Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 163 Old Friends? enemy? (For subscription)

"I have warned you long ago to practice more Buddhism and resolve your hostility. You just didn't listen, and you have this evil result." Qi Ji shook his head and sighed, "Whoever hurts others is always hurt."

When Qi Ji first saw them, he had not yet awakened. After awakening, he only met three years ago in a hurry. Or did they come to greet him when they went to meet Dalba, so they didn’t know Qi Ji knew martial arts, but thought Master Shu still liked it. Little monk of scripture.Even though he had practiced Long Xiang Bo Ruo Gong, he had little effect at this age.

Hearing the words of Qi Ji, even if the five ugliness of Tibet had lost his martial arts, he did not agree, but this was the uncle of the master, and he couldn't express his opposition, so he could only nod his head.

"What are you going to do?" Qi Ji asked.

"We are going to find Master Dalba and ask him to avenge us." Da Chou replied.

"All right, you go by yourself." Qi Ji said, about to walk up the mountain.

"Uncle Shi," Wu Chou did not let go, "Hong Qigong and that lunatic are on the mountain. The uncle has different martial arts, so don't go up, lest the other party knows it and hurts Uncle."

"Knowing that Uncle Master doesn't know martial arts, what are you worrying about," Qi Ji said, "Uncle Master is not like you are eager to compete. Could it be that it is your Uncle Master that Hong Qigong will kill me?"

"Uncle Master..."

The Five Uglinesses in Tibet have to persuade them again. They are not for a strange plan, but for their own sake. If the uncle had an accident in Huashan, Dalba knew if they met the uncle here, then they still have the rest of their lives. It's hard to say.

"Okay, you can go back. Now that you have lost your martial arts, you should be careful on your way. It's not better to worry about the safety of Uncle Master." Qi Ji waved his hand and stopped them. "Meet Senior Brother Dalba, Master Uncle will speak nicely for you."

Although knowing that the five ugliness of Tibet may not be sincere, since the five people have persuaded them, Qi Ji reminded them.

Over the years, the five ugliness in Tibet have done a lot of evil, and don't have too many enemies, otherwise Hong Qigong will not be alarmed.In the original work, there is no follow-up after the five ugliness of Tibet went down to Huashan. But think about it, there are so many enemies who have lost martial arts, and the road to Tibet is thousands of miles away, and the probability of being able to return safely is too low.

Therefore, Qi Ji also reminded.As for going further, sorry, the relationship has not yet reached that point.

The relationship between him and Hong Qigong did not reach that point. When shooting the carving world, he only intersected with Hong Qigong during the final battle in Huashan.It's Ouyang Feng, who has dealt with him more than once, of course, none of them are so friendly.

But he was willing to come to rescue the two, such two great masters, it would be a pity to die like this.You don’t see Zhou Botong, Yideng and others, who are older, and 16 years later, they can still cross in the Mongolian military camp with the same effort they used to.

If the two do not die, they will be more lively then.

Of course, it is also possible that he will be ashamed.After all, he is the disciple of King Golden Wheel in this life, and his position is naturally different from these people.

Again, the ass decides the head.

When I was reading the novel before, I didn’t like Jinlunfa’s master and apprentice, but as a young disciple of Jinlunfa, although he was not close to his master, he had no ill will towards him. Dalba was just a silly person, even Huo Du, Although a little jealous of him, he didn't feel any ill feelings before he could start.

"Take one step and count one step. If that's the case, then you can taste the bitter fruit you planted yourself." Qi Ji thought to himself, turning his head to look at Huang Wei, who was listening quietly, "Did you hear clearly?"

"Yes." In this world, Dalba didn't make trouble with Huo Du. Huang Wei naturally didn't know who he was. He was still thinking about who Dalba was. Hearing the question, he nodded subconsciously, and immediately let out a cold sweat. , "Great monk, there is no secret, you don't want to stop talking, right?"

"Little Taoist priest, you think too much," Qi Ji smiled. "You are not worth quitting. I believe you know how to do it."

"You heard that, there are two masters on the top of the Grandmaster Pinnacle, do you want to go up?"

"The madman who can play with Hong Qi's bus is naturally Ouyang Feng. I can only deal with one. If you go up and are targeted by him, I won't care about you."

"Great monk, I bah, this guy is really well-informed and understands the inside story, otherwise he won't be here at exactly this time." Huang Wei thought.

"There are two grandmaster peaks on the mountain. You can't go wrong. Would you like to take a risk? Can this guy kill the two? Or is this his special mission?"

"If you get a glimpse of his secret, will you be wiped out? No, you can't follow it." Huang Wei thought, and immediately said, "Then I won't go up, and wait for the great monk to go down here."

Qi Ji didn’t know that Huang Wei had already thought so much for a moment. He forced himself to add drama. Hearing his choice, he was not surprised: "Well, you little Taoist priest, just stay under this mountain. Prepare more food. I will come. Take it." He glanced at the ring on Huang Wei's hand.

Before he took out the monk's clothes from the space ring, Huang Wei was not surprised. Qi Ji knew that he knew the space ring, and guessed that the one in his hand was also.Otherwise, if not, it should be an expression of envy.

Huang Wei's performance was too indifferent and seemed to be commonplace.

"This time I may have to stay on the mountain for a few days. You can still choose to leave, little Taoist priest, as long as you feel confident." Qi Ji continued.

"My gratitude to the great monk can be learned from the world, how can I leave." Huang Wei immediately stated.

The more Qi Ji said that, the more Huang Wei felt unsure: "The monk can rest assured, just leave it to me whenever he needs to eat and drink."

He had been fed up with the meals that Qi Ji had eaten every day, and now he had the opportunity to act alone, so he naturally wanted to enjoy it.

Fortunately, there is a tavern not far below the mountain, dedicated to those who come to Huashan, otherwise it will be too late to go to the city.

"Little Taoist, you can figure it out." Qi Ji said, continuing up the mountain.Soon after, after turning a corner, looking back, Huang Wei was no longer visible.

He was not surprised, and continued to move up, the inner breath moved slowly to the extreme, almost disappeared, and his footsteps became heavier.In Renren's eyes, he was a mortal who couldn't understand martial arts.

After walking for more than half an hour, I finally heard the sound. After another moment, I came to a wide platform and finally saw Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng fighting each other.

They have not seen each other for more than ten years, and the two are even older, with half a hundred hairs and hairs. After all, they are both in their 60s and 70s.

Although the two of them have deep internal strength, it does not mean that their internal strength can increase their lifespan. The hidden injuries suffered during martial arts practice and the fighting in the arena will affect the life of the warrior.

The eighteen palms of the dragon are extremely strong, and the frog skills are not too much. They are strange and difficult to prevent. One has read the nine-yin scripture and the other has practiced the nine-yin scripture. They are all proficient in a lot of martial arts. Extraordinary.

Yang Guoben was watching the battle between the two and heard the sound of Qi Ji's footsteps, and he was immediately alert, but when the Qi Ji appeared, he couldn't perceive the strange martial arts, and he was relieved.

This is not the first time Qi Ji has seen Yang Guo. When he was observing Yin Zhiping in Quanzhen Sect, he had quietly visited Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv to practice exercises, but he did not show up.

Seeing Yang Guo, he smiled and nodded, watching the two contestants with interest.

Two old friends, if I didn't come, I'm afraid this place will be your burial place.

I just don’t know, after saving you, will you become enemies in the future?

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