Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 156 God Sculptures God Sculptures (seeking subscription)

After two days in Xiangyang City, Qi Ji never heard useful news.

Guo Jing sent Yang Guo to Zhongnan Mountain a few years ago and never left Peach Blossom Island. It will take a year for Huang Rong to become pregnant and Dashengguan to hold a hero meeting before he will appear again and discuss the matter of fighting against Mongolia.

There is not much time, now he only has the mid-master stage, and it is time to recover to the peak.

He has chosen the location.

Looking at the mountains outside the city, he seemed to see the figure of a big eagle flying in all its glory.


Getting familiar with the road in a light car, revisiting the old place, leaving Xiangyang City and entering the mountains, Qi Ji seems to have regained the sense of swordsmanship in the past, and his heart is much broader.

Soon he reached the valley where the sword demon lived in seclusion.

The big eagle was not at home, and probably went out to search for food. Now outside of Xiangyang City, there are few people inhabited, but there is less worry about being discovered.

I lit the torch and entered the cave. A low tomb appeared in the fire.

Above the stone tombstone is "The Tomb of the Sword Demon Solving the Defeat", and the words "True and Unexpected Strategies" are engraved below. The actions of the past years are vividly remembered, just like yesterday.

Young and frivolous, only a second-rate realm back then, he dared to come to Jianzhong to seek opportunities. If he hadn't had such a bit of luck, he might not be able to become friends with Da Diao, let alone learn the Dugu Nine Swords.

Attacking Wushuang's Dugu Jiujian helped him defeat many enemies.

Caves, sword tombs, waterfalls... I walked by one by one, seeming to remember.

The memory is still there, but the person is not the same person.

In the afternoon, Qi Ji was preparing to build a simple cottage, and the magnificent chirping of large eagles could be heard from a distance.

Endangering the valley, knowing that someone is coming, the great eagle's voice is full of anger.

This is its home, and it is the enemy to break in without his permission.

There was a heavy sound, and Qi Ji looked up and saw a big eagle that was a big circle coming straight to him.

The force of one blow is extraordinary, weighing thousands of catties.

Qi Ji remembered that the last time he parted, the big eagle hadn't had such strength yet. It has only been more than ten years and he has made considerable progress.

Guo deserves to be a different species that the world clocks.

Although he hadn't recovered to its peak, Qi Ji didn't worry at all, and he single-handedly met and easily accepted the attack from the great eagle.

"Brother Diao, the improvement in strength is not small, but this can't beat me."

Qi Ji smiled and opened his mouth, making the big eagle even more angry. With a violent cry, he waved his wings again, and inadvertently took on the characteristics of shifting and moving. With his wings attacking and defending, his advance and retreat were well-founded, and he seemed more proficient.

You come to me, and Qi Ji accepts the move while commenting that his skill has not yet recovered, and he is on par with the big eagle, but he has gone through two worlds and has played with pinnacle masters many times. He has unique eyesight and rich experience.

In the end, it ended with "both lose and lose", and they collapsed to the ground tired.

"Brother Diao, you are a spirit beast, I just changed my skin, don't you recognize me?" After breathing, he still spoke to Da Diao.

Coming to this world, most of his power has recovered, but he has never used it. This time I fought a big eagle, and I felt much more comfortable, and wiped out the previous depression.

The big eagle whispered twice, and doubts flashed through his smart eyes.

The man in front of him-let's put it this way, he has never seen him before, very strange, but his movements are very familiar, as if he has seen him before.

It didn't feel this person's hostility, and this person seemed to be familiar with it, and kept chattering, talking to itself.The old master back then, as well as the person on you are like this.

"Even if you don't recognize it, you should feel my kindness. Let's put aside the previous ones and we can make friends again." Qi Ji shook the big eagle's wings with his hands. "Get to know, I am King Kong Monastery Rinpoche."

Naturally, the great eagle can't speak, knowing that he is not malicious, and no matter what he does, he will make two low noises.

"It's better for you to talk," said Qi Ji, "if I appear in front of those old friends in this face, how can I explain it?"


Qi Ji built a grass cottage and has lived in the valley ever since. He meditated and practiced every day. He took out the Qingfeng sword from the sword grave and used it as his own weapon.

There are big eagles swaying in front of you every day, and the speed at which Qiji outlines the head of the eagle is much faster, clearer, and more vivid. Every time you outline, it shows a different look of the big eagle.

The self-satisfaction of defeating the enemy, the annoyance of losing in the martial arts, the excitement of finding food, the quietness of sitting in peace, the desolation of standing up a lonely grave...

The sculptural expressions of the heads were sketched in his mind, and Yun Shenjue's cultivation speed was accelerating rapidly, and he could perceive the increasing spiritual power.

Three months later, he returned to the realm of the late Grand Master, only one step away from the peak.

The dragon elephant Bo Ruogong is rapidly improving in the constant battle with the big eagle, and when it rains, he can meet the impact with his body under the waterfall, only one step away to complete the third layer.

And Yunshenjue reached the Xiaocheng realm, and could outline a complete carved head in one breath.The next step is to outline the entire eagle.

In the later stage of the grandmaster, self-protection was enough, but he couldn't be invincible, so he continued to practice for another eight months, and finally recovered to the previous peak and went further.

Host: Qi Ji

Realm: Grand Master Pinnacle

Cultivation methods: Quanzhen Mind Method (Consummation), Jiuyin Scripture (Consummation), Innate Gong (Dacheng), Nine Yang Scripture (Introduction+)

Martial Skills: Quanzhen Sword Technique (Consummation), Jin Yan Gong (Consummation), I Ching Bone Forging (Consummation), Frost Breaking Palm Method (Da Cheng +), Soul Transfer Technique (Consummation), Heart Destruction Palm (Xiao Cheng +) , Dafu Moquan (Xiaocheng+), Dugu Nine Swords (Complete), One Yang Finger (Dacheng+), Strike Left and Right (Complete), Kongming Boxing (Dacheng+), Yunshen Jue (Xiaocheng+), Long Xiang Bo Ruo Gong (2+13)...

Source energy point: 41.2

Main mission: Kill the evil demon outside the sky (03), the reward is unknown, and you cannot return until the mission is completed.(undone)

Side task 1: Assist Mongolia in destroying Da Song and reward 3 source energy points.(undone)

Side task two: assist Da Song to unify the Central Plains, reward 5 source energy points.(undone)

Before he came to this world, he was not willing to consume any of his source energy points before he returned to his peak.

The failure of the Nine Sun Scriptures to obtain source energy points means that it is no longer possible to obtain source energy points in this world.

Therefore, you can only save a little bit and use it in key places.

Now that the strength is restored, one can add another wave.

The Nine Suns Scriptures must be added.

The several internal skills he practiced, the Quanzhen Mind Method, the Nine Yin Scriptures, and the Innate Art, all belong to the same line of Taoism. They are more feminine but not masculine. The Nine Yin Scriptures can complement each other and reach the realm of Yin and Yang, and their power is even more powerful than before. .

The same is true for Yun Shenjue. From the beginning of his acquisition, he has not stopped practicing. He can ignore the gap between reality and the book world, and his realm remains undiminished. Only this one is a must for upgrading.

The source of energy is spent on this, don’t worry about being wasted.

There is also the dragon elephant wave ruo gong, both internal and external, can exercise a person's physique, if you have cultivated such martial arts and reach the perfect state, you probably don't have to worry about the energy consumption caused by using Yun Shen Jue.In this way, his fighting endurance will be further increased, and more powerful moves can be used more easily.

No one thinks that his martial arts is too high. In the mind of Qi Ji, masters in the world of divine carving are nothing. The key is those who reincarnate, when and in what form they appear in front of him.

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