Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 172 Mysterious Iron Heavy Sword was born (seeking subscription)

When Yang Guo heard the voice for the first time, Yang Guo was really taken aback.

He was seriously injured at this moment, it was the time of weakness, if the enemy came, there was no resistance at all.

I found it was a peculiar trick, so I was relieved.

From the conversation between Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong, it was known that this little monk was probably hidden from view, and suddenly met, he became vigilant.

Although this little monk really showed enough kindness on the top of Huashan Mountain, Yang Guo didn't meet the Golden Wheel Fa King at that time, and this little monk was a disciple of Golden Wheel Fa King.

After contacting him many times over the past few months, Yang Guo knew that King Jinlun Fa was not a good person, and he suffered many losses under his own hands. If this little monk wanted to avenge his Master, he would confess here.

"Monk Huijue, why are you here?" Yang Guo asked.

"Tan Yue made the same mistake again, this is not Tan Yue's home, why can't the little monk come?" Qi Ji said, "Moreover, the little monk came here before Tan Yue."

"Well, I was wrong, I made you laugh." Thinking of his horrible situation, Yang Guo suddenly let go. He is already disabled, so why are you worried?

"Since Tan Yue is here, he should take care of his injuries. As the saying goes, if you have lost your horse, you know you are not good. Perhaps Tan Yue's turn is here!" Qi Ji persuaded.

"Isn't the master surprised to make this look like this?" Thinking of the mysterious mystery, Yang Guo unconsciously used the honorific title.

"Tan Yue Xiangyang showed great power and helped Guo Daxia guard Xiangyang, and the little monk admired it tightly." Qi Ji said, "With such martial arts as Dan Yue, if you are not a familiar person, who else can make you look like this?"

"When did the master come here? I have been here a few days ago and there is no one. Why does the master know about Xiangyang?" Yang Guo asked.

"What Tan Yue did in Xiangyang was all major things, how could he find the little monk's traces?" Qi Ji smiled, "The little monk has been treating the wounded in Xiangyang City for half a month, so he naturally takes Tan Yue's behavior in his eyes."

"In this way, the master also knows that when the master comes to the Central Plains, he is the ultimate master of attacking Xiangyang." Yang Guo said.

"This is natural. Not only the little monk knows about the Battle of Xiangyang, but even the little monk has witnessed the Unfeeling Valley from beginning to end. The little monk arrived in the Unfeeling Valley a few days before Tanyue and his party, and read the blessing scriptures for Lord Gongsun for many days. "

"The master is indeed a good method. I waited for the party to think that it was not weak, but didn't find the master next door." Hearing the strange plan, Yang Guo felt that the little monk in front of him was even more mysterious, as if he would foresee the future, and went to the Valley of Unrequited Love. they.

"Tan Yue is serious. The little monk is just a monk who can recite scriptures. Tan Yue hasn't found it, just because the little monk is a marginal figure and won't enter the eyes of the heroes."

"Since the master knows everything, why not help the respected master?" Yang Guo couldn't help asking.

He felt that from the first time he saw the three masters and disciples of King Jinlun Fa, Qi Ji and their styles are too different, especially Jinlun Fa King, whose character is very poor, how can he teach such a disciple?

"Does Tan Yue want the little monk to do that?" Qi Ji asked with a smile.

"Not really, just very confused." Yang Guo said honestly.

"Without him, the concept is different." Qi Ji said, "As a Mongolian national teacher, my teacher naturally has to focus on national affairs and contribute to the great cause of Mongolia's unification."

"But I'm just a little monk. I don't want to care about it, so I try to avoid it."

"The great man is for the country and the people." Yang Guo realized the words Guo Jing had said to him and was deeply moved. There are probably few people in this world who can do what Uncle Guo did!

Even himself is the same.

"In that case, Master and don't persuade the respected teacher to let go?" Yang Guo asked again.

"As the saying goes, the son does not say that the father has passed, and the disciples can't go against the master's will either. Is Tan Yue the kind of person who is willing to go against the will of the master?" Qi Ji asked back.

Yang Guo thought of Xiaolongnv again, and there was a pain in his chest.

He understood the meaning of the odd trick, perhaps this is the best choice.

"Tan Yue is not badly injured, so let's go to the cave and rest!" Qi Ji pointed to the cave where the burialist Dugu wanted to lose.

With that said, Yang Guo felt hurt again, but thought of Qiren, so he asked: "Does the master know that Dugu seeks to defeat him?"

"I have never met, I have never heard of it, I only know that it is a martial arts stranger, perhaps a master of coercion of an era."

Yang Guo was dumbfounded, and he did not expect Qi Ji to give such a high evaluation.At this time, he hadn't been to Jianzhong, so he naturally didn't know the deeds of Dugu seeking defeat.

Yang Guo has lived here since, and Da Diao feeds him the gall of the Boss Viper every day, and his injury gradually improves.

In the past few days, Yang Guo also knew that Qi Ji had lived here for more than a year. The Cao Lu was built by him back then, and he is also friends with Da Diao.

But the problem is that there are very few strange words. Apart from answering a few questions at the first meeting, there is more communication. At other times, most of them are chanting and rarely speak.

Even the food is a variety of game and mountain fruits provided by Da Diao.

Moreover, this little monk had no intention of inviting him into the grass house, nor did he intend to build another grass house for himself. He only had one arm and couldn’t build it by himself, so he could only live in the cave and accompany the big eagles and the lonely ones. Begging to lose the bones together.

As his injury improved, Yang Guo couldn't help becoming lonely, going around, and finally saw Jian Tomb and learned about Dugu's deeds.

When he was excited to find a strange plan to show off, he was dismissed by the strange word "know".

He just remembered that this man must know everything after being here for so long.He probably took the unseen fierce sword.

It was also from this day that Da Diao began to train Yang Guo. In just half a month, Yang Guo's attack repeatedly failed to knock down under Da Diao's attack. After that, he attacked and defended each other, and his progress increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until a heavy rain, I was taken by a big eagle to the waterfall for two days, practiced sword under the waterfall, and suffered inhuman torture.

But the benefits are obvious, and the breath can't be suppressed after returning.

He was originally responsible for a series of martial arts such as Dongxie, Xidu, Beibei, Quanzhen, and ancient tombs. He was mixed but not refined. After this time, he finally turned into his own strength.Although the realm is only in the middle stage of the Taoist master, it is enough to compete with the people of the later stage of the master.

The strength was restored, even more so before Yang Guo wanted to go out.

He missed his aunt even more.

So he came to bid farewell to Qi Ji.

This month, Qi Ji looked at Yang Guo's growth and was filled with relief.

Sure enough, breaking the arm is a powerful shortcut.

"Tan Yue is leaving?" Qi Ji asked again, and when he saw Yang Guo nodding, he said, "The little monk will be together."

"Master is leaving too?" Yang Guonao didn't understand. Is it true that the prophet is not known, he is here to wait for me.

"Yes," Qi Ji confirmed, "I've been away for a long time, and if I don't go back, that person is probably going to shake up the sky."

"Then, back to Xiangyang?" Yang Guo asked tentatively without knowing who he was talking about.

"Of course." Qi Ji said, "Need the little monk's help?" He looked at the profound iron heavy sword in Yang Guo's hand.

"No, I can do it." Yang Guo said.

The more disabled people are, the more afraid they will be looked down upon. Yang Guo just wanted to prove that he was no worse than anyone else.

But he still didn't dare to try out strange tricks. Despite his great advances in martial arts, he still felt that this person was extremely mysterious.After living here for more than a month, he has made such a big improvement. He doesn't believe that this little monk will not benefit.

So, half a day later, the two bid farewell to the big eagle, left Jian Tomb, and headed for Xiangyang.

This time, Xuan Tie's epee became famous.

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