Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 109 Li Xunhuan is Back

Xiao Shaoying smiled and entered the master arrester's room. After half an hour, Xiao Shaoying came out calmly.

He is a person who can forbearance, in the original world, it was the forbearance that finally subverted Tianxiangtang, and he was able to die with the ultimate victor, Qinglong.

Hearing the bad news at first was no less than a bolt from the blue, but he quickly recovered and heard what happened.

"This officer knows that you are full of anger and can't wait to take revenge right away, but if you go here, it is tantamount to moths fighting the fire, and it has no effect. Shangguanfei, you are not opponents, let alone Shangguan Jinhong."

"This official broke his trust in you and failed to keep the double ring door safe. It is understandable that you have to complain. But if you are still willing to believe in this official, don't do stupid things. This official promises to let you revenge within two years."

"At that time, a murderer will be left for you."

This is the words of the master arrester, Xiao Shaoying does not doubt its authenticity, because as far as he knows, six doors have already inquired about Shangguan Jinhong's news long ago.

Qi Ji never let go of the vigilance of Shangguan Jin Hong, the world's biggest villain.

He can only believe in the master arrester, otherwise he and his wife will not get revenge.

Although the power of hatred is strong, if the gap is too large, it will not be so easy to achieve the goal.

However, if he wants to rely on the power of the six doors and wait for the opportunity to take revenge, he must first persuade his wife.


Qi Ji's investigation of Shangguan Jin Hong started very early. The Embroidered Thief case increased his prestige at six doors. The intelligence sent by Gongsun Lan during the Forbidden War showed that Shangguan Jin Hong arrived in the capital, and Qi Ji began to send people. Inquire about the news.

Although Shangguan Jinhong disappeared again afterwards, the six doors hardly found any news. Sometimes Shangguan Jinhong appeared somewhere, and it was too late when he heard the news.

But the more mysterious Shangguan Jin Hong was, the more interested Qi Ji was.

His investigation of Shangguan Jinhong was carried out in a fair manner. I believe Shangguan Jinhong also understands that he is investigating him.

Once he is no longer mysterious, it means that the money gang is ready and ready to be born.

Qi Ji was even more suspicious. Shangguan Jin Hong was also a member of the Blue Dragon Association, and his status was not low. The Money Gang was also a cover for the division of the Blue Dragon Association.

The three hundred and sixty-five divisions of the Blue Dragon Society are not a joke. Daoist Mu, Xue Xiaoren, and Zhuo Donglai are all members of the Blue Dragon Society, and they are no less than a Shangguan Jinhong.

There are all over the rivers and lakes of the Blue Dragon Association, this is the biggest impression Qi Ji has of this force.

As for being strong, how strong can it be compared with the six doors backed by the court?

In the past, the six doors were weak. It was because his own kung fu was not good, and he did not have a backer in the court, but he was not the same. He was not only one of the strongest masters in the world, but also a Hanlin background. There was also an emperor standing behind him, which arena forces. Can you compare?

After picking up the money gang, you will probably be able to complete a side mission!

This mutant world is mainly composed of four main series-Seven Weapons, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng.

The seven major factions of the righteous way of martial arts, Diancang and Kunlun are not well-known; Emei has been in decline since the death of Dugu Yihe; Huashan’s own civil strife has problems with the head; the same is true in Wudang. The wooden Taoists will have the potential to become the head. All of the people in Hainan were killed; since the death of Ye Gucheng, the Hainan Sword Sect was in a slump; only Shaolin remained the prestigious one.

The other powerful forces, such as Raksha Sect, Peacock Villa Xuejiazhuang, Chubei Villa, Twelve Links, Shenshui Palace, etc., have been subdued. The Azure Dragon Club has also been destroyed in several branch halls, and there is still one Wuzheng Villa. what is the problem.After pressing down the strongest money gang, it is estimated that the task of coercing the arena will be completed.

If it doesn't work anymore, just hit the top three of the current "Weapons".


Qi Ji’s analysis was not wrong. In just a few days, Shangguan flew to kill Sheng Tianba, and the news that the son and mother Longfenghuan returned from the arena spread throughout the arena.

The Money Gang didn’t conceal it at all. Many forces began to brag, saying that the official Jin Honghu’s father had no dogs, and Bai Xiaosheng missed such a master when he lined up "The Book of Weapons". It can be seen that the ranking of "The Book of Weapons" is not so reliable. .

This suddenly caused chaos in the world. Many people who were dissatisfied with their rankings, or who were not on the list at all, began to constantly look for people to challenge them, intending to become famous.

Shangguan Fei did not hide his traces. After entering the east of Tongguan, he returned to a station in Hebei with great fanfare., Report to the superior Jin Hong.

There was news from the six-door headquarters that it was necessary to thoroughly investigate the murderer and send people to Lanzhou to investigate the case.But after searching for a month, there is no clue.

The rumors of the rivers and lakes were the work of Shangguan Fei, and he did not deny it, but without evidence, six doors would not be able to pick up people.

In October, the Money Gang announced its establishment. It seems that all over Hebei and Central Plains overnight, many forces have changed their banners and announced that they have joined the Money Gang.

Obviously, these are the forces of the Money Gang, and they have not removed their disguise until now.

For a time, Money Gang was in the limelight, and even Shaolin, the leader of the Seven Righteous Sects, evaded and did not dare to fight with him at this time. Wuzheng Villa was still behind closed doors and guarded his territory.

The newly-established joint escort bureau is even more powerful. The powerful money gang has greatly reduced their momentum and caused the darts to be not as safe as before. All kinds of small gangsters began to beat their ideas, which greatly affected them. Business.

More importantly, they dare not say much.

When the Money Gang was established, many forces went to congratulate them as usual, and they were also a master of the truth. Jing Wuming ran against eighteen forces. Ximen Sheng was almost killed by Jing Wuming with a single sword, so he didn't need the second move.

This has become Bai Xiaosheng’s black spot again, because Jing Wuming is not on "The Weaponry", but his strength, not to mention surpassing Ximen Chuuxue, is not too far behind, at least the top 20, even the top 15 It's not impossible.

For a time, the northern rivers and lakes talked about "golden" discoloration.

"Money is on the ground, and the head is not guaranteed." The Money Gang uses this slogan to scare everyone in danger, and put a copper coin on their head for fear of being found by the money.

For two months, the arena has been talking about the money gang, and even the battle for the ranking of "Weapons" has been suppressed.

But Qi Ji didn't worry at all. He already had the handle of the money gang, and he almost found a cause to find out the hidden power of the money gang.

Just when the money gang was in full swing, a carriage set off from outside the pass, singly towards the inside.

Li Xunhuan finally decided to end more than ten years of wandering and return to the Central Plains.

When the carriage crossed the Shanhai Pass, Qi Ji received the news and was immediately excited.

Li Xunhuan is back.

Although there are many advanced martial arts in this world, he doesn't have much interest. The top martial arts in the world of vulture shooting are no worse than this world.

But only Xiao Li Feida's unique knowledge, he can't stop thinking about it.

The reason is simple, he just wants to know how Li Xunhuan has never failed.

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