Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 121 Gathering in Shaolin (for subscription)

Jin Hong, the leader of the money gang, ranked fourth in "The Weapon"; Wu Ming, the invisible man, ranked second in "Weapon".

But Qi Ji did not think that Wu Ming would be much better than Shangguan Jin Hong.

This world has always been the world of Little Li Feida. Talents like Li Xunhuan are the protagonists, and the rest are all integrated.

For Qi Ji, it doesn't matter who Shangguan Jin Hong and Wu Ming are stronger, they will become his enemy anyway.

Shangguan Jin Hong will soon enter the game, so where will Wu Ming appear when he sets foot on the mainland this time?What is his purpose?

Going ashore at this critical time, with a strange feeling, he is likely to appear in Shaolin Temple.

Wonderful thinking about the consequences this will bring to himself.

"Have you all seen Gong Jiu? Are you sure it's him?" Qi Ji asked.

"Perhaps with a mask, you can't confirm the true face." Lu Xiaofeng said, Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng also nodded to confirm.

"So, what about Prince Taiping?" Qi Ji asked Bai Yujing and Yang Zheng again, "Are you acting with him?"

"Originally we started together, but then we separated." Bai Yujing replied, "As for Prince Taiping, he didn't see him. He just said a word to us in the carriage across the carriage, and didn't show up until the separation. "

Yes, if you have seen it, you probably won't be able to return - he won't leave such a big flaw.

In this way, there is no direct evidence. It is impossible to move the Taiping Palace first. Even if the emperor believes in himself, it is impossible to take down a Palace without evidence.

That would cause resistance from everyone in the clan.

Qi Ji is not afraid of the Taiping Prince's participation as a Jianghu, but is worried that they will really make a move to rebel.

Although there was no such thing in the original world, Wu Ming met Lu Xiaofeng by chance, and wanted to accept him as an invisible person. In cooperation with him, the Taiping Palace recommended him as the imperial guard, because Lu Xiaofeng's reputation is very high, the Forbidden City Zhan also saved the emperor's life and was deeply trusted by the emperor. If he killed the emperor, naturally no one would find the truth.

If the emperor is dead and has no heirs, Taiping Palace will naturally become a strong competitor for the next emperor, or perhaps they are already ready to be promoted to the throne once the emperor dies.

But in this world of demonic reforms, no one knows if the Taiping Palace will really rebel, and the odd plan can't put hope on the impression of previous lives.

Therefore, if you want to complete the task, you must limit the Taiping Palace to solve the problem in a quack.

Therefore, Qi Ji went to see the emperor again, and an hour later, he smiled.

Emperor Zhengde is still bold. He originally thought the behavior of the Taiping Palace was a bit strange. Even if there was no evidence for the odd plan, but only some speculation, he decided to just in case.

During these days, King Taiping, including his eldest son, would be summoned into the palace until the six doors were thoroughly investigated.

Of course, in the eyes of Qi Ji, the Prince of Peace was either a fake or could not be found.If you can't receive the decree, you don't need to go to the palace.


After returning to the six doors, he called Gao Li and Qiu Fengwu.

"All the people from the remaining forces identified in the Six Doors Headquarters are all cleaned up!" He ordered.

"My lord, don't you continue to investigate?" Gao Li asked, "I'm afraid there will be many omissions."

"It doesn't matter," said Qi Ji, "just some small fish, don't bother to worry about it. After this time, if the Azure Dragon Society's vitality is severely injured, these people will be useless."

"If we fail, it will not be our turn to continue worrying."

"After you finish this, catch up immediately, and the officer will take the person one step ahead."

"Subordinates obey orders." Gao Li Errendao.

Qi Ji looked at Qiu Fengwu, but after all he did not let him go back and ask the people at Peacock Villa for help.

"If it doesn't work, forget it, kill Long Xiaoyun, complete the main task, and forget the rest." Qi Ji thought to himself.

The six gates moved quickly, and soon a large number of elite men and horses were assembled out of the city.

Qi Ji couldn't guarantee that there were no other spies in it, but at least the person who was in doubt did not appear here.

It's already an upright showdown, and the role of spy is not great.

This time, he took everyone with him.

The five masters of Gao Jianfei, Chu Liuxiang, Xiao Shaoying, Lu Xiaofeng, and Bai Yujing were late.

Although Sheng Rulan, Zhongyuan Yihong, Qu Wurong, Ma Feng, and Hu Tiehua also made progress, they did not go as far as the protagonist. They were still in the middle stage of the master, plus Yang Zheng, Gao Li, and Qiu Fengwu, these are seven. .

Then there are the four masters of Ding Xi, Duan Yu, Liu Feixuan, and Wei Shanhe.

Finally, there are Hua Huafeng and Xiao Ma two top-notch soy sauces.

People like Lu Suwen and Yuan Zixia that didn't even qualify for soy sauce were not brought.

In addition to these people, there are also masters who support the six doors, such as Peacock Villa, Xuejiazhuang, and Tossing Cup Villa, as well as the people inside the six doors that have been promoted during this time. There are also 10 or 20 people in total.

If it is usual, these people can sweep the rivers and lakes, but this time to Shaolin, Qi Ji still feels that it is not enough.

Who knows how many masters Shangguan Jinhong will hide in this world.

Although Shaolin is not well-known, he is the leader of the seven sects of the right way. Although his reputation has been damaged because of Wuhua, it is still the existence of Taishan Beidou.

In the original trajectory, Li Xunhuan could traverse Shaolin, and this world was not necessarily.

Master Xinhu's ranking in "The Book of Weapons" is still ahead of Li Xunhuan.


Li Xunhuan was sent to Shaolin, but it was a sensational event in the martial arts.

For the sake of safety, many people took the initiative to escort them for fear of mistakes.

Yes, it was a real escort, not for murder.

Everyone knew that Li Xunhuan was the same year as the six-door chief arrester, and even knew that the six-door chief arrester left Xingyunzhuang. Before knowing his attitude, no one dared to touch Li Xunhuan.

They just wanted to use the evidence of the real hammer to make Li Xunhuan never stand up.

Everyone was also watching the movement of the six doors, wondering what the master arrester would do.

But when the news of the six doors came, almost everyone cursed secretly in their hearts.

In the words of the current people, it would be "I fuck".

Even if you have a good relationship with Li Xunhuan, you don't have to come out in a hurry.

Thousands of elites with six doors, fully armed, came in a rage, and that quagmire force dare to say that they could stop it.

If this is a big killing, wouldn't it be bloody.

For a while, they felt that the escort Li Xunhuan was troublesome.

Pretending to be incapable of being overwhelmed, this is really sitting on wax.

Therefore, A Fei, who wanted to rescue Li Xunhuan on the road, had a tragedy. Faced with a group of depressed and angry people, he would not be able to fight against him no matter how strong he was.


"We can't retreat now." Shangguan Jin Hong said in the money help center.

"But this is likely to be a trap, that is, we need to face up to six doors." Jing Wuming said.

"You are right, but once we retire, everything we did before will be in vain, and the momentum of the money gang will be suppressed, and there will be no difference between us and those people." Shangguan Jin Hong said, "So even if it is a trap, We must go too."

From the time A Fei appeared to rescue Li Xunhuan, news came out. The murderers who killed Shangguan Fei were A Fei and Li Xunhuan, so the money gang went to Shaolin and prepared to inquire.

But then, the news intensified, and it meant to drag money in.

Yes, this is the result of the combination of Six Doors and Xingyun Village. The plan is simple, but very effective.

As long as Shangguan Jinhong is unwilling to give up the good situation of the money help, he will definitely enter.

When the six doors were moved in a big way, Shangguan Jinhong had to be there, otherwise he would be suppressed.If the person sent before is evacuated, it means that the money gang is afraid of six doors.

This was something Shangguan Jin Hong couldn't bear, so he had to go. In this way, facing the huge six doors, the elite of the money gang must also be brought along.

Otherwise, if it is besieged and killed, it will not make people laugh at death.


"Shaolin?" In an unknown town, an old man looked at the news he had just received, "Since we are all gone, let's join in the fun."

"The first time I came back to the mainland, I had to shock the world."

"Okay." Opposite him, a blank boy uttered a word after a long time.

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