The first to be upgraded is Yunshen Jue. Xiaocheng's Yunshen Jue can be upgraded to Dacheng, which requires 4 source energy points and one level of innate skill.

After adding some points, familiar feelings came, memories began to transmit, countless memories of cultivation came into my mind and turned into my own experiences.

After a while, the transmission was completed, and the headache was splitting during the transmission, but once it was over, the mind was very clear.

I sketched the carving head in my mind again, and it was completed within a short while, and it came alive.He did not end, but continued to outline the sculpted body, wings, feet, short tail, and even the scars on the eagle's body, which were quickly outlined in his mind, and finally the eagle was completely outlined.

If it can be realized, the big eagle will find that it has more twins.

Yun Shen Jue Dacheng is as simple as that.

Close your eyes and perceive it outside. Everything in the grass house is reflected in your mind, and it is not diluted by closing your eyes.It continued to spread out, and outside the Cao Lu, the big eagle patrolled outside the Cao Lu, Gu Pan flying.

When Qi Ji "looked" at the big eagle, the big eagle seemed to feel that someone was looking at him. He tilted his head and looked around. He found nothing, and fluttered his wings in a little uneasy manner.

"Is this divine consciousness? The divine consciousness is released, replacing the function of the eyes?" Qi Ji thought to himself.

There are too many things on the Internet, and many miracles that have happened to you can be accepted.

Feeling the power of Yun Shen Jue, Qi Ji was even more skeptical. Li Xunhuan did not reach the Dacheng Stage back then, otherwise the power of Xiao Li Fei Dao would not be that simple.

One shot cuts off vitality, innate, it is inevitable.


After resting for a long time, Qi Ji began to upgrade the dragon elephant prajna power again.

One source energy point went down, and soon the dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong rose to the third level.

Qi Ji was trembling all over when he was passing the gong. The cells in the body that were invisible to the naked eye seemed to be splitting and regenerating rapidly.

The divine sculpture outside heard it and didn't know what was going on. It couldn't get in, but whispered outside, full of anxiety.

Fortunately, this process ended soon.

Longxiang Boruo has both internally and externally, but the main achievement is the overall improvement of physical fitness. This requires gradual progress. The odd plan is to upgrade with source energy points, break through in a short time, and the external energy cannot keep up with the rate of consumption. Exhausting his own energy makes him look a lot thinner.

Sure enough, the upgrade of source energy points is not so simple. The upgrade of external power is different from the upgrade of internal power, martial arts, and spiritual power. The cultivation is more difficult, and the upgrade is even more difficult.

This is also due to a strange plan. The second level has been cultivated to a certain level. Otherwise, the consequences will be more serious. If the original source is damaged, it will be difficult to recover.

"Break through naturally, not be impatient." Qi Ji made a decision in his mind.

This dragon elephant Po Ruo Gong's cultivation must never want to be quick, he has time.

Because of a lot of business trips, the Nine Suns Scriptures did not continue to be upgraded. Instead, they recuperated for seven or eight days until they were fully recovered.

From the entry to Xiaocheng, only a source energy point is needed, so it ends soon.

The effect is very obvious. The internal force of the nine yang is naturally compatible with the internal force of the yin attribute for a lifetime. Although it is weak, it is positive to the negative yang.

The weekly rotation of internal strength speeds up again, that is to say the speed of cultivation speeds up again.It's a pity that no matter how much you practice, you won't be able to break through the constraints of the master realm.

Host: Qi Ji

Realm: Grand Master Pinnacle

Cultivation methods: Quanzhen Mind Method (Consummation), Nine Yin Scriptures (Consummation), Innate Gong (Da Cheng), Nine Yang Scriptures (Xiao Cheng +)

Martial Skills: Quanzhen Sword Technique (Consummation), Jin Yan Gong (Consummation), I Ching Bone Forging (Consummation), Frost-Breaking Palm Technique (Da Cheng +), Soul Transfer Technique (Consummation), Heart Destruction Palm (Xiao Cheng +) , Dafu Moquan (Xiaocheng+), Dugu Nine Swords (Consummation), One Yang Finger (Dacheng+), Strike Left and Right (Consummation), Kongming Boxing (Dacheng+), Yunshen Jue (Dacheng+), Ruyi Orchid Hand (Consummation), Long Xiang Bo Ruo Gong (3+13)...

Source energy point: 35.2

Main mission: Kill the evil demon outside the sky (03), the reward is unknown, and you cannot return until the mission is completed.(undone)

Side task 1: Assist Mongolia in destroying Da Song and reward 3 source energy points.(undone)

Side task two: assist Da Song to unify the Central Plains, reward 5 source energy points.(undone)

There is no shortage of energy sources for the time being, but it needs to be slowed down.

Slowly, lay the foundation, reload and start again.


"Brother Diao, thank you for your hospitality, we are going to be parted again." The purpose is achieved, the odd plan is no longer waiting, and we bid farewell to Da Diao, "Wait, there are still people waiting to receive the opportunity from you!"

He doesn't know whether the system can bring back the living things, if it can, he is willing to do so.

Not yet.

The protagonist of this world, Yang Guo, the son of luck, hasn't been here yet. If you take the big eagle and leave now, what should Yang Guo do? Can't he teach it himself?

Otherwise, the protagonist cannot improve his skills and defeat the villain. How can the world advance?

Saying goodbye to the big eagle, Qi Ji returned north again, this time, he was going to Zhongnan Mountain.

Few of the tombs of the Living Dead, neighbors back then, are not alive anymore.

Calculating the time, Yin Zhiping is about to become a dragon knight.

This is unforgivable, and in this life, odd tricks will not allow it to happen again.

When he was in the world of Eagle Shooting, he met the little dragon girl, but didn't know her when she grew up, so there was no emotional element.

The reason to stop this is still the obsession in my heart.

When I was studying, I wished that Yin Zhiping would be killed by a brick from the sky, so that she would not tarnish the most beautiful aunt in her heart.

Or maybe, there is a regret that I can't replace it.

In short, given this opportunity, he will stop it.

You Yin Zhiping, He De, how can you drank soup?

The so-called flawed beauty of expert analysis only exists in theory. If you really want to reach reality, do you want to flawed beauty, or do you want to remain intact?

He didn't have the idea of ​​pro-Fangze, he just didn't want this kind of tragedy to happen.

After all, he was his idol back then!


"Oh, I'm just a little monk, why do I have to deal with so many nostalgias? This is not just asking for hardship!"

When he got to the ground, Qi Ji was a little bit blind. He, a monk, ran to the site of a fallen Taoist priest to stop a Taoist priest from insulting his good family. No one would believe it!

There is no other way but to continue hiding in secret, waiting for the time to come.

His martial arts are superb, Taoist exercises are friendly to nature, and hidden away, and those of Quanzhen Sect who are the highest but the first-class people can't find it.

It's all here, so Qi Ji took advantage of the night to go back to the old house to take a look.

The place where he lived back then has been fenced off and is no longer inhabited. Instead, there was a flash of fire in the stone room of Zhou Zhengan back then.

"Could it be that Zhengan is still here?" Qi Ji thought, looking at it.

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