Jueqing Valley is a claustrophobic paradise, if Xiaolongnu and Zhou Botong hadn't strayed into it.

Unfeeling Valley Master Gongsun Zhi, his ancestor moved here since Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and he rarely communicated with the outside world.Meals, flowers and tea, do not eat meat and fish, do not drink fine wine, very indifferent.

However, the little dragon girl strayed into it, Gongsun stopped her lust, and Zhou Botong made a big fuss, attracting Jinlun Fawang, Yang Guo and others. Since then, the Valley of Unrequited Feelings was forced to be involved in the rivers and lakes, which ended in a devastating ending.

At this time, King Golden Wheel Falun Gong has not yet reached the Great Victory Pass to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts. None of this has happened yet. The odd plan wants to go first and wait for things to happen.

As for the frustration of the King of the Golden Wheel in the Central Plains, it is no big deal. Since no reincarnation is found in the Great Victory Pass, with the luck of the King of the Golden Wheel, there is still no life worry. It is good to suffer a little bit, so as not to be too arrogant.

Yes, before entering the Central Plains, the King of the Golden Wheel was so arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the world is invincible, and the same is true for Huo Du. He was a little honest until he suffered a loss in Quanzhen Sect, but he did not dare to speak to the King of the Golden Wheel.

When the two of them left, Guo Jing seemed to feel a bit, and glanced at the back of the two of them leaving, a little surprised.

"Brother Jing, what's the matter?" Huang Rong next to him saw his expression and asked.

"One of the two people who left just now seems to be very strong in martial arts." Guo Jing said.

"There are too many people with high martial arts in the world, and there is no shortage of them. Why should brother Jing care about it." She knows Guo Jing's personality, as long as the martial arts is slightly good, he can be called martial arts high.

Guo Jing knew that she had misunderstood, this is definitely a master, even if it is not as good as herself, it is not much worse than you.But thinking of Huang Rong's temperament, he was in a special period, his heart was sensitive, and the person had already left, so he stopped talking and continued to deal with the coming heroes.

Yang Guo was dressed up as a beggar at this time. He arrived late, but he didn't see the two of them.

The world, with its strong will, still asked Yang Guo to bid farewell to the two to come to the Great Victory after the rescue of Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng.

However, after Ouyang Feng regained his memory, his temperament changed drastically. He regretted his past actions and decided to live in seclusion. After he was able to act freely, he taught Yang the toad skills and drove him away.

Upon seeing this, Hong Qigong decided to live in seclusion with Ouyang Feng.Maybe it is to look at Xi Du, to prevent him from being in front of a set and behind a set.

So Yang Guo still came all the way to the Great Victory Pass.Because they deliberately wanted to test Guo Jing and his wife, but also worried that they would be malicious towards their foster father, so they did not explain their situation.


Since Unfeeling Valley is a claustrophobic valley, it is naturally hard to find, and Qi Ji didn't expect to find it directly.

I just left Dashengguan and headed north. On the second day, I saw a group of dozens of people coming in the direction of Dashengguan.

Qi Ji saw Dalba's majestic figure from afar, so he took the initiative to avoid it.

He still has things to do and doesn't want to meet with King Jinlun for the time being.

The world of the Condor Heroes mainly has several important scenes. According to the current plot time, Dashengguan is an important place, the Valley of Unrequited Love is another, and then Xiangyang City will be.

No reincarnation was found in Dashengguan, so Qi Ji wanted to go to the Valley of Unfeelings first to try his luck.

Although I don't know the location of the Valley of Unrequited Feelings, at this moment Kublai went south, as long as he found Kublai's barracks, the Valley of Unrequited Love would not be too far away.

Fortunately, Kublai’s barracks were easy to find.Two days later, Qi Ji discovered the location of Kublai Khan.

The only thing left is luck.

The Unfeeling Valley is within tens of miles around this area, but it is extremely difficult to find among the mountains.Fortunately, she didn't worry about it, and went around all the way, unexpectedly met the little dragon girl who had left Yang Guo behind.

At this moment, the little dragon goddess is in a trance, and has no time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

It doesn't matter where you go anyway.

Huang Wei felt a little guilty. After all, his betrayal followed a strange plan because he wanted to be a dragon knight.

Qi Ji didn't care about him at all, and followed the little dragon girl a long way, until he staggered into the mountain and broke into a claustrophobic valley.

Unfeeling Valley has been found.

"Little Taoist priest, let's rest for two days and then visit the master." Qi Ji said.

"Great monk, is this the Valley of Unrequited Love?" Huang Wei asked, "You didn't know this place before?"

"Just find it, the show hasn't started yet!" Qi Ji said.

"Hope, the Great Victory Pass has already missed an opportunity, this time I hope I can gain something." Huang Wei said.

"There is still too much time, what's the hurry!" Qi Ji said calmly.

You are strong enough, you are not in a hurry, I am still anxious to improve my strength!Huang Wei thought to himself, but did not dare to say more.

Although this guy was very easy to talk and didn't do anything unkind, Huang Wei just didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Samsaras, which one is not covered with blood on his hands?How can a master who can reach the pinnacle be good?

The more kind he looks now, once he exposes his nature, he is an extremely evil person.

Huang Wei admits that he does not dare to offend this kind of person, at least not now.

After waiting for two days, Qi Ji and Huang Wei followed the footsteps of Little Dragon Girl and entered the Valley of Unrequited Love.

The two have outstanding martial arts, naturally not afraid of the dangerous terrain along the way, all the way up the stream, into the valley, climb a mountain peak, and see a few stone houses.

There were people outside the stone house. The two of them had no traces of hiding. They were found immediately, and soon a man in a green robe came to inquire.

"Master and Taoist are polite, this place is a private residence, I don't know where the two came from? What is it?" Although it is strange that the two have been together here, but a good rest allows him to maintain etiquette.

"Tan Yue is polite. The little monk admires the beauty of the mountains and walks along the path, but doesn't mean that there is a master in your place." Qi Ji smiled, "I wonder if the two little monks can visit the master here?"

"This villain can't guarantee that, I need to ask my master to reply." Lupao said humanely, "The two can take a break for now, and the villain will report to my master."

"So, thank you Tan Yue." Qi Ji accepted it very happily.

This is the gate of the Valley of Unfeelings. Naturally, the green-robed man is not here. He called a similar green-robed man to accompany the two of Qi Ji, and went to the valley to report to the valley owner.

Being able to easily climb to the top of the mountain is obviously not an easy one, and he dare not make his own claim.

Not long after, a dwarf with a long beard and mopping the floor came over and declared himself as Fan Yiweng. He was a big disciple of the Valley Lord, and he was also a first-class realm.

The two of Qi Ji also gave their names, but it was Hui Jue who reported Qi Ji and Zhao Jing was reported by Huang Wei. He rebelled against Quanzhen Sect and deliberately removed his seniority in order to prevent being recognized.

Along the way, Fan Yiweng tried to test the origins of the two in his conversation. Qi Ji only said that he had become a monk since childhood, and at least Lin had an order. After that, he went into the world and met a little Taoist. He has been protected by him. It is also a little Taoist who can come here. Contribute.

What Huang Weineng said, he could only nod his head, and said that Wuyan mentioned his origin and fooled the past.

As for believe it or not, let's talk about it.

Fan Yiweng didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to get to the bottom of it. This Taoist priest had a strong aura, and he felt that martial arts was no worse than his master.

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