Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 131 Tasting the world (for subscription)

The old man was wearing a blue cloth gown with gray hair. The dry smoke was already lit, and he would take a sip from time to time.The girl wore two big braids, and her big eyes were dark and bright, both innocent and full of charm.

The old man of Tianji, whose name is unknown, is called Sun Baifa because of his gray hair. He is also known as the old man of Tianji because he knows the secrets of the world. The wooden stick in his hand is also called the stick of Tianji.

He came from a family of Jianghu, and has a huge and complete intelligence system, so he can understand so many hidden worlds.

Bai Xiaosheng has been following him all the time, writing "A Book of Weapons", also to surpass the Sun family.

Therefore, when I heard Sun Xiaohong's words, I almost didn't waver.

Qi Ji had not seen the old man Tianji, but he confirmed his identity at the first glance.

"What will change?" Qi Ji thought.

He knew, but few people around the audience knew, even if they knew, they wouldn't talk nonsense.

Just listen to the voice of the old man: "Girl, for the strong, even if he is young, he must remain in awe."

"It's so powerful at such a young age, I'm afraid it's not a super genius." The girl praised.

"The word genius is beyond description." The old man said.

"What should I say?" the girl asked.

"It's not a monster, it's a demon." The old man's tone was very positive.

This shocked Qi Ji. Even He Guang, who was on the attack, was confused for a moment, and was almost found by Wu Ming.

"Could this be the person whose will of the world exists against me?" He Guang stopped exerting his strength and began to defend, his mind parted aside.

"There are such people in the world!" The girl exclaimed.

"You have seen it all, don't you believe it?" the old man said.

"Well, the man over there who uses iron to make a sword is also very young!" said the girl.

"Lone wolf standing in the world is indeed extraordinary, but it's a pity that it's too young. With time, it will become a great weapon." The old man commented.

"Which one is better than that doll?" the girl asked.

"How can mortals be compared with evildoers!" the old man replied.

"Okay, what about his black opponent?" The girl continued to ask.

"I am obsessed with swords, but go astray, and want to improve again, it is difficult! Hard! Hard!" The old man said three difficult words in a row.

"The same goes for the one in the white clothes!" said the girl.

"No, he has broken the cage, and the future is promising." The old man disagreed.

"It's really different from the same person!" The girl said, "Is there a left hand sword?"

"Although the left-hand sword is strong, the right-hand sword is even stronger," the old man said. "Almost no one has seen it."

"Oh, why is that?" the girl asked.

"Because everyone I've seen is dead." The old man said.

"That's really scary." The girl stuck her tongue out. "Where is that little brother wearing a mask?"

"You better not be interested in him!" the old man warned.

"Why is this again?" the girl asked.

"His identity is not simple," the old man said. "More importantly, he is a pervert, the kind you can't imagine."

"Then his opponent is pitiful." The girl trembled all over, then said.

"But it's not necessarily. That's a lucky person," the old man said. "Who do you think has four eyebrows?"

"It's true that the world is unique," the girl said, "but the two elegant figures next to him are more attractive."

"Are you wrong again?" the old man said.

"Why is it wrong again?" The girl refused.

"One is blind and mentally distorted; a handsome thief, passionate; none of them is a good thing." The old man exclaimed, "Specially lie to a girl like you."

"Ah, then I'd better stay away." The girl said, "There is an old man who doesn't seem to be a good person."

"It doesn't matter if you are abandoned by the times," said the old man.

"Then his opponent is the new force." The girl said.

"I can't talk about it," the old man said. "A person who is dominated by hatred cannot see the future."


As soon as they sang a harmony, they commented against everyone.

Speaking of which person is involuntarily distracted to listen.

After listening, it was more angry.

"You are a storyteller, you underestimated me so much."

"Grandpa, how many others are there!" the girl said again.

"It's hard to say!" The old man shook his head.

"How come?" the girl asked, "Don't you pretend to know the secrets of the world?"

"Do you believe in bragging?" The old man stared.

"You old man just talk about it," the girl said, "I like the pair of golden rings very much!"

"Then you can't touch it," the old man said, "that's a symbol of the money gang. With money, nothing can be done."

"Many things cannot be bought with money." The girl retorted.

"That's because you don't have enough money." The old man looked like a person came over, "Speaking of which money..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen," the girl joked, "I just want to know what the double ring is capable of, and whether it can block the sword."

"Shuanghuan is in my hand. I have the world. No one dares to say that I can break through the pair of golden rings," the old man said. "That sword used to be able to do it, but he has been sealed for 30 years, and it is no longer the benefits of the past."

"How come you are ranked fourth?" The girl asked, "Isn't it possible for the top three?"

"It can only be said that no one is completely sure, even the second one who beats the evildoer will not work." The old man looked at Wu Ming.

"Humph," Wu Ming snorted coldly, "Will Tianji stick show off?"

The crowd was in an uproar, and only then did they know that the old man turned out to be the third-ranked old man of secrets in "The Book of Weapons".

Immediately, if it weren't for him, who would dare to comment on the world's heroes without shame.

The old man Tianji smiled at him, did not speak, but the girl spoke again.

"There are two others who can't move!"

"One is the person who developed the "Weapon Book", who is not very strong, but always wants to stir the wind and the rain." Tianji said the old man.

"Is there another one?" the girl asked.

"Xiao Li's flying knives, the example is not false, but there is a sentence in "The Book of Weapons" that is correct: When he holds the flying knives in his hand, no one dares to say that he can escape." The old man sighed.

"He's only ranked eighth, isn't that pair of golden rings okay?" the girl said, "Don't you contradict yourself? Just now you said that no one can break the pair of double rings."

"Girl, I'm a storyteller," the old man Tianji said angrily, "I can still be friends if I see through it, what's the truth?"

"I'm not your friend, I'm your granddaughter." The girl smiled, "Well, don't talk about this, there is another one in an official gown!"

"It's hard to say!" said the old man Tianji.

"How can it be difficult to say? Is it because he is an official?" the girl asked.

"All those who are prosperous in official business are those who have good luck," said the old man Tianji, "he is even more elusive than Li Xunhuan."

"However, since there are evildoers in the world, of course the imperial court must subdue the demon."

Qi Ji's face turned black instantly.

This old man, nonsense, isn't it affecting the alliance relationship?

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