Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 137 Aftermath (for subscription)

After a while, Gao Li's figure appeared in the most mysterious gaze. After him, Yang Zheng, Qiu Fengwu, Zhongyuan Yihong and others were all present. Everyone was wounded, but they still had the power to fight.

It was originally expected that three thousand people would go to Shaolin, but now there are only a few hundred left, and the loss is more than 80%.

The fighting power of the Money Gang was still very strong. Under the leadership of Di Qinglin, he was at a standstill with the six doors until Gao Li defeated the invaders from the invisible organization and rushed to the Shaoshi Mountain for reinforcements, which defeated the Money Gang. Help the public.

After being promoted, Yang Zheng, and Di Qinglin who was defeated head-on, used a parting hook to snatch Di Qinglin's throat without having to hurt both sides.

The two sides gathered together, brought people who were still able to fight, and went up the mountain to support the master arrester.

It wasn't until recently that I found out that the enemy had already been resolved here, Master Arrest.

"It's the master arrester!" They secretly praised in their hearts, bowing and saluting, "The subordinates have completed the task, and all the enemies who have committed the crime have fled, and all have been put to death. Please show me."

"Put the money into custody for those people," Qi Ji looked in the direction of Jing Wuming and Gong Jiu and gestured, "The rest of the people wait, be optimistic, and don't go down the mountain without the order of the official."

"Subordinates take orders!" Gao Li and the others immediately ordered the arrests to act quickly.

The money gang and the invisible people who were already terrified, did not dare to resist and let them do what they did.

"Master Xinhu, this official still needs to borrow your temple for a use. I don't know if it is convenient?" Qi Ji looked at Xinhu again.

"President Lu, please rest assured, Shaolin will fully cooperate with each other. I don't know how much space is needed for President Lu to arrest?" Xinhu was very cooperative.

"Just a few quiet rooms," Qi Ji said.

"The poor monk immediately arranged to clean up a few side halls for President Lu to arrest and use." It is not enough to requisition the entire Shaolin Temple, Xinhu immediately arranged.

A quarter of an hour later, when Shaolin was ready, Xinhu immediately came to ask for a surprise.

"All come with the official." Qi Ji looked at the people who participated in the war, and then at the old man of Tianji, "This old gentleman, can you take a step?"

"What's wrong? I can just accumulate material for my next storytelling." The old man Tianji smiled.

Dozens of people entered a partial hall under the leadership of Xinhu.

But Qi Ji went to a side hall with the old man Tianji.

"Mr. Cai Sun has not interfered, the official wants to say thank you." In the partial hall, the guest and host were seated, Qi Ji said.

"When people are old, they just want to be safe, fight and kill, and have nothing to do with an old man with me. You don't need to be polite to arrest adults." Tianji said.

"Mr. Sun, what do you want to ask the official?" The old man Tianji followed, obviously not just chatting.

"The old man just wants to ask one question." The old man Tianji stared at the odd trick, his aura changed. Until this time, he was the third-ranked old man Tianji in The Book of Weapons. "Is what Shangguan Jinhong said is true? "

"Mr. Sun also felt it?" Qi Ji asked.

"I should feel it, probably not as good as Shangguan Jinhong. I'm old, hehe, ranking third in "A Book of Weapons", Bai Xiaosheng's eyesight is limited after all." Old man Tianji sighed.

He was indeed inferior to Shangguan Jinhong. In the original world, he disappeared and never appeared after stopping him.

"Shangguan's gang leader is right. This official is indeed related to the changes in this world, including Long Xiaoyun and Shangguan Fei." Qi Ji did not deny it.

"What's the impact?" the old man Tianji asked.

"After the official leaves, everything will return to normal without any impact." Qi Ji said.

"That's good, there will be no problem with the old." Tianji said the old man.

"Mr. Sun doesn't want to know the secret?" Qi Ji asked.

"If you were twenty years younger, you might have this kind of curiosity, but now, I'm a storyteller, so what do you do!"

"The official will send someone to send her husband down the mountain." Qi Ji said.

"No, the old man is just with them," said the old man Tianji. "The master arrester won't really kill these people, right?"

"Of course not. The officer is not a bloodthirsty person, but they have to wait for the officer to thoroughly deal with the follow-up matters before they can leave." Qi Ji smiled, "In this case, the officer does not force it, Mr. Sun goes to rest first. , The officer has other things to deal with."


In the side hall of dozens of people, some were anxious, some were calm, some were happy, and some were worried...I didn't know what the result would be when I was brought here.

When Qi Ji walked in, all he saw was this world.

"I've seen Master Chief Arrester." No matter what you think, you must follow the crowd at this time, otherwise you will be too independent and will attract attention.

"No gift, no need to be polite." Qi Ji sat on the main seat.

"Although there was an accident in this plan, we won in the end and wiped out most of the Azure Dragon Society's power," he said, ignoring the ugly faces of Jing Wuming, Gong Jiu, and Bai Xiaosheng. Think about it, that's not something you should worry about."

"The reward that deserves the reward, the punishment that deserves to be punished also. The official acts, the reward and punishment are always clear."

Everyone condensed, and what should come will come after all.

"Guo Songyang," Qi Ji was the first to point his finger at Guo Songyang, who was in a black suit. "You blocked six doors at a critical moment and almost made a big mistake. You have been shut down for five years, are you convinced?"

"I'm just looking for the pinnacle of kendo. What's wrong?" Guo Songyang refused to accept it. "Can you change the punishment. After five years in prison, I will be abandoned."

"If you don't accept it, just kill it directly. Once and for all, there is nothing wrong with it." Qi Ji ignored it.

"Accept." Guo Songyang shut up decisively after hearing this.He is not a stupid person, he can't hear the decisiveness of the chief arrester.

"Then you go to the prison to hone your temper!" Qi Ji said, and looked at Bai Xiaosheng, "A Book of Weapons has caused chaos in the world, Bai Xiaosheng, you are unforgivable for the same five years. Prison, are you willing?"

"I am willing." By luck, Bai Xiaosheng had a reason to be unwilling, but Wu Ming and Shangguan Jin Hong were dead.

"Just reflect on it," Qi Ji said coldly, "it's all about ranking people, depending on your rankings, there is no credibility!"

"Jing Wuming, you can stay for three years and disband the Money Gang by the way." Qi Ji looked at Jing Wuming again, "Shangguan Jinhong is dead, and the Money Gang is no longer necessary."

"Yes," Jing Wuming said indifferently, "Please allow me to bury the leader. In addition, the main hall also needs someone to send someone to solve it."

"This official promises you. As for the southern part of Baoding Mansion, you don't have to worry about it. I guess it doesn't exist anymore," said Qi Ji.

This makes people who don’t know dumb, even many people at Six Doors are the same: here has been so fiercely fought, there is still room for the master arrester to fight the money gang?

This is the rhythm of actually killing the door. Even if there is no such thing as the plum blossom thief, about six doors will find the opportunity to kill the money!


Baoding Mansion, Money Help Center.

The fighting has stopped, the battle is over, blood and bones are everywhere.

Bai Yujing, dressed in white, was almost dyed red and was seriously injured, but still had a smile on his face.

Even though Shangguan Jinhong was gone, the strength of the Money Help Main Hall staying behind was still strong enough.If he had not been promoted to the late master stage, even if he tried his best, he would not be able to win here.

But now, he can announce: The money gang that had been glorious for a few months was destroyed, and was wiped out by Bai Yujing.

"I don't know how the fighting is going on with the master arrester?" Bai Yujing thought.

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