Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 159 Start (seeking subscription)

Zhao Zhijing is indeed a reincarnation.

As a reincarnation, even a new person knows some things.

For example, a title that can be mentioned by a reincarnation must be an important person even if it is a joke.

He is very familiar with Yin Zhiping. He has experienced an incident of humiliation, and combined with the parties involved, he has almost analyzed the matter.

He only awakened not long ago, and he had just found out the situation of Quanzhen Sect, and has been cautious all the time.

Be careful and be careful, this is the most-heard sentence of countless newcomers reincarnation when they are promoted. Even in a world that you think is safer, you may die in it.

He has been thinking that since Yin Zhiping can complete the title of "Dragon Knight", it means that he has got his wish. Judging from the current situation, there must be hidden secrets in it.

Do you want to destroy his good deeds or replace them?

After calculating for a while, Zhao Zhijing was about to leave.

Things haven't happened yet, just wait.

Samsaras are very patient, and there is also time.

"Junior Brother, it is said that the ancestor soars in the daytime, do you think this is true?" Zhao Zhijing asked when he turned around and saw the enclosed stone chamber.

"Senior Brother Zhao, this is of course true, and it is also our complete consensus. Why do you say that?" Yin Zhiping asked.

"It's just a matter of feeling!" Zhao Zhijing sighed, "Recently practicing the exercises, I have made no progress, I don't know when I will reach the realm of the patriarch!"

"You and I are in the second-rate realm now, so you don't have to want to reach the realm of the Patriarch." Yin Zhiping said, "Huashan Lunjian, the Patriarch, following the Chongyang Patriarch, once again defeated the heroes and won the first place after 25 years. To promote my true fame, I must be the pinnacle of the master."

"Later it must have been because of breaking through the realm, so it soared in the daytime."

"Breakthrough, I think it's a devastating death. In the low-level world, you can't advance to the innate." Zhao Zhijing said heartily, but asked in his mouth, "Junior Brother Yin, I heard that you are very familiar with Patriarch, and I don’t know the deeds of Patriarch , Can you explain it in detail for your brother."

He wanted to inquire about the deeds of the so-called Patriarch, analyze the reason for his disappearance, and whether he was hiding in the dark.

"Actually, I have only met Patriarch a few times and I am not familiar with it." Yin Zhiping said, "Patriarch is a strange trick. He is the worship brother of Patriarch Zhou Botong, the younger brother of Chongyang Patriarch. Although young, our masters are all known as uncles. "

"His life is very simple. He spent most of his time in hard training. After he was a little accomplished in martial arts, he went down the mountain to practice for several years, during which he accepted Master Zhou Zhengan as his apprentice."

"In the battle of Niujia Village, the Seven Sons of Quanzhen fought the East Evil and the West Poison, it was the presence of the Patriarch to survive safely. At that time, the Patriarch was able to compete with Huashan Wujue."

"After that, it will be Huashan Lunjian. The Lunjian is over, and the Patriarch won the first place. A few months later, he disappeared in this stone chamber and soared in the day."

"I know so much, not much more than you."

"The Patriarch really disappeared here?" Zhao Zhijing didn't believe it.

"Of course, that's what Master Zhou Zhengan said," Yin Zhiping said. "I heard Master Zhou Zhengan guarded outside for three days. After three days, Patriarch disappeared indoors. Inside, you and I have both been seen. , There is no other way out, not soaring, where else to go?"

"Prior to this, the master and uncle kept strictly confidential, but in recent years, the ancestors did not appear in the world, and the opinions were different. This is the news."

Zhao Zhijing nodded frequently, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

Either Zhou Zhengan is lying, or the seven sons and Zhou Zhengan are lying together, and the Patriarch cooperates with them in acting and protects Zhongnan Mountain in secret, or goes crazy and heals injuries in secret.

Even if Zhou Zhengan did not lie, it is possible that the Patriarch had deceived Zhou Zhengan. At that time, Zhou Zhengan was not strong enough to find the traces of the Patriarch.

But if what it says is true, it will be interesting.

Disappeared in the stone room, either really ascended, or he was a reincarnation like him.

Ascension is naturally nonsense, is it really a reincarnation?

You must know that when one wave of reincarnations leaves and the next wave of reincarnations arrive, the world will resume its original trajectory, and there will be no such legend.

Although it is not ruled out that the Temple of Reincarnation has such props, which can allow people to continue their accumulation when they come in again, the question is, is there only one legend that has a fart?

Therefore, Zhao Zhijing firmly believed that the Patriarch must either heal his wounds secretly or slip away by himself.

Grandmaster Pinnacle is not so easy to kill.

This requires him to verify, and he dare not go too rampant before it is confirmed.

After all, he is just a rookie in the middle of the master.

After thinking about it, Zhao Zhijing asked again: "Junior Brother Yin, apart from Patriarch, are Shizu Zhou and Shishu Zhou not on the mountain?"

"Master Zhou is away all year round, and he basically doesn't come back." Yin Zhiping, as the next generation heir to the master teacher who has been emphatically cultivated, knows a lot. "As for Master Zhou, he doesn't go back to the mountain very much. The last time he came back was three years ago. As for them No one knows where Quanzhen Sect is."

"Well, thank you Junior Brother Yin for answering your questions." Zhao Zhijing smiled.

At last there was good news, and two people were ruled out.

"You're welcome, I can't be thankful enough for Senior Brother Zhao to bother me cleanly." Yin Zhiping's voice was alienated.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Zhao Zhijing said, sinking into the darkness.

Yin Zhiping also sighed and returned to the stone room.

In the dark place, after thinking about it, he still didn't make a direct shot.

Even if you want to solve one, you must solve the problem first, and it's not too late to do it before you leave.


After waiting for more than half a month, Qi Ji finally discovered Ouyang Feng, knowing that the critical moment was coming.

And he found that Zhao Zhijing had been staring at Yin Zhiping, rain or shine, coming every night, and he didn't leave until dawn.

After another half month, Ouyang Feng found the little dragon girl, Yang Guo appeared to resolve the fight, father and son recognized each other, Ouyang Feng spotted the little dragon girl to teach Yang Guo martial arts.

In the battle between Ouyang Feng and Xiaolongnv, he did not hide from Yin Zhiping, who was always paying attention to the tomb next door. Although he did not know the situation, he proceeded carefully.

Zhao Zhijing is hanging behind.

When Yin Zhiping arrived, Ouyang Feng and Yang Guo had already left to pass on the gong, and the little dragon girl was lying under the tree, already asleep.

The beauty was in front, Yin Zhiping had evil thoughts in his heart, Qi Ji watched him struggle for a while, stepped out, tore a piece of cloth, and blindfolded the eyes of the little dragon girl.

Just as he was about to do something, a voice suddenly came out: "It turns out that Junior Brother Yin had a good mouthful, so it's no wonder that he didn't let his brother make a move."

As he said, with a flick of his finger, a stone flew past Yin Zhiping's eyes and hit the back of the dragon girl's neck, causing the girl who was about to wake up to faint.

At that speed, Yin Zhiping was too late to react.

"Zhao Zhijing!" His complexion changed drastically, and he turned to look at the person following him, his eagerness faded, his clothes wet in cold sweat.

He was not afraid of being spied on his thoughts before, but this time he was caught upright. If he was reported to the master, he would lose his face and the face of Quanzhen Sect. There is no such thing as him. Status?

After all, he still cares about the position of Master Quanzhen.

Thinking of this, the long sword in his hand moved slightly.

"Why, Junior Brother Yin has already committed sexual precepts, do you want to commit another murder precept to kill each other?" Zhao Zhijing smiled. Let you go."

"Junior Brother Yin, what do you think of this idea?"

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