Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 144 Martial Arts Revival (seeking subscription)

Teacher Wu is anxious: "Can't you be a little motivated?"

"What's so good about practicing martial arts?" retorted anxiously, "In modern society, no matter how well you practice, you can't stop a spray. Why should you make yourself so tired?"

"Even if you have practiced well, you are just a fool. What can you do in the future? Is it a security guard or a bodyguard? Of course, I don't mean to look down on these professions, but, if that's the case, I might as well work in my bookstore , Anyhow it is also his own industry."

"How much money can you earn in a year of broken shop? I'm afraid I have to accompany a lot!" Teacher Wu said, "Who said that martial arts can only do simple jobs. If that's the case, why should I bother to teach? you?"

"As long as you learn well, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as a coach in the future. Now people want to learn martial arts. Or as a martial artist, you have a reputation and status, and your income is not low. Not for it?" Teacher Wu continued to persuade, "If you are lucky enough to enter the entertainment circle and become a martial arts star, it will be millions or tens of millions."

"Do you think anyone has that kind of luck?" Qi Ji smiled. "Since so many people want to learn martial arts, why are you staring at me?"

"Because I believe in my own vision, you are definitely a good martial artist, you can meet but not ask for it." Teacher Wu said affirmatively.

"Teacher Wu, this is not the past, I still use this kind of reason." Qi Ji said.

"I'm serious." Teacher Wu solemnly said.

"I'm sorry, I have considered it carefully, so let's forget it!" Wei Ji said.

"Oh, there is no destiny after all," Teacher Wu said, "this is probably the last time we have met."

"You always seem to be physically strong, so how can you go away so easily!" Qi Ji joked.

"Go and go, no big or small, I'm serious." Teacher Wu said, "I am leaving this city today. I have urged several times over there. Yesterday there were a few calls in a row and I had to leave. "

"I wish you a good journey and goodbye." Qi Ji blessed.

After speaking, he went down the mountain, fast, and soon disappeared in the eyes of Teacher Wu.

"This kid, as for?" Teacher Wu on the top of the mountain laughed.

It seems that this kid is a good martial arts seedling. If you want to cultivate it, you can take the lead in the subsequent social upheaval, but the mud can't help the wall!

As the inheritor of Neijiaquan, he has also heard the rumors of rejuvenation of Tai Chi and spiritual energy. He thought it was just a legend, but now it seems to have come.

Not to mention other things, even he himself feels that his energy has been much better recently, his practice is easier and he has made great progress.

Ordinarily, this is impossible for him at his age, but it happened.

Just yesterday, he felt that his progress in the exercise was accelerating again, and that day he received a call urging him to go back, and there were several calls in a row, asking him to return immediately.

I haven't seen this young man for a few days. I thought I wouldn't meet again, but I met again before I left, so I invited again.

But helpless, people are unwilling.

"Forget it, let the fate." He also lost the mood to exercise, pacing down the mountain, "Perhaps, it can really usher in a great world."

"At that time, let that kid regret it!"


"This old man, really tirelessly," Qi Ji rushed back all the way, "Is it really to the point where the domineering is exposed and you can see the difference at a glance?"

After a while, I went back home and started cooking and eating. After I was busy with everything, I practiced my gong again.

This time it was running the Nine Yin Scriptures, which still couldn't be compared with the book world, but it was also felt that it was running much faster than the previous few days.

At 9 o'clock, Qi Ji opened the door on time.

Anyway, there is no one, so I will open the door at this point in the future.

Open the door, sit behind the bar, and start surfing the Internet.

In the real world, he can only kill the day.

The previous lively "fairy people" incidents have disappeared, and martial arts practice has become a new hot topic.

For example, Shaolin Temple began to recruit lay disciples.

This is not like the previous martial arts school enrollment, which can be entered at the expense of registration, but has to pass the assessment of Shaolin monks, and then enter after passing the exam.

Although I don't know what it teaches, it is still popular with people based on the word "Shaolin".But unfortunately, this so-called lay disciple selection is very demanding, and it has not recruited a few people for half a month.

Not only Shaolin, but also many famous mountains and rivers with ancient heritage, such as Wudang Mountain, Zhongnan Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, etc. have begun to recruit disciples from the secular world. Of course, they are also strict in entry.

What's more, martial arts schools in major cities have begun to rise, and martial arts schools of various schools continue to open, such as Hongquan, Xingyiquan, Half-step Bengquan, Iron Xianquan, Cailifoquan, Baguaquan, Neijia Boxing, Taijiquan, Tan legs, etc. are all the same. Boxing gymnasiums are built in various places to recruit disciples.

In the Internet age, there are no secrets. The great changes in the martial arts world have attracted countless people, especially the uncrowned kings. They want to know why this is the case, but they only have a unified answer.

To promote traditional Chinese martial arts.

Even if you make up a lie, you still have a snack!

This is the voice of all uncrowned kings.

I have been chanting the slogan of promoting Chinese martial arts for many years, and I haven't seen any actions from you, and you are half dead.

If this sudden act is united, then something big will happen; if it is spontaneous, something bigger will happen.

As the uncrowned king, you just want to uncover the secrets.

Therefore, there have been a lot of reports recently about the recruitment of disciples in major martial arts halls and famous mountains and rivers. Every demon has opened that martial arts hall again. A leader in Beijing highly praised the open recruitment of disciples in a certain place, and a certain genius. A teenager abandoned literature to learn martial arts, a certain "common knowledge" advocated martial arts fitness to revitalize China...

Even abroad, there are a lot of such news, which makes Qi Ji look confused.

"I just left for a few days, is this still the world before?"

"When will Xi Wu's drafts become mainstream throughout various media?"

"Is it really because of that reason?"

Qi Ji thought in his heart, fully operating the inner power mental method, quietly perceiving.

After a while, he finally sensed that there was a special substance in the void that was absorbed into the body when he was running his internal power, turning it into a trace of internal force.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the World of Eagle Shooting and the World of Xiao Li's Flying Swords, although there are few," Qi Ji said, "In other words, this world really has to transform into that kind of world."

"So, because of this reason, martial arts has risen again." Thinking of this, Qi Ji was surprised, "This world won't really have that kind of hidden antique, or why would it react so quickly?"

"Although that kind of peculiar matter is increasing, it is rare, almost unknown. I, a second-rate warrior, have ignored it. They actually know before me?"

He raised his head and stared at the sky outside the door: "Is it the power of technology, or is there such a powerful person?"

"Gou, you have to stay up, wait until you recover your full strength." He is very glad that he rejected Teacher Wu, otherwise, if he let those old antiques see himself, wouldn't he want to expose?

"If Teacher Wu didn't brag, if he is so powerful, he should be able to reach those people, if any."

"In the future, if you can't see it, you'll be resolutely absent. It's good to have a comfortable mixed eating and wait for death. If you're bored, go to the world of books and walk around. The whole life-1997 will soon pass."

That's right, Qi Ji can perceive his lifespan, he knew it from the first time he came back, which is why grandpa can arrange his funeral in advance.

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