Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 108: Locking Target (Seeking Collection)

When Qi Ji saw Ji Bingyan again, he was very surprised: How could this otaku be able to give up?

Seeing him looking like a man in the dust, he immediately thought that something big had happened, otherwise Ji Bingyan would not have traveled all the way to the capital to report to himself.

"My lord, Iron Cock said that I would report something important to you, so I brought him." Hu Tiehua, who led the way, was very happy to see her old friend.

"Okay, you go to arrange accommodation, and your brothers will gather together later." Qi Ji nodded and signaled Hu Tiehua to go out.

"Are there any major issues in the northwest?" Qi Ji didn't greet Ji Bingyan, and spoke immediately the moment the door closed.

"My lord is wise, something big has indeed happened." Ji Bingyan said solemnly, "Shuanghuanmen was destroyed."

"Shuanghuan gate was destroyed?" Qi Ji repeated confirmation, and when Ji Bingyan nodded, he asked, "When?"

"On the night about three days ago," Ji Bingyan said, "The next day will be in the middle of the day. I was accidentally discovered and reported to the crime. Six doors notified me after receiving the news. I personally went to the Shuanghuan Gate and saw it When Sheng Tianba visited several of his disciples, including the servants and maids in Shuanghuanmen, they almost died."

"Yes, there are two handymen who survived. They were stunned at the beginning, and their hands and feet were broken. The enemy thought they were dead."

"They know who the killer is?"

"They don't know," Ji Bingyan said, "but they heard the enemy's argument. At that time, the attack was over and the enemy was ending. They were dragged to a room and heard someone whispering."

"Is it such a coincidence?" Qi Ji said to himself, and then said again, "Go on, what did you say?"

"What they heard was the saying,'The young master's dragon and phoenix ring is no worse than the gang master'." Ji Bingyan said solemnly.

Obviously he knew the weight of this.

The fourth-ranked dragon and phoenix ring in "The Book of Weapons" is Shangguan Jinhong.

"Shangguan Fei, Shangguan Jinhong?" Qi Ji thought in his mind, "Sheng Tianba is not weak, and his sentimental ring ranks 18th in "The Book of Weapons". Can Shangguan Fei defeat him?"

"If it is really him, then Shangguan Fei's strength should not be underestimated, at least not weaker than Shengtianba. You said that a person with such strong skills would not know that two handymen who did not understand martial arts were not killed? ?"

"Perhaps he doesn't bother to do it again..." Ji Bingyan said, he couldn't say anything.

He had seen the scene personally, and there were a lot of old and weak inside the double ring gate, and no one was showing mercy.

"It's not disdain, but deliberately. The purpose is to promote the reputation of the money gang, stepping on the double ring door to the top." Qi Ji said, "What about the two handymen?"

"I found out too late, I tried to endure and died after speaking."

"Look, it's the right time to die. Now that there is no evidence, the six doors can't find anyone to suspect if you want to open a case. You can't lock the Young Master of the Money Gang for no reason." Qi Ji said. Shangguan Jinhong doesn't want face!"

Shuanghuan destroyed the door, Xiao Shaoying and his wife may be the plaintiffs, but one person has evidence, and the other has no physical evidence. The six doors cannot be locked by the rumors.Maybe it can be done by force, but then the six doors are no longer reasonable.

This is a thorough study of his way of doing things.

"My lord, what kind of school is the Money Gang?" Ji Bingyan asked.

"The Money Gang has not yet been established. It is the gang that Shangguan Jinhong is preparing to form. Perhaps you will soon hear of their prestige. Perhaps Shangguan Fei's move is to stand for the establishment of the Money Gang."

"Money is on the ground and the heads are not guaranteed," Qi Ji sneered. "A good-looking slogan. I just don't know if the Money Gang has this strength."

"Any clue?"

"There is one more thing that no one else knows," Ji Bingyan whispered, "I found that some people's injuries are very similar to those of Zhongyuan Yihong."

"Central Plains is a little bit red?" Qi Ji was stunned for a moment and shook his head. "It won't be him. The official sent him to perform the task."

"That's good." Ji Bingyan breathed a sigh of relief. This was the main reason why he came to the capital in person.

He had never experienced the Xue Xiaoren incident, and he was worried that it was Zhongyuan Yihong. In that case, Jianghu would have a joke.

Qi Ji nodded: It was not Zhongyuan Yihong, but naturally those killers who escaped by chance under Xue Xiaoren's hands, some of which were not below Yihong.

He didn't know how Xue Xiaoren escaped during the wedding, otherwise he would have suspected Xue Xiaoren in the first place.

"My lord, the subordinates know this too." Ji Bingyan said.

"Well, in the case of Shuanghuan Destroying the door, so many masters flooded into Lanzhou, you later realized that this was malfeasance and should have been severely punished," Qi Ji stared at Ji Bingyan, seeing his hair grow in his heart. , When it is time to use people, the punishment should be written down first."

"If you commit another crime, both sins will be punished. You'd better pray not to wait for that step."

"The subordinates know their mistakes, and I will do my best in the future." Ji Bingyan regrets now, why it took only one more year to share the pressure for the old bug when his brain was hot, and forbearance passed.

He was also very thankful that he chose to come to the capital as soon as possible, otherwise he would wait for others to report, and he would not know what the consequences would be!

"Okay, let's go, there is no need to stress too much, some things can't be solved by you. Since it's here, get together." Qi Ji waved his hand and motioned him out.

"Subordinates retire."

Speaking of lightness, try it if you are in this position.Ji Bingyan left while slandering.


"Since ancient times, colleagues have been enemies. Jinhuan is born, so no more silver rings are allowed." The room said to himself, "Is this Shangguan Jinhong's meaning, or Shangguanfei's own opinion?"

"If it's Shangguan Jinhong, why didn't it happen 20 years ago? Is it because I couldn't beat it at that time, it shouldn't be."

"This double-ring gate is really troublesome. I thought it had saved its destiny, but God did it again. Is it also the function of the will of the world?"

"Hey, I really don't know how to tell Xiao Shaoying, the credibility of this official..."

"Shangguan Fei, Shangguan Fei...I remember the original world, Shangguan Fei was a dragon's sleeve and had no abilities. Later, I wanted to kill the left-handed Jing Wuming, but was killed by Jing Wuming's right-handed sword."

"If he wasn't the son of Shangguan Jin Hong, with his personality, he would have been killed how many times, how could he be so powerful now?"

"Or it was not him who made the shot, but someone else?"

"Could it be that the fusion of the world has caused the people in the world of Xiao Li's Flying Sword as the'main world' to be generally much better?"

"No, no, in that case, the top two in "The Book of Weapons" shouldn't be those two, and it's not that the original "A Book of Weapons" only has the top five on the list. Yin Halberd Wenhou is ranked 70 or 80. It's a bit."

"There must be some special reason to make Shangguan fly in martial arts. Could it be that he is no longer who he is?"

"Extraterritory demon?"

There was a sudden flash of light in his mind, and Qi Ji thought of the extraterritorial demon that had troubled him for a long time.

"If it is really the so-called extraterritorial demon, then it makes sense." Qi Ji recalled the process of the Shuanghuan Miemen case, and smiled.

"caught you."

"System? Lord? Reincarnation? Possession? Or rebirth?"

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