Li Xunhuan was indeed beaten as a plum blossom, and "the evidence is conclusive."

Therefore, he can only admit, letting Xingyunzhuang do what he does.

The elder brother Long Xiaoyun and Li Xunhuan, the owner of Xingyun Village, sighed and decided to personally escort Li Xunhuan to Shaolin to plead guilty.

He Guang was very happy, everything was under his control, and he could finally go out just as well.

Yes, he and Qi Ji reached an agreement before to create a sensational event, bring everyone together, and then complete the task.

Qi Ji originally wanted to make his own proposal, but He Guang refused.

This kind of thing can only be assured if you are in your own hands.

He only knew the names of a few people, but one thing he didn't say was that he knew that Li Xunhuan had been framed as a plum pirate.

This is because he accidentally listened to a conversation between two people who had just experienced this world, saying that Li Xunhuan had been framed as a plum theft, and he didn't resist and killed everyone.

He remembered this, so when he took control of Xingyun Village and found out the identity of Lin Xian'er, he still raised her.

Although the beauty is good, but he is helpless at this age.

Therefore, even if Lin Xian'er had any means, she couldn't use it on him, and she was terrified of him.

He Guangli treated Li Xunhuan before, and Lin Xian'er was a fairy when he appeared, but now he needs to defeat Li Xunhuan, and Lin Xian'er becomes a devil.

Under their meticulous design, Li Xunhuan unsurprisingly carried Mei Hua Pi's black pot.

In conjunction with it, Qi Ji went to kill Shangguan Fei, not only to complete the task, but also to mess up Shangguan Jinhong's heart.

They wanted to force Shangguan Jinhong to the Shaolin Temple and settle everything there in one fell swoop.

At that time, Li Xunhuan would not be able to survive, and perhaps would hand over the stunt of Xiao Li Feida.

So who is there who is worthy of his trust and can keep this secret book?

Obviously, there is only one odd plan.

In this way, he achieved his goal, and then killed Li Xunhuan to complete the task, advance and retreat and defend, and he would be invincible.


In the side room, Li Xunhuan was still drinking.

He Guang didn't make him embarrassed, except that he blocked his martial arts, served with good wine and food.

"The first level has passed, and it depends on whether we can find a chance to expose Long Xiaoyun's true face." Li Xunhuan thought to himself.

He believed it for no reason, it was a strange feeling.

Thinking back to Lin Shiyin's angry look when he came to see him before, he was heartbroken.

It hurt her again.

If Long Xiaoyun's true face was finally revealed, she would still suffer another injury.

"Brother, do you really not remember your old feelings at all?" Li Xunhuan asked, "Are you forced to do this, or do you follow the trend?"

He and Qi Ji also had a plan, which was to transfer Long Xiaoyun out of Xingyun Village, for which Li Xunhuan was willing to take risks.

This matter was very dangerous. Once a flaw was revealed, Long Xiaoyun would attack him. At that time, Li Xunhuan, who had lost his martial arts, had no strength to fight back.

There are too many ways to control a person.

He knows that Long Xiaoyun is plotting his martial arts, and now he is still holding a fluke, if he feels that gentle means cannot achieve his goal, various methods will be used on him.

He didn't make any plans, he could only adapt to the circumstances, facing the pinnacle of a grandmaster, even if it was just a child, no one could influence his thoughts.

Qi Ji opposed this, but Li Xunhuan insisted on it.

He has prepared for the worst, and if he fails, he will die.

"Hopefully luck!" He went to sleep drunk.


With a crisp sound, the white jade tea bowl shattered.

"What is Xingyunzhuang doing?" In the six-door lobby, Qi Ji angered at one of his subordinates. "Li Xunhuan was in the same year as the official, and the official left on the front foot, and they found the identity of the plum thief on the back foot."

"This is looking down on the six doors and slapped the official in the face."

"What is Long Xiaoyun, a second- and third-rate force, I really think that by relying on Shaolin Temple, he will become famous, he dreamed of him!"

"My lord, calm down, there must be a hidden feeling in this." Liu Feixuan said.

"Of course there is a hidden story. Li Xunhuan still understands what he is," Qi Jiyu was still angry. "If he was greedy for money, he would not go away because of an impeachment."

"If he was a plum thief, he would not give up Li Yuan, who was written by the imperial pen, to wander outside the Guan for more than ten years.

"A group of ignorant people who use themselves to save others, have a black heart, and will not be reconciled if they don't ruin people who are better than themselves. Who gives them the courage!"

"Go, convene people to go to Shaolin, this official wants to see, what exactly does Long Xiaoyun have the confidence to dare to be so kind to him."

"My lord, think carefully, don't reinforce your army out of anger!" Liu Feixuan persuaded.

But he was very puzzled whether all of this was in the plan of arresting the adults, otherwise, why would he have to assemble the people by himself two days ago.

"It's not that the official is instigating soldiers out of anger," Qi Ji slowed down, "In the past year, we have eliminated Shi Guanyin, rectified the escort, destroyed the ghost villa, overwhelmed the Peacock Villa and Xue Yiren, and let the Qinglong Association The frustration is not small."

"I thought that the power of six doors was enough, enough to make all the powers of the rivers and lakes jealous, but it is a pity," he looked around. "There are still people who don't put the six doors in their eyes. He Long Xiaoyun hit the official in the face like this. If there is no response, the efforts of the six doors this year will be wasted."

"In the future, who will put six doors in his eyes?"

"Therefore, the six doors can't be low-key. You have to go to Shaolin with a big fanfare and knock down all the thorns, and once again establish my reputation for the six doors."

"A group of arrogant people, really think that the official can't deal with them."

Liu Feixuan no longer discouraged, and the others did not speak.

Those who can appear here are basically recruited in person by strange schemes. Under normal circumstances, they only need to be implemented. As for the consequences, it doesn't matter to them. Anyway, when the time comes, they leave.

Just when Liu Feixuan was about to take his orders to prepare, someone came to report that Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng were back.

Qi Ji frowned, this is not in his plan!

Of course, his anger is pretending. Long Xiaoyun's foreplay has already been prepared, so he naturally wants to follow up.

But Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng were not in the plan. They supposedly went to investigate the theft of dart silver. It would take at least a month, and they came back only a few days later.

But since he is back, he can only meet him.So let everyone leave, get ready to go, and then let the two in.

"Is there news so soon?" Qi Ji asked with a smile after the two saluted.

"We only found one thing," Bai Yujing replied, "but the one who found more clues was Lu Xiaofeng."

"Lu Xiaofeng?" Qi Ji was very strange, "he really joined in?"

"He didn't want to, but his luck was'too good.' He happened to encounter this incident and couldn't escape even if he wanted to." Bai Yujing said, "So, he came to six doors for help."

"Lu Xiaofeng is here!"

This person, he really didn't care about it, but at this time, Qi Ji didn't know whether it should be a surprise or an annoyance.

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