Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 130 The old man from heaven is also here (seeking subscription)

Among the onlookers, Long Xiaoyun looked complicated.

I knew that there was a conspiracy, otherwise, why did Li Xunhuan be served well in Xingyunzhuang, and once the six doors were arrested, he would become a plum blossom thief.

He guessed it, but he dare not say.

Seeing Li Xunhuan's trouble, I was a little happy.

Long Xiaoyun is not with him, and no one knows where he is.

But Long Xiaoyun knew that the "evil son" was here.

Perhaps this chaos has his hand in it.

Sure enough, amidst the people's discussion, a crisp voice sounded: "I said President Lu was arrested, this is a bit tricky!"

Along with the voice, a red boy appeared in front of everyone.

"Whose child is so cute?"

"This is not Long Xiaoyun, right?"

"How old is a child this old, how many days have he practiced martial arts?"

"Child Wu, come out quickly, it's too dangerous there."

"The trump card for the six doors is such a kid, it's a joke!"


The whispers sounded in the crowd, which made He Guang feel very upset: Who do you look down on?

"Shut up!" He whispered.

The voice was low, with the childish voice of a boy, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the thousands of people on the court, which shook their tinnitus, and they stroked them one after another without saying anything.

With such a high level of internal strength, even if it is a child, they can't criticize it.

"With so many big people, how can you do without a little effort? Is it possible that you really have to wait until the fisherman reaps the profit?" said Qiji, "That is impossible. You don't make any effort. The officer would rather shoot and break. "

"Furthermore, if you don't show your strength, how will this officer be willing to cooperate with you!"

"You have been an official for a long time, you are full of conspiracy calculations," He Guang said with disdain, "If you want to pick up the bargain in the end, just say it, as long as the promised conditions remain the same, I am willing to suffer a bit."

"Then you can do it hard." Qi Ji smiled, "I'm happy, you can be happy."

"Successful?" Seeing Qi Ji smiled and nodded, his eyes showed joy, "Okay, I will listen to you once, but if you dare to lie to me, hum, the consequences are beyond your tolerance."

After he finished speaking, his figure shook, and he punched Wu Ming.

When He Guang appeared, Wu Ming felt wrong, especially after He Guang exuded an aura that was not weaker than him, he was even more shocked.

Things exceeded his expectations.

You have such martial arts at a young age. Don’t you grow up against the sky?

These characters grow up, even when the Blue Dragon Society is in full bloom, they may not be able to suppress them.

"This son is so terrifying, you must not stay!" This was Wu Ming's first thought.

Seeing that the boy wanted to punch himself, he gathered his mind, and Ruyi Lanhuashou had already used it, and greeted him.


Wu Ming and Shangguan Jin Hong were both involved in the war, and Qi Ji was finally liberated.

But he didn't join in. For the time being, he didn't want to force everyone's assassins, which meant that it had reached the final juncture.

Looking around the battles on the square, A Fei and Guo Songyang have seen blood, Jing Wuming and Ximen Chuixue are the most aggressive, Xue Yiren's desperate posture, but the battle between the two looks the most tragic.

Among the others, Zhuo Donglai did not exert any effort at all, as if performing on stage; Chu Liuxiang and Yuan Suiyun were the most elegant, it was a struggle between Qi and qi, and rarely touched each other's actions; it was Huo Xiu and Gong Jiu. , Pressing step by step, pressing Xiao Shaoying and Lu Xiaofeng to fight.

Li Xunhuan still did not move, staring at Bai Xiaosheng. Bai Xiaosheng's face was sweaty, but he didn't move.

Wu Ming looked like he was bullying the small, but he couldn't handle the petite He Yun.

Looking at the battlefield, the strange mind drifted away.


Gao Li wiped the blood on his face and let out a long sigh of relief.

The rebels had been cleaned up, and it was time for the enemy to pay tribute to those inexplicable colleagues who died.

Fortunately, the Master Arrest had already made arrangements, otherwise it would not have been such a loss.

Who could have imagined that the thousands of six-door elite selected by Jingxin would be spied by a hundred people Qinglong?

The master arrester led the cavalry to go first. He and Qiu Fengwu followed with the horseless hunters. It was originally a day's journey. Who would have thought of encountering a large number of people and horses on the way, but at this critical moment, Qinglong will make a counter-attack in detail, causing them considerable losses.

Thanks to their decisive action, Qiu Fengwu led others to meet the enemy and attacked and killed the rebellion himself, which quickly stabilized the situation without causing a collapse.

It was also due to the prestige of the arresting adults this year, which made these arrests full of confidence, otherwise they would have collapsed in this situation.

The killing here is inextricably difficult, but what is going on with the master arrester?


At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, Yang Zheng had just led a wave of offensive by the Money Gang.

When the Money Gang attacked, there were more than a dozen rebels here who wanted to create chaos. They were quickly killed by Yi Hong and Ma Feng who were mixed in, without giving Money Gang a chance.

"Di Qinglin, how dare you go against the holy will and leave the house without authorization?" This wave of confrontation was short, but Yang Zheng had already recognized the leader of the Money Gang.

"The people of the six doors, Ben Hou, dare to kill honestly. How can the emperor's will bear me?" Di Qinglin tore off the mask, revealing that pale face.

"Are you looking for death?" Yang Zheng said coldly.

"Since I dare to appear here, it means that we have complete certainty," Di Qinglin said, "Unfortunately, you can't wait for the result."

"What else are you talking about, kill!" Yang Zheng shouted and took the lead to kill.

He didn't mention the Master Arresting because he knew that if the Master Arresting were blocked on the mountain, the three people of the Money Gang would not dare to make a mistake here.

If this is the case, then kill these people first, and then go up to rescue the master arrester.


"Ximen Chief Escort, where are you going?" From the other direction that Shaoshishan didn't want, Baili Changqing stopped Ximen Sheng with a large number of Escorts.

"Mr. Baili, although the four major escorts are jointly operated, they are only betting on darts. I have no obligation to report the rest to you!" Seeing Baili Evergreen here, Ximen Sheng cried out in his heart.

"I don't care about your escort, but when it comes to the future of the joint escort, I have to ask the last question," Baili Changqing said, "you Zhenwei Escort was the former champion of jointly receiving 35 million taels. Treasure, what is the intention?"

"Of course it is for the better development of the Escort. Is there anything wrong?" Ximen Sheng said, "Didn't you also agree?"

"It has spread across the rivers and lakes that this dart was robbed by the Azure Dragon Society," Baili Changqing said, "you don't know what this means, do you?"

"So many darts are missing, even if it spreads on us, it is enough to crush us."

"That can't always be blamed on Zhenwei, right?" Ximen Sheng said angrily.

"Originally we shouldn't, who made us greedy?" Baili Changqing said, "but what if this is your conspiracy? May 13th, avoid Qinglong, you all will ruin the good future of the joint dart board. You are not responsible, who will be responsible?"

"Baili Changqing, what do you mean?" Simon Sheng was furious.

"You don't think that no one knows the identity of your Azure Dragon Club?" Baili Changqing said, and the crowd behind stepped aside, and a tall figure caught Ximen Sheng's eyes.

What's more eye-catching is the long spear in his hand-the Bawang spear.

One shot to hold the King Wanwu.

Wang Wanwu stepped forward and looked behind Ximen Sheng: "Gui Dongjing, when will you hide?"

The crowd was in chaos. After a while, a carriage was exposed, and a person emerged from the inside. It was the master of Zhenwei Escort, and the lucky star returned to Dongjing.

"Sure enough, the fellow is the most untrustworthy person. He will reveal your details."

"I didn't want to care about your troubles," Wang Wanwu said, "but you know, the Great King Escort is also caught in this round. I can't let those who eat with me end up miserably."

"What else can I say?" Gui Dongjing said, "Since you are here, don't you want to prevent me from going to Shaolin Temple? If so, then come, let you see the strength of my Azure Dragon Club."

"Then what are we waiting for?" A young man came out, "Solve the problem sooner, and you can get out sooner."

This young man is Ding Xi who has just been admitted into six doors.


Qi Ji felt quite uneasy.

He wasn't worried about not being able to complete the mission, even at the worst, as long as he killed Long Xiaoyun, he could complete the mission and return.

But he has collected so many people in the past two years, but he can't bear to let them down.

Human hearts are grown in flesh. To him, although this is only the world of books, the people here are real people with flesh and blood and distinctive personalities.

Just thinking about it, suddenly I heard a crisp sound.

"Grandpa, it's so lively here, look there, there is a little baby, so amazing!"

He suddenly became sober, and when he looked up, he saw an old man with a dry cigarette and a girl appearing around the square.

The third-ranked old man of Tianji in "Weapons" also came.

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