"Why haven't you seen it for a long time?" Zhou Yuenan wondered, "It's only three or four days, it's like life and death."

"In other words, why have you gone these few days, and disappeared without a word, and the girlfriend went to the secret meeting?"

For Zhou Yuenan, it was only a few days, but for Qi Ji, it was more than ten years—from the time he recovered his memory.

When I saw someone I knew, I didn't have time to feel that time passed by. Zhou Yuenan's words immediately made the strange mood disappear.

Worthy of being a martial artist, take it!

So he said, "I want to go, but I have to have a girlfriend first."

"The opposite is the university. Autumn is high and fresh. The little boss can go and hook up one or two. If it's too late, you won't be able to wear miniskirts." Zhou Yuenan smiled.

"As long as you pay the price, someone will tell you when it snows, it's never too late." Qi Ji looked up and down Zhou Yuenan.

"Really, then why don't you go?" Zhou Yuenan asked deliberately.

"I am getting older, and there is a generation gap with you young people," Qi Ji smiled, "So I am waiting for the initiative to come."

"So, an otaku like you, just wait to be single for 10,000 years." Zhou Yuenan said, "go away."


The joke is over.

Zhou Yuenan was just passing by, and the bookstore opened to say hello.


After leaving Zhou Yuenan away, seeing that it was getting dark, he locked the door and went out to eat.

After being away for a few days, most of the ingredients stored in the refrigerator were thrown away when the afternoon was cleaned up, leaving only the meat in the freezer.

"Next time you must remember this lesson, clean up in advance, and save waste." Qi Ji told himself, "A little bit of savings is a little bit."

Thinking of this, I remembered the hundreds of millions that I had missed, and felt a little heartache inexplicably.

Ordinary home-cooked dishes are not chef’s craftsmanship, and the taste is not as good as in the book world, but it is delicious.

Back here, he felt that he was a real existence.

In the world of books, no matter how real it feels, he always has a sense that this is a false world.

After eating, I went to the supermarket to buy things, returned home, washed and lay on the bed, and then Qi Ji opened the system panel.

Host: Qi Ji

Realm: Early second-rate

Cultivation methods: Quanzhen Mind Method (Da Cheng), Jiu Yin Zhen Jing (Xiao Cheng), Xiantian Gong (Introduction)

Martial Skills: Quanzhen Sword Technique (Da Cheng), Jin Yan Gong (Xiao Cheng), Frost Ice Breaking Palm Method (Xiao Cheng), I Ching Bone Forging (Xiao Cheng), Soul Transfer Technique (Xiao Cheng), Heart Destruction Palm (Xiao Cheng) Cheng), Dafu Moquan (Introduction), Dugu Nine Swords (Xiaocheng), Yiyang Finger (Introduction), Left-Right Struggle (Xiaocheng), Kongmingquan (Introduction), Yun Shen Jue (Introduction), Ruyi Orchid Hand (Xiaocheng)...

Source energy point: 41.2

Main mission: None.

Next task time: To be determined.

The strength is retained by 5%. The second-rate realm said that in the past, the realms reserved for various martial arts are inconsistent. Only the basic Quanzhen Heart Technique and Quanzhen Sword Technique have achieved great success, and the rest are in the Xiaocheng realm.

Only Yun Shen Jue had been promoted to the entry level before, and returned to reality, still at the entry level, never lowered.

Why is this?Could it be that spiritual attributes are not restricted?

Then why is the Soul Removal Dafa still degraded, isn't it martial arts related to spiritual power?

It’s hard to say a few days ago. Now, I should be the strongest man in the world!

He now has six to seven hundred jins of strength with one hand, and if he works with internal skills, it is not a problem to carry a thousand jins.

Just ask who can be stronger than him.

With a smile, Qi Ji went to sleep.

He slept very peacefully this night.


Before dawn, Qi Ji automatically woke up, dressed, washed, went out, and resumed his previous exercise.

Second-rate strength, this kind of exercise is no longer useful, he just cultivates his own interest.

Running a bookstore during the day, hiding behind a computer for a whole day, eating and waiting to die, can't waste the only time after work.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he began to exercise his internal strength, and he used the Quanxin Fa to suddenly feel that the world was different.

The speed of cultivation is much faster, although it is still slow, but it is several times faster than before.

Surprisingly, there is a feeling that this world is transforming into the world of the Eagle Shooting or the world of Xiao Li's Flying Sword.

This thought shocked him. If it is true, why is it so?

Is it because of your own reasons?

If this is the case, will there be masters in the world in the future, and will martial arts become the mainstream of the world?

What about hot weapons?What will change?

"Am I worrying too much, Xiaomin, why do I always care about this big issue concerning the security of the universe?" Qi Ji smiled in his heart.

"It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me, I am just a bookstore owner who is about to close down."

It's really just a small citizen.

With the internal force running for a big week, Qi Ji did not practice the frost-breaking palm, but changed to the Ruyi orchid hand.

Sure enough, this kind of small work is much better and more natural, unlike the frost-breaking palm method, which makes the layperson look weird.

When laymen see Ruyi orchid hands, they will only think that the young man's hands are very flexible, and he can't think of martial arts.

This is also martial arts that can be displayed in front of outsiders. You can't be restricted because your hands are too flexible.

Where are human rights?

This is a world of freedom, security, and order. It is not a world that anyone can manipulate, nor is it a world where geniuses will be strangled.

This world is pretty good.


"Hey, the boy is here again, I have been slack in these few days!" Without looking back, Qi Ji knew that it was Teacher Wu who had arrived.

With his current strength, he knew that the old man was coming after tens of meters.

"I'm going to save the earth, otherwise, why can human beings live safely under the night sky?"

"It's not ashamed to boast about it." Teacher Wu approached, "Why did you change your hand?"

"How do you always think that I am practicing martial arts," Qi Ji smiled, "Is my hands flexible in activities?"

"Just be nonsense, I have practiced martial arts all my life, but still can't tell?" Teacher Wu proudly said.

"That kid is really honored to be favored by your martial arts master!" said Qi Ji.

"Masters are not counted, they are ranked in the top ten at most." Teacher Wu said, "How about, my previous suggestions are still valid."

"Even if you are a Shaolin sweeping monk, I still want to be a safe boss." Qi Ji said, "I have no interest in martial arts!"

Interest is still there, but if you are an incompetent person who can teach a hammer, you might as well salt fish in the shop!

He actually replaced the word "wugong" with "money", but unfortunately he didn't have this strength.

Living in the present, money is still very important.

Be sure to bring something good next time.

He set the goal again.

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