Long Xiaoyun was wearing a brocade robe, standing in front of the window, looking at the beautiful scenery outside.

Although the scenery is beautiful, people have lost the original mood.

The Xingyun Village built by himself for more than ten years was actually usurped by that rebellious son within half a year.

"What kind of evil did I have!" Long Xiaoyun was secretly sad.

Recall that a year ago, my son suddenly became motivated and made great progress in martial arts in a short time.At first, I was very happy and hoped that even if I couldn't surpass Li Xunhuan, it would be good for my son to surpass.

But who would have thought that after the great advancement of martial arts, that rebellious son's temperament also changed drastically, secretly controlling Xingyunzhuang up and down, turning himself into a puppet.

What's more, if he doesn't cooperate with him as the puppet, he will use the shocking methods to his wife.

That's his biological mother!

Therefore, he can only cooperate and "happily" in front of the owner every day.

"Hey, it's not as good as the ugly child at the beginning, at least like a spoiled child, not the demon today." Long Xiaoyun thought, "What is even more annoying is that this rebellious child is in her mother. I was so clever in front of me, and the essay on the surface is so good."

He hasn't been in Xingyunzhuang for a long time, and he didn't know that the entire Baoding city was boasting about his son.

"What does it take for a person to go through to become so different?" Long Xiaoyun thought, and suddenly remembered that half a year ago his son kept pestering himself to ask Li Xunhuan.

It was after he had inquired about the grievances between his family and Li Xunhuan before he took himself up.

And just a few days ago, he invited Li Xunhuan to Xingyunzhuang, and he wanted to drink and talk with Li Xunhuan every day.

"Is it because of you?" Long Xiaoyun was still thinking, "He thinks he is your son, so he treats me like this?"

Some people always push their misfortunes on others.


"Master, Young Master invites you to the front hall." At this moment, a voice reached Long Xiaoyun's ears.

Looking up, it is Zhao Zhengyi, who is known as the "steel selfless", his eldest brother who once worshipped, is now his son's running dog.

He had seen with his own eyes how Zhao Zhengyi bowed in front of his son.

After being tortured by his son, he never dared to call himself a "good brother" son.

"What's the matter? Xun Huan hasn't gotten up yet, right?" Long Xiaoyun frowned.

Although he has lost his power, no one in this mansion dared to show disrespect to him on the face, otherwise he would just slap his son in the face.

Of course, the premise is that he doesn't kill himself, and he doesn't think about fleeing or anything. At that time, no one would be polite to him.

"No, Li Tanhua has already gotten up, and the house owner needs to come to welcome guests in person." Zhao Zhengyi said.

"Oh, what kind of'guest' has arrived?" Long Xiaoyun disdained.

The last guest was Li Xunhuan.

"Six doors are always caught."

Long Xiaoyun's expression moved slightly.


When Qi Ji was dressed in normal clothes, when he arrived at Xingyun Village, the gate of Xingyun Village was wide open, and more than ten people were waiting at the door.

His greetings were delivered last night, and Xingyunzhuang greeted them with great fanfare.

The forces on the rivers and lakes are all in awe of the six doors now.As long as Xingyunzhuang wanted to mess around in the arena, he would not dare to look down upon the six doors.

Even if it is an extraterritorial demon who is in charge here, as long as he does not dare to rebel now, he must respect the six doors.

Still the same sentence, the person who is in trouble, the person has no record, it depends on whether the six doors are willing to manage, dare to manage, and whether they are able to manage.

Obviously, the six doors now have this capital.

"Brother Yue, don't come here unharmed for more than ten years." As soon as Qi Ji got out of the carriage, Li Xunhuan stepped forward.

He is a little weak, but his eyes are bright and energetic. He hasn't seen him for more than ten years, and he is much older.

"Brother Xunhuan, I met again." Qi Ji smiled and held his hand. "There has been no news for more than ten years, but it makes me worry about it. After entering the six doors, I let people outside the pass look for them, but There has been no news."

"I have seen different scenery when I went out of the customs these years, but I forgot to say hello to everyone." Li Xun said with a smile, "I didn't think that Brother Yue went to six doors. It's a pity."

"It's all for the court, it's nothing to be a pity," said Qi Ji, "but I reminded you back then, drink less, you see what it is now."

"Oh, now I only have this hobby." Li Xun smiled happily, "Brother Yue, I'll introduce you to the next heroes."

"This is my brother Long Xiaoyun," he pulled Long Xiaoyun over, "Big brother, this is the same year I was back then, Lu Le and Lu Yuezhi."

"The six doors are here, and the humble house is full of glory." Long Xiaoyun said respectfully.

"Lord Longzhuang is polite, you are brother Xunhuan's elder brother, that is, my eldest brother, no need to see outside."

Long Xiaoyun could still hear the scenes, and didn't take it seriously.

"This is my nephew Long Xiaoyun, the eldest brother's son. Although he is only eight or nine years old, he is clever and tight, like a little adult." Li Xunhuan pulled Long Xiaoyun and introduced.

"The kid has seen the master arrester." Red boy Long Xiaoyun said with a salute.

"Oh," Qi Ji looked at the child, and basically determined his identity, "Do you also know the official?"

When the child was in the carriage, the system had already prompted that the alien monster was close to 1,000 meters.When I saw Long Xiaoyun, I felt the turbulent power hidden in him, and I knew it couldn't be wrong.

If it were a normal Long Xiaoyun, he would never have this skill.

"The adults are shocking the world, but the kid admires it very much," Long Xiaoyun said, "the kid still cheers himself up, he must learn from the adults."

"This official believes that when you grow up, you will become famous." Qi Ji smiled.

Li Xunhuan introduced Zhao Zhengyi, Tian Qi, You Longsheng and other martial arts heroes to Qi Ji one by one, but Qi Ji dealt with it on the surface and showed no interest in these dragon sets.

"Long Village Master, I am very happy to see that in the same year, I want to spend a few days in Guizhuang, I don't know if I can?" Qi Ji looked at Long Xiaoyun.

"I can't ask for it." Qi Ji found that he quietly glanced at Long Xiaoyun, then nodded.

"Then bother." Qi Ji said, "Brother Xunhuan, we meet again today, let's have a good drink."


At the banquet, apart from Qi Ji and Li Xunhuan, the only companions were Long Xiaoyun and his son.

Qi Ji doesn't like drinking with a group of unfamiliar people, if it is not for etiquette, he does not even want Long Xiaoyun and his son to be there.

Li Xunhuan talked a lot about what he had seen and heard outside the Guan, and Qi Ji also narrated some of his experiences in the Criminal Ministry, and Long Xiaoyun and his son never interrupted.

Li Xunhuan drank a lot of alcohol these days and was drunk every day, but this time, he was really drunk.

Watching Long Xiaoyun "full of affection" and helping Li Xunhuan to rest, a voice suddenly came from Qi Ji's ears.

"This fellow, what do you want to do when you come here?"

Qi Ji turned his head and saw Long Xiaoyun with a bad face.

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