Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 124 The building is crooked (for subscription)

When Li Xunhuan arrived accompanied by Xinshu, he was still sick and sick.

Although his martial arts is very high, but because he has been using alcohol to pour his sorrows, his body broke down.If it weren't for the deep internal support, he would have been unable to live long ago.

But unfortunately, he couldn't stop drinking.

This is why Qi Ji knows that he is not in good health, and will accompany him to get drunk when he first meets.

Being stared at by hundreds of people, Li Xunhuan didn't even change his face. He calmly bowed to everyone, and then he said nothing.

The six doors are always caught, so I don't have to worry about being mutilated at any time.

"As of now, the plan has gone smoothly, depending on whether there is a chance next." Li Xunhuan said heartily.

"Since the reason for everyone gathering here is Li Xunhuan," Qi Ji did his part, "Long Xiaoyun, since you discovered the identity of Li Xunhuan's "Plum Blossom Pirates", then tell the heroes from all walks of life how to prove the ranking in "The Weaponry" The eighth little Li Tanhua is a plum blossom thief."

In the eyes of everyone, Long Xiaoyun stood up, only feeling double tremors. He didn't expect this master arrester to come up and point the finger at himself.

"Master Lu, seniors," Long Xiaoyun could only cheer up when things came to an end. "He was my righteous brother who we didn't know. He hadn't seen him for more than ten years. I was very happy to come back this time. Soon Master Lu also paid a special visit to Xingyun Village."

"But right after Master Lu left, perhaps because he thought he had a backer, Li Xunhuan became more unscrupulous, behaved in Xingyunzhuang, and went so far as to ruin Lin Xian'er, who is known as the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes. Fortunately, a group of guards Lin Xian'er The young Junjie found out to stop him, and only then discovered his hidden identity as the pirate."

Long Xiaoyun sighed with emotion. It seemed that Li Xunhuan disappointed him so much. Then, one by one, he told the so-called evidence to the people present.

"In other words, your so-called evidence is conclusive. You neither caught Li Xunhuan's murder at the scene nor found the proceeds of his crime," Qi Ji said after listening. "It's just that Li Xunhuan appeared at that time, so you assume that he is Plum Pirates."

"Yes." Long Xiaoyun replied.

He didn't want to do such a rough job, but he was only a puppet, but he had to listen to all orders, but he was the only one who came to the stage.

Never let a child under ten years old come.

Who would believe that this is a child's conspiracy?

It's not that He Guang doesn't know that this matter is rough, but he doesn't want to bother too much. After this vote is over, he will leave the world, and who will take care of the follow-up.

Anyway, the next time someone came in, it returned to its original state.

"For such a ridiculous thing, you dare to make a big fuss in the arena and attract many heroes from the rivers and lakes to gather in Shaolin!" Qi Ji said angrily, "Long Xiaoyun, who gave you the courage?"

There was a sound of inquisitive surroundings, apparently talking in a low voice.

Long Xiaoyun's face was pale, and he wanted to ask the demon son for help, but it was a pity that a child could not be on stage on this occasion.

No one knows where he is hiding!

"Shangguan gang leader, what do you think of this matter?" Qi Ji looked at Shangguan Jin Hong.

"It doesn't matter to the next who the plum blossom thief is," Shangguan Jin Hong said, "I just want to know if Li Tanhua killed Shangguanfei."

"Absolutely not," Li Xunhuan finally said, "I didn't know Linglangsu, why should I kill him? Besides, when Linglang died, I was in Xingyunzhuang."

"It's already so big, Li Tanhua, although I respect you, but you can't leave because of you." Shangguan Jinhong said, "You let A Fei go back to the money helper with me. If it is not what he did, I will It will return its freedom."


Li Xunhuan categorically refused. Although he and A Fei hadn't done a few photos, some people were just congenial, and a word could become a life and death friend.

He knew that ALFY longed for freedom, otherwise he would rather die.

"Li Tanhua, do you know the consequences of refusing money help?" Shangguan Jin Hong said coldly.

"Shangguan's gang leader, this official is still here, you don't think this is the site of your money help!" Qi Ji immediately said, "Six doors have the final say on the affairs of the rivers and lakes, not your money help. "

"What about the six doors? These years have not been trembling," Shangguan Jin Hong did not show any weakness. "President Lu is arrested. Don't think that taking a few powers is great. Six doors are enough to take care of your own door. It is better to use the rules of the arena to solve the problems in the arena."

"The official doesn't need to help the bishop. As long as the official is willing, everything on the rivers and lakes must be approved by the official." Qi Ji said tit-for-tat, "If the Shangguan gang leader doesn't know this, six doors can teach you and let you Know how to respect the court."

"Money's door is open, and six doors are welcome to visit at any time." Shangguan Jin Hong sneered, "I'm afraid President Lu will be busy with official duties and will never be free."

"Well, Shangguan's gang leader, since I met today, this official has something to ask," Qi Ji asked sharply, "Who allows you to help you all in yellow clothes?"

Shangguan Jin Hong's expression changed, this was his biggest handle.

The emperor is still yellow, and only the royal family can wear yellow clothes. Money is arrogant.

It's not that he didn't know this. At the beginning of the establishment of the money gang, he only thought that the copper coins were yellow, so they were all yellow.

The court did not pay attention to the affairs of the rivers and lakes. Although the six doors were in charge of the affairs of the rivers and lakes, they were always weak and naturally did not dare to intervene about the affairs of the six doors.

But who could have imagined that six doors have suddenly risen in the past two years, and they have been overwhelming.But the general situation of the money gang is set, and it is impossible to change the clothes.

I thought that I was ranked second in "The Weaponry" and that the six doors would give some face, but I didn't think that the chief arrester was very unwelcome to the money gang and immediately caught this handle.

The audience was excited.

Why are they risking their lives to come here?Is it really for the public trial of the plum pirates?

Of course not. They want to see the battle of the Money Gang, the Six Doors, and the Shaolin Temple. Even if they can't participate, they just watch, they will have the capital to brag about their children and grandchildren in the future.

People who lick blood on the rivers and lakes never think the rivers and lakes are too messy.

"President Lu is arrested and the court doesn't care about things, why should you be aggressive? We don't have to worry about the affairs of our rivers and lakes. Money helps its own rules." Shangguan Jin Hong couldn't deny this matter, and said in a deep voice.

"This official reminds Shangguan's gang leader again that the six doors represent the court, and what the official says is the will of the court." Qi Ji is like a rainbow.

"President Lu caught, did you deliberately find the fault? You have to make the fish dead and the net is broken?" Shangguan Jin Hong suppressed his anger.

"The fish is dead, the net may not be broken." Qi Ji said indifferently, "Does your money help keep the six doors in your eyes, why does the official give you a face!"

"Haha, very good, no one has spoken to me like this for many years." Shangguan Jin Hong laughed furiously, stood up and stared at the odd trick, "Then follow the rules of the rivers and lakes and play a game. You win and you can say everything; If you lose, please arrest President Lu and never leave the capital."

After all, he did not dare to say a fateful plan, but if he missed a manslaughter in the match, he would be no wonder.

"Since I defeated Ye Gucheng back then, the official knew that if you want people to persuade you, the deterrence of six doors is not enough, you can only be defeated one by one." Qi Ji also got up, "this official depends on you. As said, tomorrow noon, it will be here."

As soon as this statement was made, the audience became more excited, and finally arrived at the project they were looking forward to.

The public trial of the plum blossom thieves left them behind, and almost everyone forgot their purpose of gathering here.

In other words, the building is crooked.

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