Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 118 Plum Blossom Pirate Li Xunhuan

"The secrecy measures are good." Chu Liuxiang came in, and Qi Ji made a little investigation and found that he had been promoted to the late master stage.

"Thanks to your lord, I was lucky enough to be promoted in Xingyunzhuang, otherwise, I may not be able to hide from the experts in Xingyunzhuang." Chu Liuxiang has a lingering fear, this time it is really dangerous.

"Okay, go and consolidate it first, familiarize yourself with the strength of the new student, and then I guess you will take action." Qi Ji said.

Chu Liuxiang left, Qi Ji fell into deep thought: Why did this happen?

Because the plot reached its climax, did this cause everyone to have a big outbreak?If this is the case, will the enemy be the same?

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.


Xiao Shaoying also returned the day after returning.

Not only did he come back, he also brought back two teenagers.

Ding Xi and Ma Zhen.

When they took the darts from the joint escort board, they were caught by Xiao Shaoying and his wife. The pony who spoke badly was given a lesson by the bad mood Xiao Shaoying and his wife.

This is of course not a coincidence, but Qi Ji sent two people to stare at the joint escort, with the purpose of getting them under his command.

It's not the protagonist anyhow.

Ding Xi is the protagonist of the Seven Weapons Series Overlord Spear. Although Xiao Ma’s fist is not recognized as one of the seven weapons, it also has its own story.

At this time, Wang Wanwu was not dead, and the plot of the Overlord Spear had not yet begun. The Joint Escort and Dawang Escort were one of the thirteen Escorts, which were involved in the case of the loss of 35 million taels of silver. Feeling uncomfortable at this time.

"Want to die or to live?" Qi Ji asked directly.

"If you want to live, of course you want to live." Ding Xi said, completely ignoring the anger of the pony with a swollen nose.

He is still young, but twenty years old, he is already in the realm of a master. He grew up in a robber's den and is good at judging the situation.

"Very well, after joining Six Doors for three years, this officer will save you from your crimes." Qi Ji said.

"What if we don't join?" The little horse was still angry, her voice very loud.

"That's okay, you don't die, you can come out after ten or eight years." Qi Ji smiled.

"You are aiming at us," Xiao Ma was even more angry. "There have always been quacks, why should the government join in?"

"Why? Just rely on my six doors to master the affairs of the world, and rely on the official power to be stronger than you." Qi Ji smiled, "if you can be stronger, you can naturally ignore my six doors."

"Do you have this ability?"

"The adults calm down, we agreed." Ding Xi hurriedly stopped Xiao Ma, for fear that he would say something inappropriate.

They came from robbers, and they were naturally opposed to the six doors. Now they entered the six doors. They didn't want to behave in a low way and escaped this disaster. They also wanted to be reasonable and what they wanted!

"It's really smart Ding Xi, who knows current affairs," Qi Ji smiled and called Liu Feixuan again, "register for them, arrange accommodation, and talk about the rules of six doors."

When Liu Feixuan took the two to leave, Qi Ji looked at Xiao Shaoying and his wife: "The official Shangguan Fei has been killed, and all the people involved are probably dead, which is considered revenge for Shuanghuanmen."

"The officer also brought back a person to leave for you, in the prison."

"Thank you, sir." Xiao Shaoying and his wife were surprised and left impatiently.

"Shangguan Jinhong, how would you choose?" Qi Ji secretly asked.

At this time, he was very sure that Shangguan Jinhong must be related to the Qinglonghui, and it was deeply involved.

Otherwise, why would Xue Xiaoren appear in the Money Gang!

Bai Yujing, Duan Yu, Gao Li, Qiu Fengwu, Xiao Shaoying, Yang Zheng, Ding Xi, Xiao Ma, the protagonists of the Seven Weapons series are all here, it is time to have a break with the Qinglong Club.

Regrettably, the Lu Xiaofeng series did not recruit talents after all, and she missed Lu Xiaofeng several times.

How would Shangguan Jinhong choose?


Shangguan Jin Hong was very angry.

No matter who it is, he will not be happy in front of his son's body.

Especially when the son was still killed.

But when he is angry, he can still be quiet.

"You said, is this someone targeting me?" Shangguan Jin Hong asked Jing Wuming in the secret room.

Although Qianjin helped many people, only Jing Wuming was Shangguan Jinhong's most trusted person and his best helper.

"It is very possible that we have been too popular recently." Jing Wuming still had that cold look.

"Any clues?" Shangguan Jin Hong asked.

"No, the killer was an old hand, and he handled it cleanly." Jing Wuming said.

"However, there are not many swordsmen with this ability in the arena." Shangguan Jin Hong said, "Although I don't want to admit it, even if his martial arts is not as good as yours, it will not be much worse."

"Ximen Chuuxue, Taoist Gu, Taoist Gu, Ye Gucheng, Xue Yiren, Guo Songyang...There are also a lot." Jing Wuming said, "By the way, recently another young swordsman appeared on the rivers and lakes, calling himself Afei, or Can do it too."

"Except for the dead, there are not many," Shangguan Jin Hong said, "Xue Xiaoren is missing?"

"Yes, the helper suspects Xue Yiren?" Jing Wuming said, "According to detectives, Xue Yiren has been staying in Xuejiazhuang."

"This kind of blindfold is not difficult," Shangguan Jin Hong said. "Xue Yiren was originally imprisoned in Xuejiazhuang. He took advantage of his nephew's wedding to flee, so that Xue Yiren's promise to the six doors fell through. Do you think it is possible? He found the trail of Xue Xiaoren, and then came secretly to bring him back."

Jing Wuming nodded.

"Of course, this is just my guess, and maybe the murderer wants us to think like this." Shangguan Jin Hong said, "We can't mess around with ourselves."

"But the murderer who killed the young gang leader must be found, otherwise it will hit the money gang too much." Jing Wuming said.

The news that the little gang leader of the Money Gang was killed at the entrance of the hall had long been spread, which made the Jianghu look at him.

"This is necessary, so we have to move." Shangguan Jin Hong said, "has the batch arrived?"

"It has been in the warehouse, enough for us to spend a while." Jing Wuming said.

"Are there any future problems?" Shangguan Jin Hong was worried.

"Not yet, but I heard someone went to Lu Xiaofeng to investigate the case." Jing Wuming said.

"I hope he will not interfere in this matter, otherwise..." Shangguan Jin Hong didn't finish speaking, and changed the subject, "Wu Ming, an old thing, is thoughtful. If he didn't get in the way, I would have achieved my goal.

"This time the tiger's mouth grabbed food and bit a piece of meat from him. He must be so angry, you have to be careful, don't be trapped by him and become a substitute for the dead."

"I understand that if he dares to do this, I will send their conspiracy to six doors," Jing Wuming said, "their crimes are much greater than ours."

"Well, is there any movement in the six doors?" Shangguan Jin Hong asked.

"No, after the chief arrester saw Li Xunhuan, he returned to the capital headquarters," Jing Wuming said, "but a news came out these two days."

His expression is a little strange.

"The plum blossom thief Li Xunhuan was arrested."

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