Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 145 The previous era of spiritual energy recovery (for subscription)

The morning was empty again, until afternoon, Zhou Yuenan came in with a smile on his face.

"Is this being confessed, or winning the lottery, so happy?" Qi Ji probed from behind the bar.

"Dogs can't spit out ivory, can't they be happy because of other things?" The smile on Zhou Yuenan's face was not curbed because of strange words, "You know, we are also opening a martial arts gym here."

"Oh!" Qi Ji spit out a word, then retracted again.

"What is your reaction?" Zhou Yuenan was dissatisfied. "Can't you congratulate me?"

"Will you open a martial arts center? What does it have to do with you when someone opens a martial arts center?" Qi Ji didn't look up. He is now allergic to words like martial arts center and martial arts.

"You won't be an alien, don't you know the overwhelming news about martial arts on the Internet these days?" Zhou Yuenan wondered.

"I'm not going to practice martial arts, why should I care?" Qi Ji asked rhetorically, "Besides, there was no martial arts gym in the city before."

"You are not a few years older than me. Why are you looking somber? This is the current trend," Zhou Yuenan looked helpless. "Moreover, the newly-built martial arts gym is different from before. It's real kung fu, secret."

"Are you going to study in the martial arts gym, not going to school?" Qi Ji asked.

"Of course not. The martial arts center is not directly recruiting disciples from Shaolin and Wudang. They do not need to be there all day when they are free, so they only open in the city for the convenience of the martial arts disciples." Zhou Yuenan said.

"You are so confident to be selected?" Qi Ji said, "It is said on the Internet that even if the selection of martial arts is not as strict as Shaolin and Wudang, it is quite difficult to enter."

"Of course, I am a genius in martial arts." Zhou Yuenan believes in herself, "Just look at it, I'm sure I can go in."

"Then I wish you all the best," said Qi Ji.

"It's almost the same." Zhou Yuenan smiled again.

"Which school is this coming? Wing Chun? Xingyi? Or gossip?" Qi Ji asked, "What are you studying?"

"I used to practice family martial arts, Zhou Jiaquan, but it's not weak. I went to the martial arts hall to learn from others and walk out of my own path." Zhou Yuenan was so proud, "This time the one who came to our establishment is Nei Jiaquan. It is Wudang Mountain's boxing technique, after all, it is close to us."

"Zhou's boxing, it sounds like a big hit," Qi Ji commented. "You have big ambitions. You haven't learned the family boxing method well, so you want to be your own school."

Although Zhou Yuenan is full of energy and blood, in the eyes of Qi Ji, he is an incompetent martial artist. Although he does not know whether there is a martial arts realm in this world, no matter how it is divided, Zhou Yuenan does not belong to the master sequence, and it is more than ordinary. The person is strong on three points.

"You have to have lofty ambitions, and then work hard step by step." Zhou Yuenan said, "This is a world-wide event, and all countries are promoting martial arts. You really don't try it, what if you get selected?"

"Too tired, it's still suitable for me to sit." Qi Ji refused.

He even refused Teacher Wu, not to mention Zhou Yuenan, who is the next highest level.

"I have inside information, do you want to know? The secret about the world's sudden keen on promoting martial arts." Zhou Yuenan suddenly approached and whispered.

"No, you don't have to say it." Qi Ji simply refused.

"Why?" Zhou Yuenan's voice was three points higher.

"According to the usual practice, after you tell the secret, you will be killed when you go out, and then someone will come and kill me." Qi Ji looked solemn, "I don't want to get in trouble."

Zhou Yuenan almost didn't smash out the book in his hand. I'll tell you the business, you will be acting now, graduated from the School of Drama!

"It's too late now, even if you don't know, they won't believe it, and they will kill you." She also acted and said coldly.

"You have watched too much movies," she returned to normal without waiting for a surprise reply, "I'm telling you something serious!"

"Go ahead and listen carefully." Qi Ji converged a little and said with a serious tone.

"According to those long-standing families, we have caught up with the era of rejuvenation of spiritual energy. In the future, the people who practice martial arts are not like what they are now. It is easy to fly and walk the wall, and they will be powerful. One punch can kill a cow." Zhou Yuenan seemed to mumble. Well, I am very yearning.

"Really?" Qi Ji condensed, and as expected, someone knew that there really were old antiques in this world.

Then he cannot be exposed.

"Your Zhou family is one of them?" Qi Ji asked.

"That's not true. Our family inheritance is still in the past, but four generations," Zhou Yuenan said, "but it still has something to do with some long-lasting families. I know some inside stories."

"You know in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. At that time, there were a lot of masters, such as King Wu, Huo Yuanjia, Li Shuwen, Guo Yunshen, etc., and they are all well-known existences today." Zhou Yuenan said, "It is said that it is a spiritual revival. Era."

"If it was the era of aura recovery, it would be too much!" Qi Ji shook his head and said, "Isn't it impossible to be an enemy of a hundred people, facing firearms, just stop cooking."

"No," Zhou Yuenan said, "They just caught up with the aura recovery, but later, it seemed that the aura recovery was interrupted, so those people were trapped for a lifetime, and after that, there was no such master. Appeared."

"Can the aura recovery be interrupted?" Wei Ji thought, "Now, how far is it, won't it be interrupted like last time?"

"I don't know, the spiritual energy recovery is still going on," Zhou Yuenan said, "So those sects who know the inside story began to recruit disciples on a large scale, and even the hermit sects such as Wudang and Shaolin came to the surface, just to occupy Take the opportunity to snatch the martial arts genius."

"So, it's no wonder the martial arts hall is blooming everywhere!" The strange plan suddenly appeared.

Even if this resurrection of spiritual energy is still interrupted, if a few people like Li Shuwen and Huo Yuanjia come out of their martial arts, they will inevitably be passed on to future generations.

Life is alive, not for profit, that is for fame, so they can't wait, this also makes people see the clue.

People are too many to talk, and secrets can't be hidden naturally, so all that should be known is known, and the people who don't know will always be the low-level public.

The news is asymmetrical, or if they hear the rumors, they will only think it is a rumors.By the time I really understood it, it was too late.

"You said Shaolin and Wudang are hermits?" Qi Ji asked, "They listen to great incense!"

"That's ordinary people. These big schools always have a line of martial arts, and they imagine that one day a miracle will happen." She glanced at the strange plan. "I never thought that I have waited in this era. It is only a hundred years since the last time."

I confirmed the look in my eyes and met the right...Ah, Bah, Lao Kui really exists, but I don’t know how those people’s martial arts are?

Must stay, not wave.

Although I don't know how strong Li Shuwen and Huo Yuanjia are, what can be confirmed is that they could not stop the firearms at the time.Now that the development of guns has become more mature and powerful, can the martial artist really stop it?

Will the country not know the fact that Reiki has recovered?If you know, why haven't you moved yet?Is there a big plan brewing?

Can aura recovery really create a new pattern?

He was skeptical about this.

At this time, Zhou Yuenan came over and whispered: "It is said that the spiritual energy has recovered to a certain extent, and the martial artist can really develop internal strength!"

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