Shaolin Temple's side hall, rewards and punishments will continue.

"Huo Xiu, you were already very guilty. After you went to the money gang, you were evil again. You don't need to come out for the rest of your life. You can spend it at six doors." Qi Ji stared at Huo Xiu, without asking him if he was convinced.

Huo Xiu didn't speak in a dark face, let alone refute, for fear of being convicted of death.

Next, Qi Ji did not continue to target Gong Jiu, but looked at Xue Yiren.

"Do you already know? Xue Xiaoren is dead." Qi Ji said.

"I don't know, but I thought of it." Xue Yi said humanely, "I didn't fulfill my promise and let Xue Xiaoren leave Xuejiazhuang."

"Originally I wanted to find him to remedy the mistake, but it was too late when I found the clues, so I came to Shangguan Jinhong desperately."

"Now that he is dead, I don't owe you anymore."

"You're right, it's two cleanups. The few people you lent to six doors at the beginning, and two of them are still alive, you can take them away together!"

Xue Yiren stopped talking, and Qi Ji looked at Lu Xiaofeng again: "Thanks to Daxia Lu for your help this time, so that it can go so smoothly, and the lost dart silver should be recovered."

"You are welcome, it's just a coincidence." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Lu Daxia has anything to do with six doors, you can mention it." Qi Ji smiled.

"No, I just hope that there will be no such thrills in the future." Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly. This time he was a pure disaster.

"Ximen Chuuxue, I only look like a sword god now." Qi Ji looked at Ximen Chuuxue and said, "What do you need six doors to do?"

"No, I'm here for Lu Xiaofeng, and by the way, I will return your favor." Ximen Chuuxue said, "Since the matter is over, I will leave first."

"It's easy to go, don't send it." Qi Ji said, looking at Lu Xiaofeng, "Do you want to be together?"

"Of course, there is nothing wrong with me here." Lu Xiaofeng said, following Ximen Chuuxue who had already left and left.

"A Fei, thank you for your help with your sword. I heard that you want to become famous, do you need help?" Qi Ji asked A Fei again.

"I'm here because Li Xunhuan is my friend," A Fei said coldly, "My way, I walk by myself, no one needs to interfere."

"Now I, I'm leaving." He followed Ximen Chuuxue and Lu Xiaofeng to leave.

"As for you, you are all from my six doors. I will give you a reward after I go back. You don't need to elaborate on each one." Qi Ji looked around and said to his subordinates, "There is a little official who can guarantee that there are many of you People do not join the six doors voluntarily. After this battle, you are free. After the matter is over, you can leave anytime you want."

"This is the promise of this official."

"All go out first, Gong Jiu stays." Qi Ji ordered.

Everyone looked at Gong Jiu, looked at the body he was holding, and left in turn.

There is only one Gongjiu, and it will not pose any threat to the master arrester.

In the side hall, Gong Jiu hugged Wu Ming in a daze. He didn't have any tricks or said anything.

"What do you think? There is no one else now, don't you show your true colors?" Qi Ji asked.

Gong Jiu raised his head, stared at Qi Ji for a while, and stretched out his hand to remove the mask, revealing the face of the Prince of Peace that Qi Ji was familiar with.

"Why bother? That seat is really so attractive?" Qi Ji asked, "Is it worth it to get everything together and get into the palace?"

"You are a commoner, how can you know the meaning of that seat?" Gong Jiu said quietly, "The education I received since I was a child is that I can have everything when I sit in that seat."

"So, when I have a chance to give it a go, I can bet it all."

"Unfortunately, you failed." Qi Ji said.

"Failed? Maybe yes, but Lu Le, do you think you won?" Gong Jiu suddenly smiled.

"What do you mean?" Bewildered.

"Do you think that invisible people have been in business for so many years, only this power?" Gong Jiu laughed wildly, "No, their power is not in the arena, but in the court. As long as there is a chance, they can still reverse the world."

"So what? They still dare not kill the king?" Qi Ji disdain.

"You don't dare to kill the emperor, but if the emperor suddenly dies and has no future, what will be the result? Do you think they will push up the people chosen by the invisible man?"

Qi Ji's face was ugly, and Emperor Zhengde had no children.

Originally, the invisible people wanted to let people assassinate the emperor. They wanted to choose Lu Xiaofeng, but they failed.Up to now, even the invisible man has been destroyed, so do you have any other players?

"King Ning has already risen up, do you think that with the emperor's temperament, will he be conquered by himself?" Gong Jiu smiled happily, "As long as he leaves the capital, he won't want to return."

"That's not your turn." Qi Ji has calmed down.

He also remembered that the Emperor Zhengde in history accidentally fell into the water when King Zhengning returned and died soon after returning to the capital.

"Since I lost, I admit it, I can afford to gamble." Gong Jiu said, "How are you going to send it to me?"

"You are the prince's eldest son, how can the official have the qualifications to send you down? After returning, he will have his own emperor and clan send down." Qi Ji said.

"But I won't suffer those humiliations," Gong Jiu smiled, with blood flowing from his mouth, "They are not worthy to judge me."

He didn't choose to live, he broke his heart and died.

Qi Ji was silent for a while, and then someone secretly packed up.

Then he asked: "Where is Li Xunhuan?"

Li Xunhuan was still in the square, beside Lin Shiyin, watching Long Xiaoyun comfort Lin Shiyin, feeling bitter.

Lin Shiyin held their son Long Xiaoyun in his arms.

Long Xiaoyun's throat was his flying knife.

Xiao Li Feidao, a good example.

He didn't even dare to speak out, for fear that he would lose the chance of goodbye.

Will she still forgive him?

Although she already knew that this man might not be his son anymore, she could really put it down.

He panicked and was very uneasy, and people from exactly six doors came to look for them and left as if they were fleeing.

"Back then, I wrote you a letter to advise you to get married soon, but unfortunately you wouldn't listen, otherwise there would be the current situation!" Li Xunhuan said after coming in.

"Perhaps, if so, maybe what I am going to kill today is my own son. In that case, would I still trust you?" Li Xunhuan said.

"It's destined, there is no need to force it." Qi Ji also sighed, "Facts have also proved that I did not lie to you, Shangguan Jin Hong has long been aware of the abnormality."

"So we can still talk here." Li Xunhuan said, "In the future, there will be no problems, right?"

"It should be, as long as I leave." Qi Ji said.

"Are you going? Where are you going?" Li Xunhuan asked.

"From where I came." Qi Ji said, "In essence, I am no different from Long Xiaoyun and Shangguan Fei, except that I have no malice in this world, so I can be friends with you and convene that one. A large number of excellent people."

"You keep saying that Long Xiaoyun covets my flying knife stunt?" Li Xunhuan asked, "For this purpose, he cooperated with you and misidentified you?"

"Yes, probably to be stronger!" Qi Ji said, "You know, his strength is very strong, even better than Shangguan Jinhong. If it were not for a sneak attack, it would be difficult to kill him."

"Since you are leaving, I will give you this thing!" Li Xunhuan took out a booklet and handed it to Qi Ji.

"Yun Shen Jue? What is it?" Qi Ji took it over at will and asked.

"This is the secret of Xiao Li Feidao." Li Xunhuan said solemnly.

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