Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 160 I want to die or want to live (seeking subscription)

"Zhao Zhijing, you follow me!" Yin Zhiping asked angrily.

"How can this be called stalking?" Zhao Zhijing was very proud, "I'm here to remind Junior Brother Yin, lest Junior Brother Yin violate the rules. If you lose your position as a teacher, it would be a shame!"

"I don't know what your idea is, it's so kind?" Zhao Zhijing has been competing with him over the years, and he wants to compete for the position of the next head teacher. He doesn't believe that Zhao Zhijing will be so kind.

"Of course, brother Zhao has always been for the sake of Senior Brother Zhao. The position of the instructor is no longer a dispute. Junior brothers should be careful. Don't be caught by other senior brothers. They are not so easy to speak for brother."

"What do you want?" Yin Zhiping asked.

"The younger brother has a great future. To be this righteous leader, naturally you can't violate the canon. Therefore, this matter is cheap and brother!" Zhao Zhijing looked at the little dragon girl.

During the life of "", Yin Zhiping's sharp sword was out of the sheath, and he directly killed Zhao Zhijing with a stroke of "rampant Mobei".

He went up the mountain to join Quanzhen Sect as a teenager, and has been immersed in Quanzhen swordsmanship for more than 20 years. Although his qualifications are average and his skill is not enough, his swordsmanship is quite extraordinary.

If you change Zhao Zhijing before, you may be caught off guard, but he is no longer what he used to be.

Yin Zhiping's cultivation base in the middle of the master's period was too far away.

He easily flashed Yin Zhiping's attack, saw him still attacking, flashed again, and said angrily: "Junior Brother Yin, do you really think I dare not report to the teacher?"

But Yin Zhiping turned a deaf ear and swung his sword frantically.

Zhao Zhijing stared at it, but under the moonlight he saw his eyes flushed and he was muttering words. He didn't know what to say. The sword in his hand was also subconsciously swung, which was a hysteria.

"Idiot, with this psychological quality, I still want to fight for the position of leadership. Anyone who has lived in a world of reincarnation can eat him to death." Zhao Zhijing despised, "This is also mine. Lucky, there is no white flower at the point of reincarnation."

Mindful of this, he no longer hesitated, the grandmaster-level power was released and pressed to Yin Zhiping, which put him under great pressure, his hand movement was slowed by three points, and then he used empty-handed kung fu, easily seized. He lowered the long sword in Yin Zhiping's hand, unloaded him by the way, interrupted his two arms, and slapped Yin Zhiping several times on the face.

The long sword left his hand, coupled with the severe pain, finally made Yin Zhiping sober.The scene before him made his heart cold.

Zhao Zhijing's words made him go crazy.

He was caught in love, and he was repeatedly threatened after being discovered by Zhao Zhijing, and he was very depressed.I want to kiss Fangze, but I don’t want to lose my position in Quanzhen Sect. Seeing that I am about to succeed this time, I am caught upright. I thought it was completely over, but I didn’t want Zhao Zhijing to have a moth again, so I wanted to occupy the dragon girl myself. .

He was shocked to the little dragon girl as a human being, and did not dare to profanity. This action was also fascinated by lust. After being drunk by Zhao Zhijing, his heart trembled and his desire had long since subsided.Suddenly hearing what Zhao Zhijing said, he wanted to replace himself, and reminded him of his experience in the past two years. He felt that he had made a wedding dress for others in vain. Then he fell into hysteria and just wanted to kill Zhao Zhijing to get out of his breath.

But the result surprised him.

Although he was caught in hysteria, the perception of the outside world was still there. After Zhao Zhijing took the shot, he knew that the senior's skill was far above himself.

In the road of martial arts, we all know that there is a big gap in each realm, but I don't know how big the gap is.

The third-rate realm feels that if you work hard, you can kill the second-rate warrior; the second-rate warrior thinks that it is no worse than the first-rate warrior.

It is true that the martial arts realm is not entirely determined between life and death, but those who can leapfrog the battle are all geniuses without exception.

Obviously, Yin Zhiping is not.

Zhao Zhijing shot, and he knew how deep this senior was hiding. Even his master, Qiu Chuji, the strongest of the Seven Quanzhen Sons, was not an opponent of this senior.

"Why, are you surprised?" Zhao Zhijing smiled when he saw the horror on Yin Zhiping's face.

"Brother Zhao has advanced martial arts, why do you pretend to be a posture and see my jokes?" Yin Zhiping asked the ninja painfully.

"You are not yet qualified to let me do this." Zhao Zhijing said, "I have my own purpose. So, Junior Brother Yin, what do you think of Brother Wei's suggestion just now?"

"I don't know what purpose Brother Zhao has. I only admire Senior Brother Zhao's ability to bend and stretch. He actually bowed his knees and prayed for his life in front of his disciples." Yin Zhiping said.

"Junior Brother Yin, the misfortune comes from your mouth. If you don't go, you don't have to leave." Zhao Zhijing's expression became cold.

The memory of their experience together is still there, and it is very clear, but he can't say that he didn't come back then!

"Okay, just follow Brother Zhao's meaning!" Yin Zhiping took a deep look at the little dragon girl who fell unconscious on the ground, and agreed in pain.

"However, if you dare to do anything that endangers Quanzhen Sect, I will expose you if I fight for my life." Yin Zhiping said, "I am inferior to you in martial arts, as well as Master and Uncle, and Tiangang Beidou formation; and Master Zhou. With Uncle Zhou, forgive you for not being able to turn the sky."

After speaking, he reluctantly got caught and fled.

The final declaration was just looking for a step down. He knew it himself, Zhao Zhijing knew it, and also knew the trick hidden in the dark.


"It's really used as a paper mount and set up an archway." Qi Ji murmured secretly, but saw Zhao Zhijing smile wretchedly.

"If I can replace Yin Zhiping as the'Dragon Knight', I wonder if I can get the reincarnation point?"

"However, even if it can't, it's not a loss. After several worlds, few girls can compare with this person."

Although the voice is small, Qi Ji can hear it clearly.

But seeing him saying this, he walked to the lying little dragon girl, reaching out to undress the little dragon girl.

But suddenly, he stopped, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

He felt a powerful aura locked it in, compared to his previous pediatrics.

"Who is it?" Although he was in a cold sweat and did not dare to move, he was thinking in his heart, "There should be no such masters in the ancient tomb. Xiaolongnv's grandmaster and master are already dead, and Li Mochou is no longer there, Yang Guo, that kid Last year, he was not in the first-class level, no matter how fast he grows, he cannot have such strength."

"Quanzhen Sect? There is no such master in Quanzhen Sect. Could it be that Zhou Zhengan or Zhou Botong is back with such skill?"

"Impossible, Zhou Zhengan acted upright. It is said that he has been chasing Li Mochou in recent years and has no time to go back to the mountain; Zhou Botong has a child's mind, and he still doesn't know where to play, and he can't come back."

"Could it be that Patriarch?" At this moment, Zhao Zhijing's mind was turning quickly, and suddenly he thought of the Patriarch he talked about the other day.

He remained bent over, very uncomfortable, but did not dare to move, for fear of causing misunderstanding, he would be hit by the opponent's thunder.

"Do you want to die or want to live?" Finally, a light voice came from his ear.

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