Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 140 Return (for subscription)

There is not much time, and it is possible to return at any time, but the question now is who can take his place after he leaves.

Chu Liuxiang, Xiao Shaoying, Yihong, Ding Xi and others probably couldn't stand the constraints of the six doors. Since Qi Ji agreed to let them be free, they would not stay here again.

Bai Yujing is the same, and more importantly, his identity is special.

Originally, Qi Ji only discovered a few anomalies. For example, Bai Yujing was very concerned about cracking down on the Blue Dragon Society. In many cases, the intelligence sources were very timely and accurate, including the Money Gang and Invisible People Organization. He had his own sources of information.

According to him, this is because he made many friends when he was in the world.

Qi Ji didn't manage too much, anyway, as long as he worked hard to serve the six doors without affecting his plan.

Until this time, Bai Yujing took the initiative to find a strange plan to confess.

He is a direct descendant of the former Qinglong boss.

If nothing happens, he will be the next Qinglong boss.

But it's a pity that since the former Qinglong boss was seriously injured, the Qinglong guild has been vaguely unstable. Of course, a betrayal is not enough, but if he wants to push him to the top, it is impossible.

Therefore, the Qinglong boss sent out Bai Yujing who was still a child, but he was assassinated many times.

In the end, all his past disappeared and he became a wandering person. From then on, he only used secretly to contact some of the Azure Dragon Association who were still loyal to him, but no one knew his identity anymore.

After the Qinglong boss died and civil strife began, he decided to destroy the Qinglonghui—in the name of the Longevity Sword.

Therefore, I added six doors later because I saw six doors to deal with the Blue Dragon Society and wanted to take advantage of it.

Liu Feixuan, also a member of the Blue Dragon Association, was the nail that the boss of Qinglong personally inserted in the six doors.After Bai Yujing contacted him secretly, it was even better.

Therefore, Bai Yujing voluntarily asked to attack the Money Gang, the largest force established after the Qinglonghui civil strife.

Qi Ji also agreed. It doesn't matter what Bai Yujing's identity is. Even if he sees the Blue Dragon Club again later, he has no opinion. Even if it is rebuilt, the Blue Dragon Club cannot be compared with before.

I wanted to have a good talk with Bai Yujing after this battle, but now I have no chance.

Wei Shanhe was also a member of the Blue Dragon Association. He was a member of the Money Gang. Gao Li found out some clues, but did not alarm him. He was responsible for staying behind during this operation.

Although most people left, Qi Ji still left the power to deal with Wei Shanhe, and Jin Kaijia was the gatekeeper.I thought that if Wei Shanhe had changed, he might have fallen under Jin Kaijia's left axe at this moment.

Probably only Yang Zheng can succeed him.

He was originally a six-door person, although his personality was a bit straightforward, but if he achieved the corresponding position, it should be changed.

There are also Duan Yu and Zhu Zhu, probably will not leave, they will help them, even if they are missing, they should not be messed up.

Mindful of this, Qi Ji sent someone to summon Yang Zheng into the carriage, told him his decision, and temporarily appointed him as the deputy chief arrester of the six doors to assist him in managing the six doors.

Yang Zheng couldn't refuse and could only accept it. For this reason, Qi Ji warned everyone.

Finally, he invited Qiu Fengwu, returned the peacock feather to him, and explained the source, which made Qiu Fengwu very grateful.

He never thought that Peacock Ling would be lost.

When I was on the mountain before, I almost couldn't help but ask each other. It's not easy to bear it now.

It's fine now, the master arrester will still consider his own person, and take the initiative to return the Peacock Ling. With the Peacock Ling, the Peacock Villa will definitely continue.

After doing all this, another day has passed.

It's really time to go.

Any regrets?

Of course there is.

Emperor Zhengde treated him well, but unfortunately he couldn't change his destiny. Even if he returned quickly, he probably couldn't prevent Emperor Zhengde from conquering himself.

This is a restless emperor.

"The Book of Weapons" has not yet reached the top, Bai Xiaosheng has been in jail, and he can't really change the ranking by himself.

Even if it is changed, the system may not admit that if he doesn't say it, he won't be embarrassed to change it if he doesn't defeat the number one mysterious swordsman.

That mysterious swordsman, let him be as mysterious as ever.

It's good to leave some suspense.

3 source energy points... nothing more.

Not worth mentioning.

There are still many energy sources, and the upgrade is probably too late.

Although the carriage is in a sealed environment, there are too many people around, who knows if an accident will happen.

If the system warns again, let's leave first.

Goodbye, my dear men.

Goodbye, protagonists and supporting actors of the era.

Farewell, I hope you can go back to the original story, not like this mess.


Quietly, Qi Ji disappeared into the carriage and left the world.

Thus, the world stopped.

There seems to be an invisible force that is slowly dividing the world.

Until a certain moment, the division is completed and the world turns again.

Li Xunhuan woke up from the carriage, the wine had been drunk, and the bottle was tilted aside.

Rubbing his head, he always felt as if he had forgotten something. He lifted the curtain of the car, and there was heavy snow outside.

He took out a throwing knife and started carving.

The wood carving was formed in his hands little by little and turned into a graceful girl.

He stared for a long time, got out of the car, buried, and then continued on the road.

Soon after, he saw a lonely figure in the snow.

"Come on, I invite you to drink!" He invited.


When Chu Liuxiang was sober, she found herself in a small teahouse.

"Why am I here?" He thought, "By the way, I was investigating the case of Piaoxiang in the Sea of ​​Blood. I found Nangong's spiritual head, but he was killed by his brother."

Looking around for a week, there are many customers in the small tea house.At this moment, he heard a voice: "Master Tianfeng?... Is it the head of the South Shaolin Branch, the master abbot of Putian Shaolin Temple?"

"Tianfeng?" Chu Liuxiang thought for a while, and he had an idea in his heart, so he walked over and said to one of them: "The sky is full of stars, I am your old friend, why don't you invite me to drink tea?"

Hey, something seems to be forgotten?

Regardless of him, let's talk about the case after we find out.


Lu Xiaofeng woke up in the bathtub and found four girls surrounding him.

"Emei four show? Why are they here? What about me, what am I doing?" Although the girl is good, if the girl holds a sharp sword, it is not good.

"I remember, I was investigating the mystery of the wealth of the Jinpeng dynasty. It seems that Ximen Chuuxue killed their senior brother Su Shaoying." Lu Xiaofeng thought, "Why should I say that it seems, isn't this something that happened recently? Noisy."

"Let's deal with it first!" No matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't face the four girls naked.


When Bai Yujing was sober, the acupuncture points were spotted on the ground, and he could not move at all.

"Beauty still can't be recruited. Who knows that a simple hero who saves beauty is involved in the conspiracy of the peacock map." After sorting out his thoughts, Bai Yujing knew where he was.

In the inn of his friend Fang Longxiang, lying next to him was his corpse, killed by the hidden weapon in the longevity sword.

There are a lot of people coming to this inn. If he can't figure out a way, he might be dead early tomorrow morning.

"The Blue Dragon Club is really hard to deal with!"

"Why do I have to say it back? Have you ever been an enemy with Qinglong before?" Bai Yujing thought.

At this moment, he heard footsteps.


All this is not known at all, after choosing to leave, he immediately appeared in the previous space.

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