Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 112 Another big case (for subscription)

But after all, the odd plan failed to take place immediately.

Just after the news from Baoding Mansion arrived, another news was delivered urgently.

Dart silver worth 35 million taels was missing.

The plot of Fengwu Nine Days actually began at this time.

The Qunying Escort and the Chase Escort, including the newly established joint escort, and 13 escorts in the Central Plains joined forces. One hundred and three escorts were attacked in an inn in a small town at the foot of the Taihang Mountains. Only one was left Severely injured live mouth.

The gold and silver treasures worth 35 million taels of silver are missing, and this dart is to be transported to the border to be used as military pay.

As for the imperial court's military pay, why should escort escort it?Don't ask, asking is the influence of the will of the world.

If the darts cannot be found, then the 13 escorts responsible for the escort will be responsible for compensation, so this matter is related to their survival, honor and disgrace. Dozens of celebrities who protect these escorts will also be greatly affected. .

This is the royal court’s military pay, no matter how powerful the arena is, they dare not owe money to the court.

If they can't find them back, the Taiping Palace, who is responsible for entrusting them to escort, will also be implicated, let alone these people.

The thirteen escorts teamed up to take this dart, and the strange plan naturally knew it, but what I didn't expect was that the theft happened at this time.

If he hadn't locked the second "hometown", he wouldn't be troubled yet, but now he discovered that Long Xiaoyun was probably the second extraterritorial celestial demon, how could he still have the mind to take care of this!

Six doors were not responsible for this.

But because the amount involved is too large, he must sit in the capital to prevent accidents.

Sure enough, soon, someone came to pass him into the palace.

It was the first time that Qi Ji met King Taiping and his son, Gong Jiu.

Gong Jiu looks pretty, but who would have thought that this one is also a pervert.

Naturally, there is no news about the six doors. There is no evidence in Qi Ji's hands, so naturally he can't tell the emperor that these two people are behind the scenes.

But he was also not responsible, this matter was originally led by the Taiping Palace, but now that there is an error, it must be resolved by the Taiping Palace.

The six doors can be assisted if necessary.

As for when it is necessary, I have to say.

The emperor issued an order to solve the case within a time limit, and let the two leave, leaving behind a stranger.

"These days are doing well, Qinglong will suffer serious damage." The emperor praised.

"Your Majesty is absurdly praised, the minister only cleared out a few weak halls, the main force still exists, and has not been found yet!" Qi Ji said.

"Don't worry, take your time." The emperor said, "What do you think about this matter?"

"His Majesty, the minister has never participated, and I don't know what the situation is. It's not good to reply rashly." Qi Ji said, "but the minister knows that no matter who commits a crime, it will leave a trace."

"The Taiping Palace is in charge of this matter, and the six doors are just for assistance," the emperor said, "but what they do, the six doors must be watched throughout."

"I always feel that something is wrong. At first, the Taiping Palace guaranteed that there would be no accident. I reluctantly agreed. Now something has happened." The emperor frowned.

"This emperor won't open the plug-in too!" Qi Ji slandered, but said in his mouth, "Your Majesty thinks there is a problem with the Taiping Palace?"

"I don't know, so I let you stare at it." The emperor said solemnly, "If there is any problem, I want you to tell me."

"The minister takes orders, your majesty rest assured, the minister will not let your majesty down." Qi Ji believed himself.


When the odd plan came out, Prince Taiping was waiting outside.

"Master Lu, what else does your Majesty give?" He asked directly.

"This matter is the responsibility of the Taiping Prince's Palace. Why should the elder son ask his subordinates?" said Qi Ji, "Your Majesty explained other tasks. The six doors are just for assistance. Whatever the elder son wants to do, he will do it.

He didn't want to stay with this son.

"Okay." Taiping Wang Shizi stared at Qi Ji for a long time, but he didn't find any clues after all. "This Shizi will leave in the afternoon. Do the six doors go together?"

"Of course, your Majesty has confessed that the six doors will naturally assist you and fulfill your responsibilities."

"It's not three quarters to leave. It's not too late for the six doors." Taiping Wang Shizi finished speaking and left.

Back to Six Doors, Qi Ji called Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng to accompany him to investigate the theft of dart silver.

"This trip is very dangerous. When you go here, you should watch more and say less. If you find a problem, don't say anything. After you come back, report it to the official." Qi Ji said, "Remember, don't trust anyone, including Taiping. People in the palace, including the Prince of Taiping."

After sending away Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng, Qi Ji immediately mobilized a group of people to Baoding Mansion.

The six gates were arrested before leaving the capital, which made the rivers and lakes look sideways. Fortunately, this time the destination was not far away, only to Baoding.

"Li Xunhuan is still in Xingyunzhuang?" Seeing Chu Liuxiang, Qi Ji asked directly, "Nothing happened?"

"No, Xingyun Village is very quiet. I have been feasting guests for several days in a row," Chu Liuxiang said, "Even Lin Xian'er has been a lot safer these days."

"It seems that Long Xiaoyun is not the master in Xingyun Village." Qi Ji thought in his mind, "He robbed other people's wife, but he is not so big-minded in front of Li Xunhuan."

"Even if he knew that Li Xunhuan didn't make any calculations, he would not let Li Xunhuan go. Now this situation obviously does not fit Long Xiaoyun's character, which means that Xingyunzhuang is not in charge of him.

"No, the adults mean Long Xiaoyun... but he is really less than ten years old." Chu Liuxiang said.

"You have said that he may be a master master, do you still treat him as a normal child?" Qi Ji asked.

Chu Liuxiang thought about the feeling of palpitations several times these days, and couldn't help but feel chills, so he asked, "What do you want to do?"

"How to do it?" Qi Ji smiled, "Of course I went to visit my classmate. I haven't seen him for more than ten years. What if I don't have a good drink for a game."

Seven scholars, father and son explore flowers three times.

This is the imperial handwriting of the first emperor, originally hung on the gate of Li Garden.

After Li Xunhuan gave Li Yuan to Lin Shiyin as his dowry, Long Xiaoyun renamed Li Yuan Xingyunzhuang.

Although the name was changed, he didn't dare to move this handwriting.

When the Master of the Rivers and Lakes mentioned Xingyun Village, he would still say that it was the hometown of Xiao Li Feida Li Tanhua. How can you let Long Xiaoyun live here with peace of mind?

Therefore, in recent years, he has spread his wealth and made friends with martial arts figures in order to improve his status and want to surpass Li Xunhuan.

Originally, Li Xunhuan had been away for more than ten years, and his goal was almost achieved. Few people mentioned the name again.

However, as soon as Bai Xiaosheng's "Weapon Spectrum" came out, Li Xunhuan once again returned to the public eye, and Long Xiaoyun's more than ten years of hard work was in vain.

This makes him so willing.

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