Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 155 Entering Xiangyang Again (for subscription)

Qi Ji left Shaolin Temple in an upright manner. During this year, he did not do anything unusual, except for reading books and the scriptures in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

He hadn't even inquired about the secret pavilion of the cultivation technique. If such a person said malicious to Shaolin, those monks who had been staring at him this year would not believe it.

"Senior Brother Huijue, you have only read a few volumes of the Shaolin Tibetan Scriptures, so you left in a hurry?" Jueyuan couldn't bear this obedient and sensible monk. "

"Brother Jueyuan, I also want to finish reading all the scriptures," Qi Ji said with regret. "But recently I have discovered more and more that my experience is too pale, I don't understand many things, and I don't understand what the scriptures want to express. the meaning of."

"So, I want to walk the world first, witness the world's various situations, and then come to understand the true meaning of my Buddha."

You want me to stay, maybe it's not because of the lack of free labor?Qi Ji was slanderous.

This monk Jueyuan didn't want to care about anything except reading.

Of course, there is a sense of responsibility, and daily tasks are completed honestly.

But there is a free labor, why not do it?

"That's really a shame," Jue Yuan sighed, "The rivers and lakes are sinister, Junior Brother takes care all the way."

"Thank you brother for your good words." Qi Ji said, "By the way, brother, I read the "Langa Sutra" last time and I have quite a feeling. If the brother is fine, you can check it often."

He didn't worry that Jue Yuan would leak out. This honest monk devoted himself to reading, as long as he kept the words in his heart, so he could write down the Nine Suns in the "Langa Sutra".

But he didn't know that this was a profound inner strength mental method, letting it go, unconsciously successful cultivation, but more in line with the profound meaning of the Nine Suns.It wasn't until the moment of the outbreak that people knew how powerful this martial arts was.

At present, Jueyuan probably hasn’t read the "Langa Sutra" yet, so naturally he has not practiced the Nine Yang Sutras. The odd plan reminded him that it would be more exhausting to see him working alone without martial arts. Yang Zhen Jing, even if you can't fight, at least you can keep fit.


Leaving Shaolin, Qi Ji continued to go south, still dressed as a monk, doing the things of a monk, all the way to alms.

There are some things that you don’t know the hardships without experiencing it yourself.

Many times, monks don’t feel good, especially during wars. They don’t have to produce, pay taxes, hoard land, search for gold and silver... Fudge believers into offering wealth and wealth, but they don’t give a bowl of money when they are stingy. Porridge.

Only those devout monks who cultivate themselves to see the true Buddha, follow the ancient traditions, make a living, spread their beliefs, and save all beings with a bowl and a stick.

Why people, what do you do.After going through a few worlds, this is what Qiji thinks should be done, but in this role-playing, you must maintain your own nature.

This is also an experience.

In the last world, he was the highest catcher of the six doors, so he overlooked the rivers and lakes; in this world, as a little monk, he had to be a monk of duty.

Born for alms, it is the world.

Alms is a good name, another word is...begging, but the monk is begging openly, without shame.

But in times of trouble, how can the people have extra food for charity?At this time, it will be very embarrassing.

I can't afford to give, but I offend the Buddha if I don't give it.

The power of faith is still very marketable.

It's the same with odd tricks. In this situation, I don't take it. If I take it, people don't have food to eat. If I don't take it, I'm worried that others will misunderstand me and look down on him.

The world is full of attitudes, just in this little bite of food.

After more experience, Qi Ji also has experience. When he meets a wealthy family, he eats more; when he meets a poor family, he eats a few bites. Anyway, he is not very old, his body looks a little weak, and he seems to have plenty Not big; when you meet a poor family, eat two meals and secretly put a little bit of silver in the house to express your feelings.

He always reminded himself that he was just an ordinary person, just a small man in a prosperous world, and he couldn't help the world.

He can watch people fighting in the world. He has sympathy for the weak and innocent, but he will not participate in the tide of the times because of this, and rise up to rebuild order in the world.

He commanded that he didn't have that ability, and didn't have that kind of power, let alone that kind of mind.

The order of the world, let him go according to the planned direction!

When the world was shooting the eagle, the world was fairly stable. Decades have passed, new countries have risen, once hegemons have been destroyed, North and South disputes, and the people are suffering.

Prosperity, people suffer; death, people suffer.

After the war between the North and the South, the people did not live for years, and after the world was unified, the strata confrontation was serious and still cannot be changed.

This is a journey of refining the heart.

He could have avoided this situation, but finally chose to go on.

Until this day, he came to Xiangyang again.


In the King Kong Temple, beside the King of the Golden Wheel, Qi Ji did not even dare to inquire about the affairs of the rivers and lakes, because his living environment determined that he could not know this.

He left from the grassland to Shaolin, and from Shaolin to go through the red dust. He did not deliberately inquire about the affairs of the rivers and lakes. Even the development of the Quanzhen Sect in Zhongnan Mountain, he resisted not paying attention.

It doesn't have to be so now.

Compared with thirty years ago, Xiangyang has been in a lot of depression, the traces of the war have not been eliminated, and there are no people in the city a few miles outside.

Entering the city, it seems that he has entered another world, and the sky is full of turbulence, a messy and lively scene.

Wars often give birth to abnormal prosperity. Countless people from the rivers and lakes come here to take risks, carrying knives and swords, and soaring into the sky.

The more mixed the place, the better the news.

Wearing a hat and a blue shirt, Qi Ji turned into a quack, walked into a restaurant, ordered wine and dishes, and listened to the rants of the restaurant diners.

This one says how many bandits he killed, the other one says how many Mongolian cavalry he killed...

This person passed on the strange anecdote of a certain martial arts senior, and the other generation passed the elegant charm of the beauties of the rivers and lakes...

All these.

Qi Ji also heard a lot of familiar rumors. For example, the fairy Li Mochou of Chilian went wild and committed many murders; Huo Du led a group of people to besiege Zhongnan Mountain, but was blocked by the hero Guo Jing and returned without success. Because of this, the beauty of the dragon girl from the ancient tomb school spreads throughout the arena...

Of course, there are also some accidents. For example, although Li Mochou made a murder, he was not as ostentatious as he remembered. It was often only a flash in the pan and disappeared again, seeming to avoid someone.

Several times I heard people mention the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, Tan Chuduan was still alive, but he didn't hear about Zhou Zhengan, and it seemed that he didn't exist at all.

"This is listening to my own words, is it too good to hide?" Qi Ji asked.

He asked Zhou Zhengan to live according to his own mind, without caring about the attitudes of others, perhaps this apprentice did.

This is the best way. You don’t have to bear too much burden. Just entrust the whole truth to the disciples and grandchildren of the Seven Realms.

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