Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 123 Staking Up (for subscription)

The crowd was not allowed to wait for long, and a quarter of an hour later, the sound of a tremor came.

Like the momentum of tens of thousands of horses galloping, rolling up smoke and dust, hundreds of riding horses, the momentum is shaking the sky.

Seeing that they were approaching, the people at the six doors had no intention of slowing down, and many people's faces were pale with fright. If it weren't for the stability of the front few, their trembling legs would not be able to hold up and want to escape.

They are all people who want to face, if others don't move, then you leave, how will you mess up in the future!

Just like the psychology of the "heroes" who escorted Li Xunhuan to Shaolin.

It wasn't until a few feet away that the leader reined his horse, and an exciting neigh sounded, and the steed leaped into the air and fell heavily.

The hundreds of riders who followed, also reacted quickly, stopped the horses, even the formation was not messy.

"Elite, the elite of the elite", this is the psychological activity of everyone present.

Are the six doors really going to kill, or why bring these people here?

Thinking of this, more people began to panic.

A strange trick in an official gown leaped down the horse with a smile on his face. He was very satisfied with the reaction of the people present, and it was worthwhile for them to practice for a long time.

Is it abnormal?

It's really abnormal. Under normal circumstances, even an elite can't stop abruptly without making a mess.

But here is the world of martial arts, a world that has been modified by magic. The hundreds of people selected by the odd plan have at least second-rate strength. Taming a horse couldn't be easier.

This has such a shocking effect.

"Poor monk Xinhu, I have seen President Lu arrested." Even though six doors stand in front of his house, Xinhu has to greet him with a smile and say hello.

"Master is polite," Qi Ji also replied, "The official is eager to visit Shaolin, he came a little hastily, Master, forgive me."

Hurry is of course hasty, and he did it deliberately.According to the original plan, they would arrive one day later than Shangguan Jin Hong.

However, Qi Ji left the brigade and came first with hundreds of riders. The purpose was self-evident.

"President Lu is serious about the arrest, and the general arrest is coming, and it is too late to welcome Shaolin," Xinhu smiled. "The poor monk is here to introduce the general arrest. This is the fourth place in the "Weapons", Megatron Hebei, Central Plains Shangguan Jin Hong, the leader of the money helper."

"The name of the Shangguan Gangzhu, the official has been known for a long time, and has been disrespectful." He said disrespect, but he didn't mean respect.

Jing Wuming behind Shangguan Jinhong was furious, and immediately wanted to stand up, but was blocked by Shangguan Jinhong.

"I have heard the legend of President Lu's arrest more than once. It really is a good method." Shangguan Jin Hong is neither humble nor overbearing.

It was not the first time he saw Qi Ji. During the battle between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng for the Forbidden City, he flew to the capital with Jing Wuming and Shangguan, and saw this six-door chief arrester from a distance.

At that time, the feeling to himself was not strong, but this close encounter made him feel a little dangerous, which made him have to treat it with caution.

Of course he knew that the trick was to demonstrate to himself, but he was not afraid.

His own martial arts and his forces are the greatest support.

Of course, Qi Ji also knew that in the information that Gongsun Lan gave him, he inferred that Shangguan Jinhong had been to the capital, and Shangguanfei’s identity explained the problem. It was just that they had never met before, so this was the first time the two met. .

It's just that this meeting, although not tense, but it can't be said to be more harmonious.

"Since the two of you are here, let's go up the mountain first. The poor monk will introduce to the two of the great men who have come to Shaolin recently." At a critical time, Xinhu came to Yuanchang.

He has to come forward, if a bad conflict intensifies, he can't let the two sides fight under the mountain.

Shaolin's face was lost.

"Master, wait a moment," Qi Ji said, turning his head to look at Liu Feixuan, "Except for you, although you will choose another 30 guards to go up the mountain, the rest will wait to be stationed on the spot, and the follow-ups will follow the routine."

Liu Feixuan took the order and immediately began to select candidates.

"Master, it's okay, let's go." Qi Ji looked at Xinhu and smiled.

"Thank you, President Lu, for your understanding." Xinhu expressed his thanks.

There are not only hundreds of riders coming from the six doors, but thousands.

With the power of six doors, it is impossible to recruit thousands of horses in a short time. If it can be completed, then the six doors will almost end.

Don’t you see that when the six doors gather together, do you have to go outside the city!

To prevent the undercurrents in the court.

Even in the world of martial arts, offending Chaotang is not a joke.

Regardless of the long history of Shaolin Temple, there are only a few hundred people in the temple, so there is no such experience of hosting thousands of people.

There have been hundreds of people on the rivers and lakes one after another. If these thousands of people go up the mountain, the pressure on Shaolin Temple will be greater. If it is delayed for a few days, it is estimated that it will not be able to sustain it.

They want to provide a good reception and let the world see Shaolin's demeanor, but they are helpless!

This strange plan has at least reduced their pressure by more than half, so how not to let the heart be grateful.

But the odd trick made it difficult for Shangguan Jin Hong's face to look on the side.

He was just about to take everyone up the mountain.

Your six doors are so general, doesn't it seem that my money is helping rude and bullying people!

Therefore, Shangguan Jin Hong gave a cold snort and also instructed Jing Wuming to take only fifty people up the mountain, roughly the same number as the six doors.

Qi Ji smiled and nodded to Shangguan Jinhong, seemingly satisfied with his knowledge, which made Shangguan Jinhong even more angry.

Under the guidance of Xinhu, the two people finally went up the mountain, which relieved those who were terrified and watched the excitement: finally they didn't fight on the spot.

Soon, the group of people entered the temple, Qi Ji saw Long Xiaoyun again, and pretended to be innocent Long Xiaoyun next to him, and smiled at the two of them.

He Guang is okay, Long Xiaoyun almost collapsed to the ground without being scared: his son is a demon, and this six-door chief arrester is not easy to provoke.

He didn't know that Qi Ji had discovered that he was a puppet long ago, and even his coming to Shaolin Temple was a conspiracy of the two.

Nowadays, many people have gathered in the Shaolin Temple. Except for Xingyun Village, there are people from all kinds of heroes and major forces. Xinhu also introduced the strange plan and Shangguan Jinhong one by one.

Just looking at the faces of the two of them, you know that they don't take it seriously, which is surprisingly consistent.

These people are just spectators. What happens next depends on both of them.

One is for the murderer, and the other is for Li Xunhuan's crime.

It's not a joke. Although Qi Ji didn't say that, everyone believed that he was trying to get Li Xunhuan off the guilty and to get his face back.

Who knows his deeper purpose?

Shangguan Jin Hong wouldn't know either. He only knew that the six doors were not pleasing to the eye. At most, he was worried that the wealth from Wu Ming would be tracked by the six doors.

Because there were too many people, Shaolin Temple did not have a room large enough to gather these together, so a simple meeting place was set up temporarily.

The savvy people sit on the stage, and the rest can only listen in the audience.

Just this, there are still people coming to Shaolin continuously.

Qi Ji was in an official gown, and he unceremoniously took the main position, quite an aura of distraction.

"Since everyone is here, let Li Xunhuan be escorted. The officer also wants to take a good look. Why does he become a plum blossom thief?" The tone was full of sarcasm.

This excites the audience watching the excitement.

They risked their lives to come here, don't they just want to see this!

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