Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 126 The Origin of the Blue Dragon Club

It's not just a peculiar trick, but the crowd around the audience shudder.

In the past, I only knew that the Azure Dragon Club was a huge organization, but no one knew how big it was. It was just the tip of the iceberg that occasionally leaked out to let people know the horror of this power.

Knowing that now, among the top four in "The Book of Weapons", the members of the Qinglonghui accounted for two, which is enough to explain the problem.

Some people may not know the organization of invisible people, but they will never be unfamiliar with the prestigious money help in Hebei and Central Plains.

"I wonder which class Mr. Wu belongs to?" Qi Ji asked calmly.

"I don't belong to any hall, but the master of the Spring Hall in the former Four Seasons Hall." Wu Ming said, "In terms of rank, the hall masters of the December Hall are all my subordinates."


"Yes, it was once, the Four Seasons Hall has long existed in name only." Wu Ming said, "I now only control the February and March Halls."

"The same is true for Shangguan's gang leader?" Qi Ji looked at Shangguan Jinhong who was opposite.

"He is not," Shangguan Jin Hong said before Wu Ming spoke again. "He was just a rising star before, he was valued, and his own strength was strong. He controlled the three halls in January, April, and July."

"Up to now, then I don't know."

Shangguan Jin Hong's face was sullen, obviously dissatisfied with Wu Ming's disclosure of his details.

"Mr. Wu reveals the details of the Blue Dragon Association, are you afraid that your Blue Dragon will be hit by the major forces in the world?" Qi Ji asked, "You know, the reputation of your Blue Dragon Association is not good, and the reason why it can last for hundreds of years It’s because it’s too mysterious, and it’s not a good thing to be exposed now."

"So, if you know this secret, you don't have to think about going down the mountain." Wu Ming said with a smile, "As long as you die, who else would dare to confront Qinglong in an upright manner?"

"Do you think these thief clubs in Shaolin Temple don't know the details of the Blue Dragon Society? No, in every age, they will know more or less, but they never dare to kill the Blue Dragon Society on a large scale."

"Why? It's not that I am worried that my strength will be severely damaged, which will affect my position in the arena. A group of selfish people, what right do they have to stand on the top of morality and attack my Azure Dragon Club!"

"Mr. Wu doesn't know, this officer has brought thousands of six door elites?" Qi Ji looked at him and said, "Mister wants to kill me, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"You can try, do those of you have a chance to go up the mountain!" Wu Ming seemed to hear some jokes, and was overwhelmed with joy. "Although I came from overseas, there are still some forces on land. Although it is not as good as President Lu's arrest. There are many people, but with the help of money, it is enough to contain those people."

"It seems that you have been in collusion a long time ago." Qi Ji glanced at Shangguan Jin Hong, who was silent and acquiesced. "Attacking six doors is a crime of treason. Are you afraid of attracting the army to encircle and suppress?"

"Haha, you can't wait," Wu Ming laughed again, "Today, the cabinet and the emperor will receive news of King Ning's rebellion, the situation is tense, no one will come to you to close it."

As soon as he said this, Qi Ji's face changed, and the people watching the excitement outside even whispered.

Knowing so many secrets, do you know if you will be killed?

"You are quite capable." Qi Ji said with a cold face, "It seems that you also participated in the previous Nanking rebellion incident."

"It's not participating in peace, it's taking the lead." Wu Ming said with a smile, "The same is true this time. Lu Xiaofeng has a good reputation. I wanted him to be an invisible man, but unfortunately it failed. As a result, our plan was exposed and we had to go to extremes and let King Ning move. stand up."

"Let him take the lead to attract firepower, and you will reap the results later," said Qi Ji, "for the sake of the Taiping Palace."

"That's right," Wu Ming said, "Whether King Ning succeeds or fails, we all have gains, and we can't say anything specific."

"Do you want to usurp the throne that way?" He was puzzled. "You should know that even if you help the Taiping Palace succeed in usurping the throne, I'm afraid that he will be the first to use the knife."

"The emperor is ruthless, of course I know," Wu Ming said, "but this is my long-cherished wish, even if it is crushed."

"Do you know the origin of the Blue Dragon Club?"

"I would like to hear the details." Qi Ji was very interested.

"There are not many people who know this secret, and the Shangguan gang may not know it," Wu Ming sighed. "The Qinglong Club was established in the early Song Dynasty. The Taizu Zhao Kuangyin Huangpao was added behind him. To unify the world, the Qinglong Club was established to inquire about news."

"During the process of the reunification of the Song Dynasty, the Qinglonghui made great contributions and grew stronger and continuously penetrated into the land of the Liao people. Unfortunately, Song Jun did not live up to it. He first defeated the Liao and lost the opportunity to unify the world. For Xixia to grow stronger and self-reliant, the efforts of countless members of the Blue Dragon Association were wasted."

"Since then, Song Jun, who has lost his enterprising spirit, has no longer supported the Qinglonghui. With the decline, southward migration, and demise of the Song Dynasty, he finally lost the support of the court."

"During the Mengyuan period, the Qinglonghui completely became an organization of rivers and lakes, and once again developed and grown in the chaos, it also supported Emperor Taizu's restoration of the Han family."

"It's a pity that Emperor Taizu didn't trust the Qinglonghui with Zhao's background. Later, he established Dongchang and Jinyiwei to replace the responsibilities of the Qinglonghui, and he continued to suppress the Qinglonghui secretly."

"It wasn't until after Jing Nan that Emperor Chengzu didn't know anything about the Qinglonghui, and the Qinglonghui was reborn again. Since then, it has gradually developed into the four-season management, the December hall, and the three hundred and sixty-five divisions. "

"For more than a hundred years, the Azure Dragon Society has only developed secretly, only asking the forces of the arena, and not participating in the court. This is the rule set by generations of the Azure Dragon boss until now."

Qi Ji listened carefully, and Shangguan Jin Hong listened attentively. Obviously Wu Ming had not made a mistake. He did not know the origin of the Blue Dragon Club.

"Oh, isn't it, but you are now running in the opposite direction." Qi Ji said.

"Yes, because I am not reconciled, I want to push someone to the top." He laughed madly, "But the boss of Qinglong disagreed, and kept suppressing me. Until more than 20 years ago, he was injured because of the King of Joy. He gradually couldn't suppress it, so he sent me to the island, and when he was alive, I was not allowed to return to land."

"So, the boss of Qinglong is really dead." Qi Ji asked.

"Of course, I still have to listen to his orders." Wu Ming continued, "So, I can only command remotely at sea, secretly, for fear that the Qinglong boss will ruin my hard work with an order."

"Fortunately, he is getting older and his heart is softened. He didn't bother until he died. So I first encouraged Nan Wang to act, which was a bait to test it. That time it was destroyed by you.

"So this time you started again. Taiping Palace is your real bargaining chip." Qi Ji said, "Are you sure you can succeed this time?"

"So, this is a big bet. If you succeed, everything will be fine, but if you fail, everything will rest." He laughed, "Do you think you can stop me?"

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