Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 154 Nine Suns True Scripture (for subscription)

Jue Yuan couldn't be dissatisfied. Since the young monk Huijue came, his job has become much easier.

He is a person who likes to read. If he is not for the scars on his head, he is a scholar with a Confucian robe.Qi Ji is so eager for the scriptures that he doesn't release the scrolls in his hand.

What's more, every day this little junior will help him clean up and organize the scriptures, so that he has more time to study.

It hasn't been a few years since Jue Yuan managed the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He has not yet managed to keep all the scriptures in his heart. If he can spend more time studying, he naturally cannot ask for it.

As for the odd trick with ulterior motives, stop making trouble. That person with ulterior motives can study here for more than a year?

What's wrong with martial arts? A child who travels thousands of miles to ask for help, if he doesn't have the ability to defend himself, how can he walk in this chaotic world?

It is normal to have a secret, as long as it does not harm Shaolin's interests.


After saying hello, the two began to clean and tidy up the scriptures.

There are many monks who come to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion every day to read books, and many books will be turned over and not put back in their original places. Jue Yuan’s main job is to tidy up these disordered scriptures, and then clean the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

With the help of Qi Ji, the two completed today's task in less than an hour, so they each took out a scripture and started reading.

But today, Qi Ji's mind moved slightly.

Because today, this set of scriptures in his hand is called "Langa Sutra".

This year, by sorting out the scriptures, he discovered that there were only three sets of "Langa Sutra" in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He had read the first two sets and did not find the existence of the Nine Suns. This is the last set.

If there is no other dark room in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, then the Nine Suns True Scripture should exist in the gap between this book.

If not, it is a mistake in the book.

Set my mind, Qi Ji began to look through it.

This is not the first time I have read it. I have had this kind of experience in many scriptures before, but I am not afraid of being seen as strange.

Looking through it page by page, finally, when the book was halfway through, Qi Ji finally saw the small print in the cracks.

The heart that Qi Ji had been holding was finally let go.

When I came to Shaolin, reading the scriptures was only incidental, and the real purpose was the Nine Suns.In order to achieve the goal logically without causing unexpected changes, he chose this approach.

Even if it was finally exposed, the martial arts I learned in ordinary scriptures did not peek at your Shaolin Temple martial arts secrets, what can you say?

Wanting to obtain the Nine Yin Scriptures was also an obsession of a strange plan. In the first world, he wanted to come to this place, bring the power of Huashan Lunjian to win, but later gave up.

Came here again, while there was still time, I wanted to get it.

I have this obsession because I have read in a novel that when the nine yin and nine yang are gathered together, there will be qualitative changes.

Even though he knew that this kind of speculation was false, he still couldn't help but get both of these magic techniques.

Now, the goal is finally achieved.


"The anger sinks in the abyss, and the roots are condensed."

"When you are lucky, you have to get the qi but also your own luck, regardless of where the external force comes from."

"The emptiness and the reality must be clearly distinguished. One place has the emptiness and the reality, and there is always the emptiness and the reality everywhere. The qi must be bulging, and the spirit should be restrained.


Soon, I finished reading the exercises recorded in the gap between the first book, and Qi Ji didn't rush to read the next one. He didn't pick up the second book until he finished reading this "Langa Sutra".

"You need to use your mind without effort. Move with people, stretch when you bend, wherever you go, where you want to use your heart."

"Front, back, left, right, no orientation, late attack, preemptive control."

"I take the other, seek straight in the song, and use my strength to beat people. I have to use four or two strokes."


Volume three, volume four...

After reading the four volumes, an overview of the Nine Suns magical arts finally appeared on the system page.

The Nine-Yin Scriptures are indeed top martial arts that can be compared with the Nine-Yin Scriptures.

After Wang Chongyang captured the Jiuyin Scripture for the first time in Huashan Mountain, he encountered a monk fighting with him at the foot of Songshan Mountain. The bet was the Jiuyin Scripture.

After Wang Chongyang lost, he could only show the Nine Yin Scriptures to the monk. After reading the Nine Yin Scriptures, the monk felt that the Nine Yin Scriptures were more feminine but insufficient masculinity, so he created a new inner strength method that emphasizes both strength and softness, yin and yang. Mutual aid, random execution, and later control, this is the origin of the Nine Suns.

To focus on this, this monk defeated Wang Chongyang by fighting wine. You must know that his internal strength has reached a certain level and he can force the wine to be drunk out of his body. This is the case with Qiu Chuji and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters fighting wine.

Qiu Chuji could do it, and Wang Chongyang could naturally too, but he still lost, showing the monk's greatness.

Therefore, the Wizards did not use force to oppress Shaolin, but chose the current method.

The Jiuyang Zhenjing can quickly restore internal strength, and Zhang Wuji's ability to fight against the six masters is a direct manifestation.Both rigidity and softness, late-coming, and faintly compatible with the lonely nine swords.

I don't know the specific effects for the time being, and we need to wait until the cultivation is successful.


Packed up the four books, put them back in their original places, took another scripture, and started to study.

Even if it is successful, the good habit that has been developed cannot be interrupted.Even if you want to leave, it will take a while.

Back in the bedroom at night, Qi Ji began to look through the contents of the exercises recorded by the system.

The things stored in his mind made him feel more at ease.

"He makes him strong, and the breeze blows the hills; he makes him horizontal, and the moon shines on the river."

"He is cruel, he hates himself, I'm really angry."

"He doesn't move, he doesn't move, he moves slightly, he has already moved. Jin seems to be wide and not loose, it will be unstretched, and Jin will continue."

"Yin reaches its peak, and then gradually declines. Shaoyang grows darkly, yin gradually declines and yang gradually rises, yin and yang complement each other, and mutually reinforce each other. Shaoyang is born from old yin, and Shaoyin is born from old yang. Then it changes, from heavy to light, from light to heavy."

"Strength is borrowed from people, and qi is emitted from the spine. Hu Neng sends qi from the spine. The qi sinks down, from the shoulders to the spine, and is injected into the waist. This qi flows from the top to the bottom, which is called harmony. It stretches on the spine, spreads it on the shoulders, and applies it to the fingers. This breath flows from bottom to top, which is called opening. Closing means closing, opening means releasing. If you know how to open and close, you know yin and yang."


After memorizing the singular sentence, I started to study the method of exercise and the route of internal exercise.

Understand all this, and then start practicing the Nine Suns Scriptures.

If you don't use the energy point, you can't get started overnight.I was not in a hurry, and I stayed at Shaolin Temple with peace of mind for another month. I chose the Nine Suns Scriptures every night when I practiced qigong, and finally reached the entry level.

His martial arts aptitude is improving, not just because of the bone-forging chapter of the Book of Changes. Sometimes Qi Ji wonders if the source energy points that have disappeared are used here, so he can recover his strength in a short time.

A month later, Qi Ji bid farewell to Jueyuan and left Shaolin.

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