Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 162 Return to Mount Huashan (seeking subscription)

Fortunately no one heard these shameless words.

Gou Sheng two lives, actually had the face to say that he was toiling.

Huang Wei left with a strange plan, only to find that this senior did not ride a horse or perform light work, but went east on foot, walking very slowly.

Before he could ask, the sky was bright, the "senior" in front of him took off his black clothes, took off his hat, revealing a slightly immature face, and his bare head was very eye-catching.

By the way, Tibetan Buddhism does not have ring scars on its head. This is a tradition of Chinese Buddhism. It is said that it has only been popular since the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, most of the Shaolin monks I met before did not have ring scars.

Well, it’s just mostly, there are always some mavericks.

Huang Wei almost dropped his chin, and saw the young man in front of him, skillfully taking out the monk's clothes and putting it on, becoming a little monk.

The monk's clothes were taken out of the spatial ring. Leaving the Golden Wheel Fa King, he manifested the spatial ring. It was finally useful, storing part of water and food, including clothing.

"Why, surprised?" Qi Ji asked.

I don't know whether it's the act of astonishment or the possession of a space ring.

"Senior...you are so...young?" Huang Wei stammered.

"Young? How did you know?" Qi Ji asked profoundly.

"I mean, you are now." Huang Wei said, "Is it always awkward to call seniors? Others also seem strange."

"A monk walking the rivers and lakes together is a perfect match." Qi Ji smiled. "You can call me the great monk, I call you the little Taoist priest."

"Do you want such a bad taste?" Huang Wei complained in his heart, but did not dare to refute.

Until now, he didn't know any information about this predecessor. He only knew that martial arts was so high that he couldn't afford to resist.

"Which school did the great monk come from?" Since he couldn't change it, Huang Wei immediately chose to accept it, asking very naturally.

What he asked was naturally the identity of Qi Ji in this world.

"Could it be the long-awaited martial arts master Shaolin Temple?"

Replacing Zhao Zhijing and inheriting Zhao Zhijing's memory, Huang Wei still has some understanding of the world, and it is not uncommon to know the existence of Shaolin Temple.

"Little Taoist, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. When you should know, you will naturally know." Qi Ji reminded.

Huang Wei didn't ask any more, followed Qi Ji and walked slowly. When they encountered the corpse, the two buried it. Qi Ji read the rebirth sutra, and Huang Wei was also forced to recite the Sutra Sutra.

When they arrive in the village, they recite the blessing scriptures and do things when necessary to make ends meet.

Oddly, Huang Wei has never experienced it. After only two days, he can't stand it anymore.

"Great monk, but aren't we going to Huashan? Why don't we hurry?" Huang Wei asked again.

"Aren't we just on the road?" Qi Ji wondered, "As a monk, I naturally want to give to the world and spread my Buddha's compassion."

"But when can I get to Huashan?" Huang Wei was anxious.

"What's the hurry, calm down, little Taoist priest, you are not at home with this cultivation base!"

"I'll fix you a ghost!" Huang Wei slandered, "You guy wouldn't be a monk in the first place!"

Naturally, he could not think that the great monk in front of him had been a Taoist priest in Zhongnan Mountain for more than 20 years, and this time he has been a monk in Tibet for more than ten years.

He didn't even think that the reason why Qi Ji was so slow was waiting for Yang to go to Huashan.

When Huang Wei didn't know, he had already sensed that the little dragon girl descended the mountain, and Yang Guo followed soon after. So while feeling that the world is strong, he waited slowly for Yang Guo.

Perhaps, it is not known that I can learn how to beat the dog by that time.

Although it is of little use to him today, it is better than nothing.


Zhongnan Mountain is not far from Huashan, even if it is slower, it will reach the foot of Huashan after more than a month.

At this time, Yang had already gone up the mountain prematurely, perhaps even Ouyang Feng had already gone up.

"Huashan!" He secretly said, recalling the various things in the world of shooting carvings, and sighed secretly.

He has only been to Huashan once, but this time, he has created his glory in the world of sculpture shooting.

"Go, go up the mountain." He said, and went up the mountain first.

Huang Wei hurriedly followed, crying inwardly.

I hugged my thigh, but I didn't get any results. I did some boring things. I don't know what this guy thinks. Why don't I want to kill people to get reincarnation points?

"Does it really have a special mission?" He was thinking, when he looked up, he saw five people walking down Huashan.

"Great monk, there are people up there." Huang Wei said immediately.

It was the twelfth lunar month in the middle of winter, and when the mountain was covered by heavy snow, there were people who had time to visit the holy place?

Huang Wei thought in his heart, when a few people approached, but seeing them supporting each other, their faces were pale, and they looked like they were about to die, making people worry about whether they would die in the next moment.

I was thinking about who this is, but I heard the great monk asking: "Why are you guys here? What's it like?"

"Well, acquaintance?" Huang Wei was secretly overjoyed, or he could know the identity of this senior this time.

"Little Master... Master Uncle?" One of the people on the opposite side recognized the odd trick.

These five people are the apprentices of the five ugliness of Tibet, Dalba.When Qi Ji was in King Kong Temple, he had seen it several times.

They are not King Kong Temple but disciples, and when counted, they are similar in nature to Shaolin lay disciples.I didn't learn much of Darba's kung fu, but was taught a set of superior internal skills that can be passed on to each other.

They never stop Dharma, walk the rivers and lakes outside, are often evil, and are regarded as evil by the Central Plains martial arts.

But these Dalba didn't know, or he didn't even know that these apprentices of his were so famous in the arena, and they could shock Hong Qigong to pursue and kill them all the way.

"Little Master Uncle!" One person called so, and everyone else recognized them, and came forward to bow.Although painful, they dare not be rude.

When they were in Tibet, they had seen how much their master loved this junior.

"Free ceremony, let's talk about it, how did you make this look?" Qi Ji asked.

"Uncle Hui, we were in Guangdong and accidentally provoked Hong Qigong of the beggar gang, and we were chased down all the way." Da Chou replied, "We wanted to continue to escape, but later saw Hong Qigong died on the mountain. , Being guarded by a young man, believing it was true, he wanted to cut a few times."

"Unexpectedly, that Hong Qigong was pretending to be dead. We were no match for him. Later, another lunatic came and used our body as the battlefield to compete for internal strength. We lost all our internal organs and lost our martial arts."

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