Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 132 Desperate (seeking subscription)

The reincarnation was judged by the system as an extraterritorial demon. His main task was to kill two extraterritory demon, and he was naturally Fumo.

The old man Tianji still has two brushes, but he doesn't know whether it is his own ability or the influence of the will of the world.

You know, in the trajectory of the original world, he is ranked first in the "Weapons".

But even if you peek into the truth, don't tell it in the public. If you don't see Red Boy, you can't do anything.

He Guang was indeed shocked, so he was more careful, and refused to make any further effort. He had to see the situation clearly.

The words of the old man Tianji still affected him, and he kept reflecting in his heart: Is he really wrong?

He Guang had heard that for these reincarnations, the will of the world would subconsciously launch that there are great fortuners to fight against them. He used to think that the top ranks in the weapon spectrum, but now he is not sure.

He and Wu Ming fought for a long time, but there was no sense of crisis, enough to show that this person is not.Just now I was wondering if there was only the mysterious person ranked first in the weapon spectrum, but the old man Tianji made some comments and made him change his mind again.

Or, this veteran talent is a favorite of the will of the world.

Although he knew that Li Xunhuan was the protagonist in this world, it was not easy to kill a protagonist. In the process, accidents would happen at any time, so even if Li Xunhuan seemed to be at the end of the road, he was reluctant to directly attack.

Yes, or you can kill Li Xunhuan yourself, but unless you leave this world immediately, you won't be able to bear the consequences.

This is the experience of countless samsara in exchange for their lives, and it is very precious.

I wanted to get Li Xunhuan's flying knife skill, but he couldn't use it strong, so I reached an alliance with the six-door fellow, and the plan went well.

As long as you help the fellow to win in this war, you will be able to obtain Xiao Li's flying sword practice skills to achieve your goal, and then kill Li Xunhuan to complete the task, return to the Samsara Hall, wait for the intermediate world to open, and then advance to the Innate Realm. .

Everything is normal. Where is the problem?

Why did the old man of Tianji say that the fellow is a Fumo?

Could it be that he wants to deal with me?

Is it a deliberate divorce, or is it straightforward to speak up?

In an instant, He Guang thought a lot.

"No matter what, you must beware of that fellow, lest he return afterwards and take the opportunity to kill me." He Guang made up his mind.

"Hey, don't you really believe what this old man said?" Seeing his doubt, Qi Ji said immediately, "We are fellow villagers, even if we are going to part ways, after the overall situation is settled, how could it be possible to start so early!"

"Otherwise, wouldn't it give others a chance to fight back?"

"How do I know if you are lying to me?" He Guang said while blocking Wu Ming's attack, "You give me things first, and I will do my best to help you, I can swear."

The oath he said was not a simple oath, but an oath witnessed by the Samsara Hall. If it is violated, the cost is very high.

When he said this, he also meant to test his identity.

Because he suddenly remembered that from the very beginning, he believed that he was a "hometown", and then the other side admitted it.

Although his appearance is very reasonable, but what if, what if it is a coincidence?What if he is really the specific existence of the will of the world against me?

And this time, is it going too smoothly?

"I already have something," Qi Ji took out a thin booklet, "but I can't give it to you, I can't trust you, let alone that kind of vow."

"The so-called oath has too many loopholes that can be avoided."

"Okay," Qi Ji said so, letting He Guang feel relieved, looking at the booklet in his hand with scorching eyes, "what do you want?"

"Kill your opponent, this thing will be given to you." The strange plan said decisively.

"Are you sure now?" He Guang asked.

"Of course, this farce has been long enough, let it end as soon as possible!" Qi Ji said.

"Too much deception!" He Guang didn't speak, but Wu Ming became angry from embarrassment.

These two people don't put me in the eyes, anyway, I am also the second-ranked existence in "The Weapons"!

With a loud shout, he picked up Hunyuan Yi Qigong, and his palm suddenly swelled more than doubled, and the purple color was faint, and the big mudra was also used at the same time, patted the red boy in front of him.

He wants to smash this kid into pieces.

He Guang added a three-pointer and still defended.

"Why are you still hesitating?" Qi Ji urged, "I'm worried about my fisherman's profit? I don't believe that after you kill him, there will be no fighting power."

"Kill him, take things, kill the target, give up this identity and return, how long will you think about such a simple thing?"

"Don't you think someone can stop you? Look at everyone present, which one has this ability? Which old storyteller?"

The old man Tianji was speechless for a while: I was ranked third in The Weaponry, and I was underestimated?

Think about the two of them ignoring Wu Ming, and feel relieved.

The second child is like this, let alone the third child?

The evildoer is the evildoer, and the other one is not a good thing.

"Shut up, what are you urging?" He Guang was a little big, "If I hadn't been like this ghost, how could it be you?"

"Are you greedy, or are you not strong enough?" Qi Ji didn't care about He Guang's attitude, mockingly, "Why don't you choose Long Xiaoyun!"

"Are you a novice know a hammer?" He Guang was annoyed, "Remember what you said."

Does he not want to choose?

Reincarnation points are not enough.

This makes it impossible to say in front of this novice "hometown".

His momentum changed abruptly, avoiding Wu Ming's big handprint again, turning his fist into a knife, and slashed towards Wu Ming.

The immature face is full of solemnity, which makes people want to laugh.

But the person involved couldn't laugh, and Wu Ming felt the tremendous power of this hit.

"Shangguan Jin Hong, do your best, otherwise, we will die here. Think about the consequences."

Wu Ming roared, and used his skills again, choosing to confront him.

The main role of the Blue Dragon Club, ranked second in "The Weaponry", facing a child, even if the child is strong, even if the child has a lot of history, he can't avoid it.

"Bai Xiaosheng, you idiot, you think you are smart, and even these characters are missed by "The Book of Weapons", what are you arranging?" Wu Ming cursed secretly.

The situation changed again, the low-level world, the peak of the Grand Master was already the limit, even if He Guang was strong, Wu Ming was also the peak, and when he worked hard, He Guang could not win it for a while.

Shangguan Jin Hong also changed his strategy, no longer blindly defending, and started counterattack.

Originally, I didn’t want to fight Xue Yiren to death. It was a waste of effort, but now it’s different. Long Xiaoyun and the six-door chief arrester obviously have a secret. He must quickly eliminate Xue Yiren and join Wu Ming to take Long Xiao Yun, explore the secret again.

He faintly felt that they were related to the secrets of this world.

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