, what is that guy doing?" The owner couldn't laugh.

"Also, Wudang announced the death of the Mudaoren, and Shi Yan, the head of the village, is also preparing to abdicate. Wudang Mountain has announced a ten-year closure of the mountain.

"Well, it seems that a lot of things have happened in more than a month. The Wudang Taoists are dead." The owner was really surprised this time.

The officials didn't know some things he knew, so they didn't say much.

"The last important news is that the Jade Rakshasa was fraudulently killed, and took the opportunity to clean up a group of Rakshasa personnel."

"Hmph, I know he is not that easy to die." The owner said, "Now, it is estimated that some people have lost their wife and lost their troops."

"There are only these, everything else is trivial."

"Fortunately, it does not affect the overall situation. Since the Taoist Mu is dead, it is necessary to remove it." The owner said, "After so many years of hard work, and spent huge financial resources, hundreds of elites died, collected countless information, and finally compiled It’s time for me to make this "A Book of Weapons" to make a name for Pingjiang Baixiaosheng."

This village owner is indeed the Pingjiang Baixiaosheng who has never forgotten the strange plan.

"It's a pity that many people didn't see it with their own eyes, and didn't see them making their moves. It is inevitable that they were not precise enough." Bai Xiaosheng regretted, "Let's go ahead and let them challenge themselves if they are not satisfied. It will be revised in the future."

"I have already seen that this river and lake will be a bloody storm because of this "A Book of Weapons"." He smiled madly.

"Tian Ji Sun Family, I will definitely be able to suppress you."


Overnight, "The Book of Weapons" began to spread in the arena, forming a trend that no one knows, no one knows.

Chu Liuxiang's actions were over before they even started.

In the job room that was still the odd trick, he smiled bitterly and handed over a copy of "A Book of Weapons".

"You completed this task very quickly!" Qi Ji looked at the three words "Weapons Book" on the cover.

"It's just a coincidence, I'm just catching up with Bai Xiaosheng's announcement of this list." Chu Liuxiang said, "I thought the adults didn't know the prophet!"

It's not a coincidence that the magician mentioned Bai Xiaosheng, and then Bai Xiaosheng appeared.

"It's a coincidence indeed." Qi Ji smiled, "Have you seen it before, where do you rank?"

"Subordinates can't be ranked with this trivial skill."

"What about the official?"

"My lord will know it at a glance."

"Okay." Qi Ji said, turning the pages of the book.

A special name appeared.

Holy Peak Swordsman!

"What the hell?" Qi Ji almost didn't spit out tea.

He remembers Bai Xiaosheng’s arranging weapon spectrum, ranking the world’s masters, but without exception, the list is all weapons, such as Xiao Li Feida, Songyang Iron Sword...

How come here to become a character ranking list?

First place: Shengfeng Swordsman (name unknown)

Weapon: Unknown, most likely a sword, once used a weapon with a tear-stained sword, has been passed on to disciples

Introduction: The youngest disciple of Master Xiao, the master of swordsmithing, lives on the water peak of the Virgin.

On the front page of the Weapon Spectrum, there are only a few crosses, very simple, but extremely heavy.

A person who is not born in the world has no deeds, but Bai Xiaosheng ranks first in the weapon spectrum, which shows that he attaches great importance to this person.

"It seems that Bai Xiaosheng doesn't know everything!" Qi Ji still wants to know more about this swordsman, but it is a pity that Bai Xiaosheng knows no more than himself. "It's just that this weapon spectrum is very different from the impression. I don’t know if I can get the recognition of people in the world."

Qi Ji seems to have seen the bloody storm caused by the rivers and lakes.

I admit that I am not inferior to you, so why do I rank behind you?

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