Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 110-When the plot begins again

In the carriage, Li Xunhuan drank wine and began to sculpt again. The lifelike image of a woman soon took shape in his hands.

He stared for a long time, finally got up, ignored the carriage, and jumped off easily.

Then the carriage stopped.

Li Xunhuan dug a hole in the snow and buried the wood carving in it.

This behavior has been going on for many years, and every time he is satisfied with the carving, he will be buried; the dissatisfied will be destroyed directly.

He hasn't carved a statue that satisfies him many times, but this time, in the moving carriage, he finally succeeded again.

Is it because I'm going home and seeing each other again?

Why the longer the separation, the clearer the memory in my mind?

The carriage started again, and soon Li Xunhuan saw a young man walking alone in the snow.

A thin and handsome face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of stubbornness, determination, and indifference, wearing only a thin piece of clothing in the falling snow, a straight back, like iron, ice, cold, tired, tired, hungry, Can't make him succumb.

Like a lone wolf.

So he said: "Come up, I invite you to drink."

The relationship between people is sometimes as simple as that, Li Xunhuan would not have thought that the story between him and the young man has just begun.

And Qi Ji, has already begun to look through the dossier of Plum Pirates.

The plum thief was a lone thief thirty years ago. No one knew his identity. The person killed by him had no wounds on his body. Only five blood stains arranged like plum blossoms appeared on his chest, so he was called the plum thief.

Even Wu Wentian, the head of Cang Cang, died in his hands.

A few months ago, the plum thieves appeared again in the rivers and lakes, and they have committed dozens of crimes in a row, no worse than the embroidery thieves, so that everyone is in danger.

It's just that the plum blossom thief didn't commit to the palace like the embroidered thief, so the six doors didn't pay much attention to it. It was just that the local six doors went to investigate, and nothing came out.

Qi Ji naturally knew who the so-called plum blossom thief was, but he didn't intend to uncover it. He just sent someone to collect evidence quietly in order to clear the charge for Li Xunhuan at the last minute.

After this encounter, how did Li Xunhuan see through Long Xiaoyun's sinister face?

Without going through hardships, how does Afei know that people's hearts are sinister?

If you don't contribute to this, how can you take the opportunity to convince Shaolin?

Therefore, he is not in a hurry.

This is Lu Xiaofeng, how can he fool him into his command?

Apart from Ding Xi and Li Xunhuan, the protagonists of the four major series are Lu Xiaofeng.

Needless to say, Li Xunhuan had a deep friendship with himself, Ding Xi also sent someone to stare at him, and if there was a change, he would bring it.

But Lu Xiaofeng, he still has nothing to do?

Without a protagonist, it always feels not perfect.

If it weren’t for the delay in Di Qinglin’s case, Qi Ji would have planned to find someone to force Lu Xiaofeng to six doors from the beginning, but now, Lu Xiaofeng’s track is uncertain and he has not participated in any major case. It's not so easy to find.

If the plot of Fengwu Nine Days begins, Lu Xiaofeng should go to sea.But at this critical time, how can I leave!

He might also go to see Li Xunhuan if he is going to stare at the plot. After all, the world is different. With Li Xunhuan's life that is often subdued by others, Qi Ji is really worried that the world's will is lazy and his life will not be saved.

To this end, he sent several cadres to Baoding.

Yang Zheng is one of them.

Dressed as a quack, he stood guard in a tavern and witnessed the process of fighting for the golden silk armor in the tavern, and then went out with Li Xunhuan's carriage.

Li Xunhuan didn't know him, only knew that he was not hostile, so he ignored him asking him to drink.

According to the instructions of the strange plan, he must stay here and can watch the process, but he is not allowed to shoot or fight in the rivers and lakes, and escort Li Xunhuan into Baoding Mansion all the way.

As for why he was asked to escort Xiao Li Tanhua, who was ranked eighth in "The Book of Arms", he didn't know.

He didn't need to struggle either, as a six-door catcher, this was just a simple task.

But soon, he knew that this task was unusual-Li Xunhuan was slandered and took away the golden silk armor brought by the Golden Lion Guard from outside the pass.

But he clearly saw that the golden silk armor had been taken away by other people.

Wealth touches people's hearts, but people's hearts are unpredictable.

It was not the first day that he knew this sentence, but he still underestimated the power of this sentence.

Fortunately, Li Xunhuan reacted and went back to the tavern, and he followed back and continued to watch silently.

Until Li Xunhuan was going to pick up the wine handed by the tavern owner, he finally spoke.

"This wine can't drink."

"Oh, why?" The strange person finally spoke, arousing Li Xunhuan's curiosity, and his extended hand stopped.

"If there is poison in the wine, no matter how good the wine is, you can't drink it." Yang Zheng said.

He is quick to catch, and what he is best at is observing words and looks. When the name of the golden silk armor spread before, he noticed that the boss's face changed, and when he came back, he felt that the boss's expression was wrong.

Just as he was talking, the owner of the tavern rose up and wanted to kill him when Li Xunhuan was unprepared.

But Li Xunhuan, who was not poisoned, could not be touched by anyone. The people in the black shop were quickly caught by Li Xunhuan, revealing the secrets of the past.

But Yang Zheng is not interested in this, if not limited by the task, he would like to arrest these people.

"I don't know who is the little brother?" Li Xunhuan had the opportunity to ask this sentence after finishing cleaning up those people.

But Yang Zheng remained silent, as long as he ensured Li Xunhuan's safety, the rest did not want to say much.

He was not a silent person.

Li Xunhuan didn't take the lives of those people. He just took away the golden silk armor, but others were not so kind. After Li Xunhuan left, all the people in the tavern were killed by latecomers.

However, the fight for the golden silk armor did not stop. There were constant accusations against him. Li Xunhuan was overwhelmed by the trouble, and finally threw the golden silk armor out, causing everyone to fight.

They all want the golden silk armor, they all want to block the blow of the plum blossom thieves, and then kill the plum blossom thieves.

So I don't know how many people died.

In the end, the golden silk armor disappeared, and it was unknown who took it away.

Yang Zheng didn't care about this, he followed Li Xunhuan all the way into Baoding City, and finally stepped forward.

"Than Hua Lang treasures, my task has been completed, it is time to leave." He said.

"Can this brother tell who sent you here? Li Xunhuan dare not forget his life-saving grace." Li Xunhuan asked.

"I come from six doors, in the name of the master arrester, escort Li Tanhua home." Yang Zheng replied.

"Lu Le?" Li Xunhuan seemed to see the days when he had a drink together, "He still remembers me!"

Yang Zheng nodded, stopped talking, turned and left.

"Lu Le, Lu Le... alas!" He kept repeating the name in his mouth, finally turning into a sigh.

Back then, this colleague wrote to persuade him to get married early, but his heart was not yet settled, and he wanted to be famous until he met Long Xiaoyun.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten years later, the official Han Lin turned out to be the chief arrester of six doors.

When I heard about this incident outside the Guan, I was still worried. I didn't even think that he had also practiced advanced martial arts, which shocked the six doors.

Thinking of Long Xiaoyun, he also thought of Lin Shiyin.

The hope in his eyes was bright, and then suddenly dimmed.

This is the pain he can never say.

I am back, so where should I go?

On the street, Li Xunhuan looked around blankly.

At this moment, a boy with a round face in a red cloak walked towards him, then stopped beside him, bowed and saluted.

"My nephew sees Uncle Li!"

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