Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 125 The Blue Dragon Reappears (seeking subscription)

Xinhu is speechless. You guys are here to find out whether the true identity of the plum pirates is good. Why has it become a date now?

Let's make an appointment. Where can't it be, it must be in Shaolin. This is not to toss Shaolin to death!

He fully understood that neither of the two sides of the relationship took the Plum Blossom Robbery case seriously, that is, they said that Shaolin was "cheap mouth", so the life fell to Shaolin.

The dissuasion failed, and Xinhu had to announce the suspension of the public trial and arrange for both parties to rest.

If you can't avoid it, then adapt, and the Shaolin monks began to set up a venue for tomorrow's decisive battle.

"Brother Xunhuan, let's go, let's drink." Despite Shangguan Jin Hong's ugly expression, Qi Ji pulled Li Xunhuan away and untied his closed acupuncture path.

"I can't ask for it." Li Xun said with a smile, and introduced the Xinshu to Qiji—this is their former colleague.

No one stopped.

The attitude of Six Doors was obvious. For Li Xunhuan, he would not hesitate to fight money to help. Who would dare to look for themselves at this juncture.

"Is it going smoothly along the way?" In the guest room, someone was arranged to guard the room, and asked Li Xunhuan strangely.

"There are no dangers, but it's a pity that A Fei wanted to come to rescue several times and almost fell into their hands," Li Xunhuan smiled bitterly, "I want to remind that there is no chance."

"It's okay, he is very smart, and he naturally knows when to show up." Qi Ji said, "My side is also very smooth, only waiting for Long Xiaoyun to show his true colors."

"That's good," Li Xunhuan said, "will he come?"

"Of course, maybe it's already here." Qi Ji smiled. "It's all acting. It depends on who does it well."

When the voice fell, a voice came from outside: "My lord, the son of Long Xiaoyun is here to visit Li Tanhua."

"Invite him in." Qi Ji said.

Soon, Long Xiaoyun was brought in, still looking like a red boy.

"I saw my uncle, my uncle was frightened." Long Xiaoyun came up with a self-blaming expression, "It's a pity that my nephew is young, so I can't persuade his father."

"You are interested, what do you do with your adults!" Li Xunhuan said with relief.

"Uncle, shall we take the opportunity to leave tomorrow?" Long Xiaoyun asked.

"What are you talking about?" Li Xunhuan reprimanded, "Brother Yue did not hesitate to fight the money gang for me, how can I leave? Tomorrow I will fight the money gang with Yue brother."

"Brother Xunhuan, Xiaoyun is right, you'd better leave tomorrow," Qi Ji interrupted, "I am not sure about the battle tomorrow."

"Because of this, I won't leave." Li Xunhuan said firmly.

"Well, then we will fight side by side." Seeing that Li Xunhuan can't be persuaded, we don't force it, "I will arrange the funeral for a while, just in case, brother Xunhuan, do you have anything to confess?"

"I'll think about it!" He glanced at Long Xiaoyun and hesitated.

"Well, don't worry, it may not be solved tomorrow!" Qi Ji said, turning to look at Long Xiaoyun, "Go back and tell you Long Xiaoyun, be honest these few days, otherwise don't blame the officer for being polite."

Although it was said that Long Xiaoyun, it was actually for Long Xiaoyun to remind him not to worry.

"Okay, that nephew will retire first." Long Xiaoyun resigned decisively.

He did not suspect that Qi Jihui was conspiring with Li Xunhuan, after all, they were the "hometowns".

It's a pity that he didn't know, he guessed wrong from the beginning, his partner is a life-killing existence.


In the middle of the night, Shaolin is no longer quiet.

People kept going up the mountain overnight, and news was flying all over the sky, leaving the source of Shaolin.

Qi Ji didn't worry about it. His large army would arrive tomorrow. Thousands of well-armed six-door elites were the strongest here, and no one could stop him.

Unless someone dared to rebel, attack the six doors openly.

There really is one such person.

The Prince of Taiping.

He also has a pseudonym-Gong Jiu.

Ranked eleventh on "Weapons".

"The emperor has banned all the royal family members in the palace, and the world is searching for my traces, asking me to come and wait for orders." Gong Jiu sighed under the Shaoshi Mountain, "He already suspects us."

"It's okay, we have been preparing for a long time, and it's time to move," the little old man Wu Ming was still in his chest. "The plan to assassinate the emperor won't work, but as long as the main force of the six doors is solved here, killing Lu Le, there will be no Any evidence, you are still the son of Taiping Palace."

"That's a desperate move," Gong Jiu said. "If you don't succeed, you will die."

"Do you have a better way?" Wu Ming said with a smile, "If you don't give it a go, you can only kill by pulling your neck."

"Your alliance should also move. Isn't it the role of him at this critical time! Don't worry, as long as my Azure Dragon Association unites, six doors are nothing!"

Such a huge organization of invisible people is also a force of the Blue Dragon Association.

"After the six doors are resolved, I will settle accounts with Shangguan Jinhong."


The sky is high and fresh.

Shaolin Temple has gathered thousands of people, but there is no mess.

No one wants to arouse the unhappiness of the parties at this critical time, dozens of people have been thrown down the mountain by the money helpers before.

Near noon, everyone gathered on both sides of the transformed high platform. The high platform was reconstructed overnight by Shaolin Temple. The materials are very particular, and even master masters cannot easily destroy it.

In the world of martial arts, manpower is infinite, and the corresponding rules have also changed. The quality of the items is much better than reality.

Finally, after Xinhu showed up with Shaolin's masters, Shangguan Jin Hong and Qi Ji came from two directions.

The war is about to start.

"Two, the poor monk still has to persuade you, and peace is the most precious." Seeing the presence of both parties, Xinhu persuaded.

Seeing that they both shook their heads, they sighed with pity: "If this is the case, you two will be on stage!"

Qi Ji nodded and was about to take the stage first. Just then, a voice came.

"Such a lively thing, how can you do it without waiting for everyone."

Before the words fell silent, a figure came from the outside, several longitudinal jumps, and came to the stage first.

Not tall, the little old man in his fifties looks very ordinary, but with the hand just now, everyone dare not look down.

In the six-door team, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes narrowed and he quickly came to Qi Ji: "He is the invisible man Wu Ming."

"Lu Xiaofeng, it's a pity that there is no chance for cooperation." Although Lu Xiaofeng's voice was small, Wu Ming still heard it.

"Your Excellency has lived on the island for many years, why do you have to take care of land affairs?" Qi Ji asked, staring at the people on the stage.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lu misunderstood the arrest," Wu Ming said with a smile, "I was on land to discuss my life, and living in seclusion on the sea is just for the convenience of doing things. It has nothing to do with me.

"Oh, what do you want to do? Take the lead on behalf of the Shangguan gang leader?" Qi Ji asked, "Even if you are ranked second in The Weaponry, I am afraid you may not have this ability."

The crowd around the audience took a breath of air. The first few in the weapon spectrum, Shangguan Jinhong, Xinhu, and Li Xunhuan are already there, and now there is another more ruthless, invisible man Wu Ming.

This makes their hearts more excited.

"That's not right," the little old man smiled. "We are a family, so how can we help him out? Your six doors keep suppressing us, and you are not allowed to fight back?"

"Blue Dragon Club?" Qi Ji slowly uttered three words.

"It deserves to be the total catch of six doors, and the response is very quick." Wu Ming smiled and gave Qi Ji a thumbs up.

Although he had a hunch, after the truth was confirmed, Qi Ji still felt a bit of chill.

Who is it that can bring such a group of outstanding people together?

But now that they have appeared, they should be flattened out once. Even if there are still remaining, it is estimated that it will not be a big climate.

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