Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 120 Flurry of Demons (seeking subscription)

Qi Ji wanted to receive Lu Xiaofeng under his command more than once, but it was definitely not this critical moment.

All his plans have been worked out. You come out at this moment, aren't you looking for something for yourself?

You know, Lu Xiaofeng, like Chu Liuxiang, are synonymous with trouble, and big things happen wherever they go.

Not to mention that it's comparable to a pupil of death, it's not too bad.

After Chu Liuxiang was recruited by a strange plan to enter the six doors, he had no chance to go out, and he didn't know if Xue Yiren's future plot would happen, but Lu Xiaofeng didn't have it, and the world was still running around.

For example, this time, he originally wanted to go out to the sea to take a good look at the scenery, but accidentally hit the nest of a group of pirates by mistake and discovered a secret that shouldn't be discovered.

Therefore, he has very few choices. Either join it or be silenced. What can you tell him to do?

Therefore, after finding an opportunity to sneak out, he immediately escaped and ran into the investigation team of Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng by coincidence.

There was still a connection between him and Six Doors, so he changed his mind to find Ximen Chuuxue and turned to Six Doors for help.

But the road to help was not easy. He was attacked by men in black several times. If the three of them were not able to advance, I am afraid they would not be able to reach the capital.

That's right, these three have also been promoted, Bai Yujing and Lu Xiaofeng both advanced to the late master stage, and Yang Zheng also reached the middle stage master.

"You get promoted for no reason, it puts a lot of pressure on me!" He complained in his heart.


Despite the mixed joys and sorrows, the odd plan made people bring Lu Xiaofeng in.

"Meeting Master Chief Arrester." Without going to Ximen Chuuxue, Lu Xiaofeng's two hands were still like a mustache with eyebrows.

"Daxia Lu, can you still be well after a couple of years?" Qi Ji greeted.

"TOEFL, I can't die, isn't this coming to ask the adults for help!" Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

He has always been an optimistic person.

"Well, I will listen to what you find." Qi Ji said.

"Originally, I planned to go to sea. Who knew that the boat I was riding on was caught in a storm and floated to an overseas island. Guess who I met, my lord?" Lu Xiaofeng seemed to have some tricks.

"The invisible man Wu Ming, or Gong Jiu." Qi Ji smiled.

"Uh, how did the adults know?" Lu Xiaofeng's smile appeared before Lu Xiaofeng's face, a little funny, making people want to laugh.

"How long has it been since "The Book of Weapons" has been out, and meeting someone on the island that can surprise you, besides Wu Ming, the invisible man, who is ranked second!" Qi Ji explained, "It is said that Gong Jiu is his apprentice. ."

"My lord deserves to be the chief arrester of the six doors," Lu Xiaofeng praised. "The news is even better. Even Gong Jiu is Wu Ming's apprentice. It seems that there is no record in "The Book of Weapons".

Qi Ji smiled mysteriously and did not speak.

Bai Yujing didn't speak, he was used to his "prophet", and he always believed that the master arrester had another intelligence system.

But Yang Zheng was a little surprised, and he was not used to the virtue of always arresting adults.

"Well, having said that, on that overseas island, I accidentally found gold and silver jewelry hidden in wooden fish, and people hidden in Buddha statues. Many of them are guards of the major escorts." Lu Xiaofeng continued. Said, "I discovered this secret. I thought I was going to die, but eventually I survived."

"Because Wu Ming wants me to be an invisible person."

"The invisible person is not only his name, but also a huge organization. It becomes an invisible person. No matter what you do, no one will doubt you. This is the ultimate goal of their organization."

"The heart is very high. No wonder there have been so many headless murders in these years," Wei Ji said, "If the investigators are all members of this invisible organization, it will pass."

"That's right, after I got back to the mainland fortunately, I learned that the 35 million taels of gold and silver entrusted by the Taiping Palace had all disappeared, as well as the escorts. This connected the two and learned this secret."

"But because I didn't really join this organization, I kept being threatened until I met Mr. Bai and the head of Yang, so I asked six doors for help. They brought me to see the adults."

"The one who chased you was Gong Jiu, what is his strength?" Qi Ji asked.

"Yes, it is Gong Jiu," Lu Xiaofeng said, "ranked eleventh in "The Book of Weapons", which is very powerful. If he still wants to force me to join their organization, I am afraid that I will not be able to meet the search team."

"After meeting Master Bai and Catching Yang, we decided to return to the capital. Gong Jiu only got serious. Those people after the break don't know what the result will be."

"And if the three of us weren't lucky enough to be promoted and caught him by surprise, it is estimated that it would be difficult to enter the capital."

"Moreover, I heard," Lu Xiaofeng said solemnly, "not only Gong Jiu is here, but Wu Ming also returned to the mainland, just don't know what he is going to do."

"Even he came out." Qi Ji was a little lacking in brain power. "How come these people get together?"

If you want to complete the task, you have to think about it.

"What about you, what did you find?" Qi Ji asked Bai Yujing again.

"One thing, in the town where the darts were stolen, everything was normal. The inn where the darts lived did not have any traces of fighting, and there was no place to hide the huge darts. The local residents were all born and raised, and they didn’t even know it. Incident. But overnight, all the darts and silver were lost.” Bai Yujing said, “The only thing is that a group of carpenters had been there the morning before the accident, carrying a few large carts of wood, it is said to They were used for Buddha statues and wooden fish. They were all carpenters from the Taiping Palace, and they had already left that night."

"If everything else is normal, then this is the carpenter's abnormality," Yang Zheng continued, "eliminating all the impossible, and the rest is the truth, this matter cannot be separated from the Taiping Palace."

Yang Zheng had personally experienced the Di Qinglin incident, and hereditary first-class princes could break the law by virtue of their power, and it would not be a big deal if the palace planned to rob the royal army.

"More importantly, before these people arrived at the Taiping Prince's Mansion, they transported a small amount of wood," Yang Zheng continued, "They had handed over with others in the middle. The subordinates had secretly chased the traces, that batch Things arrived at Baoding Mansion."

"Such a large team committed the crime, and the traces must be cleaned up. Can you see this too?" Qi Ji looked at Yang Zheng and asked.

Yang Zheng nodded, expressing that he has this ability, not just daring to work hard.

"Baoding Mansion, Shangguan Jinhong," Qi Ji felt his head swelled, "Yes, Hebei is the site of the Money Gang. If there is no nod from Shangguan Jinhong, how could this batch of goods disappear under the Taihang Mountains, trouble!"

The three of Bai Yujing did not speak, and they were obviously shocked by the speculated facts.

If what they said is true, what the six doors have to face is not only the two great powers of the Money Gang and the Invisible Man, but also the addition of a Taiping Palace.

What was the purpose of the Taiping Palace robbing the court of silver?Of course, it's not just for money, I'm afraid there is also the meaning of making the border army turbulent, then their purpose is not difficult to guess.

In addition to rebellion, what else is worthy of a palace in person.

This dart, but the Taiping Palace tried hard to promote it.

At the critical moment, all the monsters, ghosts and snakes came out.

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