"From now on, I will call you a book space!" Looking at the familiar space that has not changed much, Qi Ji muttered to himself.

The space hasn't changed much, but there are a lot more books on the shelf.

After a glance, I found a few books I had experienced this time, and looked through it, but there was no trace of myself, and all returned to normal.

Bring up the system and open the interface again.

The first thing to look at is the system prompt.

"You have gone through the elementary world once, completed the main task, and received the reward once."

"You currently have gone through the primary world 2 times, have experienced 3 primary worlds in total, and completed the main task, opening all the permissions of the primary world."

"The elementary world you have experienced was merged by the invasion, and has now begun to separate."

"The separation of the world is complete, the elimination of the memory of related characters is complete, and all the merged worlds return to the original point."

"You can return to the original world at any time. When you return, you retain 5% of your strength. The source energy points cannot be used in the real world."

"Next time you enter the book world, you can continue to use source energy points."

"Warning: When entering the book world, there may be an invasion by an extraterritorial demon at any time. Please be prepared for the host."


"Are you back to square one?" Qi Ji asked, "I don't know if I have a chance to see those people again?"

It is probably useless to see it, amnestics, no one will know of their existence anymore.

You can get all permissions only 3 times in the elementary world, and you will have to experience it again next time.

"Grandmaster Pinnacle, invincible, why do we need to come to the Elementary World again?" Qi Ji muttered to himself, but thinking of Long Xiaoyun, he was still a little afraid.

"Those so-called extraterritorial celestial demons don't know if they are the reincarnations of the main god? Long Xiaoyun didn't say anything, and didn't dare to ask carefully, for fear that he would discover the truth."

"But what is certain is that they have gone through all kinds of worlds just like me, and they have a profound background. You really have to be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

The two people I met this time, Shangguan Fei was too weak, Long Xiaoyun was completely clever, was deceived by himself, and died after repeated attacks.

Qi Ji didn't know what hole cards he had, but no matter what he had, he was killed if he didn't use it. This was vigilance.

Seeing Li Xunhuan's face, he didn't search for Long Xiaoyun's body, wondering if there were any good things left.

The skin is still not thick enough, is it because the superiors have been in the position for a long time and have begun to pay attention to the face, such as the revision of "The Book of Weapons", there are three sources of energy...

"Yunshenjue should be practiced earlier. This can increase your strength. Shouldn't spiritual power be the standard equipment in the world of cultivating immortals? The elementary world will appear, and it's super class!"

"Li Xunhuan is indeed the most popular darling."

"Also, is the invasion of an extraterritorial celestial demon an external manifestation of the Lord God plundering the world's luck?"

"If it is, then what will happen if Xiao Li's Flying Sword World, as Long Xiaoyun thought, has been attacked 7 times?"

"There are more people invaded by reincarnations. Will this world disappear one day and be completely occupied by the main god?"

"So, what's the meaning of my existence? To resist the invasion of the outer demons? Stop the master god's conspiracy?"

"Is the system I have, is there also a conspirator behind it who is watching silently, using me to achieve a certain goal?"


For a time, I wondered a lot.

"Strength, or strength, what qualifications does a mortal have to think about major issues concerning the safety of the universe?"

"Even if there is a conspiracy behind it, am I going to give up the world of books and find an ordinary job to wait for death and live this life safely?"

"At that time, will you regret it?"

"Even if there is a conspiracy, isn't it written in the novel, the protagonist becomes stronger and counterattacks and overthrows the Lord God, or this is the direction of my efforts."

"If there is a conspiracy!"

Host: Qi Ji

Realm: Grand Master Pinnacle

Cultivation methods: Quanzhen Mind Method (Consummation), Jiu Yin Zhenjing (Consummation), Congenital Gong (Dacheng)

Martial Skills: Quanzhen Sword Technique (Consummation), Jin Yan Gong (Consummation), I Ching Bone Forging (Consummation), Soul Transfer Dafa (Consummation), Heart Destruction Palm (Xiao Cheng +), Da Fu Moquan (Xiao Cheng +) , Dugu Nine Swords (Consummation), One Yang Finger (Dacheng+), Struggle Left and Right (Consummation), Kongming Boxing (Dacheng+), Yunshenjue (No Entry+)...

Source energy point: 23.2

Main mission: Kill the evil demon outside the sky (22), the reward is unknown, and you cannot return until the mission is completed.(Completed, whether to receive the reward)

Side task 1: Overwhelming arena, successfully reward 5 source energy points.(completed)

Side task 2: Get to the top of the weapon spectrum and reward 3 source energy points.(undone)

"Is it still possible to upgrade here?" I didn't have time to watch it last time, but this time I discovered it for the first time.

Without a doubt, Qi Ji immediately chose to upgrade Yun Shen Jue.

A familiar feeling came, and Yun Shenjue's practice experience came to mind.

This time, he didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he had a clear mind and his thoughts were flying.

After a while, the spreading of the gong was over, and Yun Shen Jue was the beginning.

I felt it, when the Soul Transfer Dafa reached Consummation, it seemed that it was not as good as this time.

This is just getting started.

Qi Ji is very suspicious that Shi Guanyin's self-made "men can't be seen" is probably due to accidentally hitting and touching the side of mental power. If he really finds out the way, even if it is only the late master, it will never be inferior to any master. Pinnacle master.

It just consumes a bit more, and it costs 2 source energy points to get started, the same level as the innate skill.

Mental strength is different from internal strength and the way to improve is different. Yun Shen Jue exercises mental strength by visualizing and sketching in the mind.

It would be better if there was a visual map, and the next spiritual item would also work, but this is not found in the elementary world.Even those masters of calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting, no matter how good they are, they still fail to meet spiritual standards.

That is the attribute possessed by talents above innate.

No, I can only imagine it out of thin air, and the efficiency is undoubtedly much lower.

Li Xunhuan, as a Tanhua Lang, can write well, so he visualizes his calligraphy.

He didn't know how to reach it, but he was very suspicious that Li Xunhuan hadn't achieved great success at all.

This is a technique that surpasses the Grandmaster level. If it reaches great success, it is estimated that it does not need to make a trick, and it will result in Long Xiaoyun with a single stroke.

"Just once, don't be impatient, now it's time to receive the reward."

Last time I completed the main mission, I directly rewarded 3 source energy points. This time I have to claim it myself, which should be different.

After confirming the claim, Qiji received the system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the main quest, gaining 20 source energy points, obtaining a wishful orchid hand (consummation), and a space ring."

"Get rich!"

Just seeing the first reward, Qi Ji has a feeling of joy from heaven.

He worked hard for two years, exploring the position of the protagonist and triggering the plot. In total, he obtained only about 40 source energy points. The completion of the main task was worthy of his one year's work.

Only two people were killed. Thinking about it, I feel that these two years have been in vain.

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