Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 167 Unfeeling Valley (seeking subscription)

Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng separated for a while.

Hong Qigong sighed, he couldn't think that Ouyang Feng would break the ultimate move of beating a dog overnight. This was the essence of the beggar gang's perfection from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

Ouyang Feng was even more emotional. After fighting for most of his life, he did not expect that he had been crazy for more than ten years. After all, he was still recovering the memories of the past in the battle with the old beggar.In this match, I lost. In the battle, who would give you so much time to think about how to break the enemy?

"Are we going to die, old poison?" Hong Qigong asked.

"Probably, I don't think that Ouyang Feng will die here with your old beggar for my whole life?" Ouyang Feng sighed.

However, after waiting for a long time, he still did not wait to die.

"What's the matter?" The two looked at each other, and both found the strangeness in each other's eyes.

"It's not him!" The two understood each other's meaning for the first time.

"Foster father, Senior Hong, you are living well, why do you always say you are going to die?" Yang Guo asked weakly.

"Huh?" The two looked over at the same time, making Yang Guo's scalp numb, and almost didn't run away.

They knew their physical condition and thought they were dead, but now it seems that Yan Wangye still refuses to accept it.

Unanimously, the two began to test the power of operation, and finally discovered the trace of internal force in the body that protects their own heart, exuding vitality, and repairing their meridians.

If this is not the case, they are only afraid of returning to the underworld.

"Who is it?" They thought of the little monk before, and their expressions changed drastically.

If it was really what the little monk did, then they would have missed it.People with such pure skills have not only practiced foreign skills for a few years, or can match their masters.

Thinking about it this way, it was even more shocking. How could a teenage monk reach this point?

Is there really a living Buddha reincarnated in the world?

"Foster father, Senior Hong, is there anything wrong?" Yang Guo found the change in the expressions of the two, and asked, "Did the little monk move his hands and feet?"

"Little monk? What about others?" Hong Qigong asked.

"People?" Yang Guo looked up, but didn't see a familiar figure, "I'm going to find him!"

With that, the person has rushed out.

After a while, he came in with a black face: "The little monk has gone down the mountain, Senior Hong, did the little monk really move his hands and feet?"

"Of course he moved his hands and feet, otherwise, our two old guys will go to the underworld to report." Hong Qi justified, "What did he tell you that we don't know?"

Yang Guo repeated his conversation with Qi Ji, and Hong Qigong tweeted in praise: "This little monk is a strange man. He has such cultivation skills at a young age, but I don't know if he will fight?"

"Senior Hong, is Monk Huijue's inner strength very deep?" Yang Guo asked, "How can I not feel it?"

"Even we were deceived, let alone you?" Ouyang Feng said.

"Yes, although there is only a trace, but it is very pure, and it also has a sense of familiarity, innate merit?" Hong Qigong looked at Ouyang Feng, as if asking for his opinion.

"Very similar." Ouyang Feng nodded.

"No wonder, if it weren't for this, it would be difficult to protect you and me." Hong Qiyi said, "If you can concentrate on practicing innate skills for more than ten years, you should be able to have this effect? ​​But in the world, will there be others who will have innate skills? ?"

"Wang Chongyang, Duan Zhixing, Qi Ji, is there anyone else?" Ouyang Feng asked.

"Perhaps Zhou Zhengan will do it too, but he has never revealed that he is an apprentice of a strange trick." Hong Qiyi said, "But none of these people should be related to a young monk who has lived in Tibet for more than ten years."

"Wang Chongyang is dead, Duan Zhixing has not been born for many years, and Zhou Zhengan has only appeared in the Central Plains. There is only a strange plan, no trace, it is said that it has soared in the day."

"Quanzhen teaches those bull noses, just to play mystery." Ouyang Feng said, "but anyway, he saved us."

After this incident, his character changed drastically, as if he had seen everything through and let go of everything.

"Yes, we should remember this love." Hong Qigong nodded.

"With this inner strength support, we will be able to move freely within three days, and within seven days we will be able to operate our internal forces. Without any worries, we will be able to initially recover within one month, and within half a year, the recovery will remain as before."


Without mentioning the follow-up of the Huashan incident, Huang Wei went down the mountain with a surprise plan, but Huang Wei didn't.

Seeing Qi Ji's arrival early, Huang Wei hurried forward: "Grand monk, I'm sorry, it's too late today."

Regardless of the reason, let the leader wait for himself to be wrong, first admit the mistake before saying it.

"It's okay, I came early." Qi Ji said, "Let's go, I don't have to go anymore."

He didn't care what Yang Guo's three people ate. Without him, he would not starve to death.

"Really, that's great," Huang Wei was very happy. "There are always Taoist priests passing by these days, and you can't kill them. I'm always worried that their deeds will be exposed, attracting Quanzhen priests to chase, and I'm very depressed."

"If you feel bored, you can leave, little Taoist, I didn't restrict your freedom." Qi Ji smiled.

"That can't, I have to walk with the great monk!" Huang Wei immediately cheered up.

Qi Ji smiled and left first, and Huang Wei continued to follow.

He Qiji is really "walking."

They are not without money, but they never use any means of transportation. Even if others want to take them for free, they also refuse.

Of course, it was only the odd plan refused, but Huang Wei did not dare to enjoy it without the approval of the odd plan.

Do what the leader did not do, how do you let the leader think about you?

Dashengguan, Lujiazhuang.

Lu Guanying, the owner of Lujiazhuang, is the apprentice of Master Huang Yaojia, and his wife Cheng Yaojia is the only woman of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, who is quiet and free.Back then, Ouyang Feng burned Taihu Guiyun Village on fire. Lu Chengfeng simply refused to let his son be the leader of the Taihu thieves. Instead, he moved to Dashengguan and built this Lujia Village.

For more than ten years, it is also famous in the arena.

Recently, there are rumors that because of Mongolia’s southern invasion, the Great Victory Pass will hold a hero meeting to elect a martial arts leader and negotiate the anti-Mongolia.The location is in Lujiazhuang.

Qi Ji and Huang Wei, a monk together, followed the people of the world, got into Dashengguan, and stayed in Lujiazhuang for a while.

It is also that Lu Guanying is proud, and did not despise them because of their weird dresses, so Qi Ji spent some time in Lujiazhuang reading the blessing scriptures for some time.

He naturally didn't need to cover it, and no one knew him. It was Huang Wei's identity, Zhao Zhijing, who had walked through the rivers and lakes several times and had to cover it up easily.

As more and more people gathered here, Dashengguan became more and more noisy. When Guo Jing and Huang Rong arrived and reached a climax, the two of them were very low-key. They also found Yang Guo dressed as a beggar, but they did not recognize each other.

Without waiting for the information he wanted, Qi Ji was still a little disappointed in his heart, watching the people in the river and lake celebrating lively, and quietly left with Huang Wei.

"Great monk, let's do nothing?" Huang Wei didn't understand the meaning of a deliberate trip.

"Little Taoist, what do you want to do?" The trick didn't stop. "Do you dare to kill here? If you dare, just go and see if you will be slapped to death."

"Well, great monk, you are always reasonable," Huang Wei said.

In my heart, I was thinking: If I can beat you, I will definitely convince people with reason, so that you guy will experience this feeling.

But he asked, "Where are we going?"

"Unfeeling Valley." Qi Ji replied without looking back.

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