Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 146 Neijia Boxing Gym (for subscription)

Seeing her mysterious and excited look, Qi Ji really wanted to tell her: There is a second-rate master in front of you, who has also experienced the feeling of being at the top of the Grand Master, and internal strength is nothing at all.

If one day she knew the truth, would she be ashamed to death?

He looked calm and distracted.

Zhou Yuenan is dissatisfied again: Hearing such secret things, you have no reaction at all. Is that fair?

"Really? That's amazing. In the future, you will become a master of internal skills, but you have to take a look at the shop." Before Zhou Yuenan went crazy, Qi Ji recovered and hurriedly applauded.

"You are too exaggerated!" Zhou Yuenan was annoyed, "Do you not believe what I said?"

"No, I firmly believe in the words of the heroine." Qi Ji said sternly.

"But you don't have any interest at all, and you still don't want to go with me," Zhou Yuenan said, "That's internal strength, you don't want to experience it, don't you all say that men have an impulse to fight the sword! "

"Woman, impulse is the devil, you will become a master in the future, but don't beat me up on impulse." Qi Ji continued to gag.

"Forget it, you are really boring." Zhou Yuenan finally gave up.

"I'm very curious. Ordinarily, our relationship is not so good. We only met for a few days." Qi Ji said with a question, "Why are you telling me about such a secret thing?"

"It's not because of my beauty!"

"Fuck, you have a beautiful ass," Zhou Yuenan scolded and explained, "It's not a secret anymore. You know everything you need to know. If the aura recovery continues, everyone will probably know it soon. It’s just to tell you a few days in advance. In today’s era, there are no secrets! Even if it can be kept secret at home, it can’t be done abroad."

"Tell you, I want you to have a score in your heart, and prepare early so that you can take the lead in future changes. Your grandfather is good to me, you can still talk about it, but I did not expect that you are such a waste house. I told you everything, but I didn't even have a heartbeat."

"You said you, at a young age, just guarding this broken shop, can you survive? How much do you have to lose? If you continue to be so salty, you really want to be single for thousands of years!"

I'll go, how come this sounds so familiar, shouldn't it be the lines of an elderly person like Teacher Wu?

"Even if you can maintain it now, in the future, the world will change drastically and everyone will learn martial arts for fun. Who else is in the mood to read? What will you do then?" Zhou Yuenan continued.

"Yes, I know that you are kind, I must consider it carefully." Qi Ji interrupted quickly, "You go to explore the road first, and I will follow you when you succeed. Maybe I am a genius in martial arts. Your kind for a year."

"Daydreaming, you won't be beautiful." Zhou Yuenan thought that she didn't fully believe what he said, and no longer forced it. "If you fall behind, you will be beaten. When the time comes, you will be beaten up by the society. Don't regret it."

"It's a big deal that you will be chanting with the heroine then, with your ability, you can't cover a little brother!" Qi Ji said.

"Then it will depend on the woman's mood at that time." Zhou Yuenan smiled, "After leaving, you can continue to salt the fish!"

He basically believed Zhou Yuenan's words.

As a small citizen, his first half of his life was like countless people, ordinary, and his understanding of history was limited to books, and there was no additional source of information.

The Qingming Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China were the era of aura recovery. This was the first time he had heard of it.

He was willing to believe that, after all, in that era, there were indeed many masters, and under the inspiration of saving the nation, various martial arts prospered.

Later, due to some unknown reason, the aura recovery was interrupted, so martial arts failed to flourish, and firearms were still in charge, so martial arts gradually declined, until now it is ushering in a resurgence again.

Whether it is related to himself, he is not sure, because of lack of information sources, he does not know when the world began to resuscitate, nor does he know what changes the world will have after the resuscitation begins.

He didn't dare to explore, and didn't want people to know his secrets.

Before he could not protect himself, he would never reveal his specialness. This was a strategy that had been set long ago, and now he is much firmer.


Zhou Yuenan was right. Within a few days, the news about the construction of a martial arts hall in the city was going viral, and even a hot search made this small town popular.

In addition, the inheritance and development of Wudang Neijiaquan have also been popularized.

Neijiaquan, the product of the combination of Taoist Dandao Kungfu and martial arts, is an exquisite boxing technique that integrates martial arts and self-cultivation. It was created by Zhang Sanfeng during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

That's right, it is the Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng in the novel, until his disciple Zhang Songxi perfected and carried forward, and then gradually formed Songxi Neijiaquan, Wudang Neijiaquan, Siming Neijiaquan and other genres, Tai Chi, Xingyi, Bagua and other methods Most of them come from it and form a group of their own, which shows that they are not bad.

I didn’t know the excitement of the city, but after a few days, when he came back from shopping, he found that a small building not far from next door was undergoing construction and renovation. There were many onlookers, and I accidentally heard someone say it was The location of the boxing gym selected by Neijiaquan.

This made him feel awkward, and he was not afraid, but the martial arts hall was open next to him. If the so-called aura recovery continues, the martial arts hall will be on fire. There are so many people going back and forth every day. God knows what will happen.

Most martial arts practitioners have hot tempers. What if they are affected?Still shot?

These days, Miracle Bookstore, as always, has not many customers, and the transaction volume is pitiful.If it wasn't for Qi Ji that he had a space ring and decided to bring some private goods back next time, he would have to worry about what to do in the future.

Zhou Yuenan still came here from time to time, constantly reporting to Qi Ji the progress of the construction of the martial arts hall, very caring.

After calculating, according to this schedule, even if they are non-stop, it will be one month after the opening.

The publicity for recruiting disciples has been issued, and this work will be carried out in advance, so as not to be embarrassed by not recruiting suitable disciples on the opening day.

Qi Ji works step by step every day, reading books to pass the time.

Every book in this store may be a world. Since there is nothing else to do, please learn more.

When books are used, they hate less.

It may not be used now, but in case it is useful, it may not be too late to make a temporary hold.

Reading books now, unlike before, only read the highlights, but read carefully. Perhaps a certain sentence or a certain word can make him have a different understanding of the characters and the plot.

The increase in mental power makes his memory very good. After each reading, he can generally write it down. If he reads it several times, he will never forget it again.

Regrettably, in the real world, this system cannot write down all of what you read like the book world records martial arts, otherwise it will be easier.

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