Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 173 Goodbye Zhou Zhengan (seeking subscription)

As he approached Xiangyang City, Qi Ji separated from Yang Guo. He didn't care about Yang Guo's affairs. Similarly, Yang Guo didn't want him to interfere with his own affairs.

Huang Wei really let him go, and when he returned in the evening, he was full of alcohol.The moment I saw the odd trick, I felt cold and sweaty, and immediately became sober.

He is very prestigious these days. After Qi Ji left, he immediately went to the restaurant and ordered a table of wine and food to start eating and drinking.

At this moment, Xiangyang City is full of people from all over the world. When there are too many people, anyone will appear. Maybe it's because he can't understand his extravagance, maybe it's jealous... Anyway, the unbearable rumors entered Huang Wei's ears.

As a reincarnation, how can these "NPCs" be bullied to their heads without making any expressions, so conflicts occur.

With his profound martial arts, Huang Wei defeated more than ten people in the two teams one after another, so that everyone did not dare to underestimate it.It was also his command to keep in mind that he did not kill anyone, but it was inevitable to receive a lesson.

Only then did the onlookers know that this Taoist priest has real materials. Could it be that he is a Quanzhen Sect?

It was precisely because of this battle that Huang Wei's name rang, and naturally many people came to make friends.So, Huang Wei has spent the past month at the wine table.

As a reincarnation, he shouldn't be like this. It is their nature to be vigilant to the indigenous people.

However, Huang Wei has been suppressed by strange tricks too hard these days. He just wanted to release his depressed mood. Faced with the flattery of everyone, he was a little fluttered. He willingly agreed to their invitation and went to a banquet for several days. This is what he has now.

"Little Taoist, I'm really curious, how did you live until now?" Qi Ji was not angry. Huang Wei didn't care what he thought. In the end, he must die anyway.

If he does not die, his mission will not be completed, and there will be no way to leave.

So it doesn't matter how his character is, it doesn't matter even if he listens to his words, his position is different, the ending is already doomed, either you die or I die.

At most, Qi Ji gave him a chance to prepare, so that he can resurrect after failing the mission.

"Great monk, I'm still idle, so I made some friends." Huang Wei said in a cold voice, "Don't worry, it won't be anymore next time."

"No next time, we will leave Xiangyang tomorrow." Qi Ji said.

Before the end of the war, Mongolia retired hundreds of miles, the heroes were in agitation, shouting "victory", before Qi Ji left, there were no new wounded, at this time another month has passed, the war has not started, their departure will not affect what.

"Great monk, do you have any plans?" Huang Wei asked.

"There is no plan for the time being, and I will probably go to the Valley of Unrequited Love again. At that time, the things promised to you can be realized." Miracle said.

Huang Wei was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly, saying that he must start on time.

Early the next morning, Qi Ji took Huang Wei to the Guo Mansion to bid farewell to Guo Jing.

He was here to treat the wounded and met Guo Jing more than once. Guo Jing also provided him with convenience and reason, and he had to say hello before leaving.

As for going to Jianzhong before, I knew I would come back, so I didn't mention it.

After the end of the war, Guo Jing was still very busy, busy arranging defenses, busy training soldiers... always had no free time.

Huang Rong was no longer, probably to send Guo Fu out of the city and did not return. Maybe he would meet Li Mochou who took Guo Xiang away. The two struggled for intelligence, but Yang Guo finally took the baby away.

The big Guo Fuli lost two people, not even a person in charge of reception.

It was not until the afternoon that Guo Jing finally had time to see them.Knowing that they are leaving, he kept embarrassed.

He wanted to keep the two of them, but unfortunately he didn't have the right to promise anything. After his voluntary work was done, what else would he stay behind?

"You don't have to be polite, Daxia Guo, the little monk is far worse than Daxia Guo." Qi Ji said, "Since Daxia Guo is busy with business, then don't bother."

After Qi Ji finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but at this moment, someone came to report.

"Guo Daxia, there is a Taoist priest outside the door who claims to be Zhou Zhengan. He is your old acquaintance and wants to see you."

"Zhou Zhengan Brother Zhou Shi?" Guo Jing was overjoyed, "please please."

Qi Ji was about to leave, but stopped after hearing this.

Zhou Zhengan, the son of Zhou Botong, in the world of eagle shooting, Qi Ji personally rescued the child from Qiu Qianren's hand, and took him as a disciple.

Guo Jing and Zhou Botong are brothers, but Zhou Botong is mostly joking, so Guo Jing has always called him "elder brother".

After Huashan discussed the sword for the second time, before Qi Ji completed the mission and prepared to return, he also specially confessed a sentence to Zhou Zhengan as a password for the recognition.

At that time, Qi Ji just made preparations in advance, and it is not yet known whether he can meet again, but now it is just right.

But before that, he had to take a good look at Zhou Zhengan, this cheap apprentice, whether he still had his own master in his heart.

Guo Jing did not let his servants meet, but went out to meet him.Qi Ji followed the trend and soon saw a middle-aged Taoist priest walking outside the gate.

People in middle age are less handsome and more calm, and look very dusty.

"Brother Zhou Shi, hasn't seen him for many years, has always been good?" Guo Jing spoke first.

After the second Huashan discussion on the sword, Guo Jing only met Zhou Zhengan once when he married Huang Rong on Taohuadao, more than ten years ago.

"TOEFL, it's a passable way." Zhou Zhengan said, "There is no such thing as Brother Guo."

"Brother Zhou Shi laughed, I don't know if there is news about Brother Zhou?" Guo Jing asked, "I used to send him a letter to help him punch, but he never arrived, which made me very worried."

"No," Zhou Zhengan said, "I am here this time, one of the purposes is to find him and take him back to have a look."

"I don't know who these two are?" Zhou Zhengan asked when he saw a monk beside Guo Jing.

"This is Master Huijue, and this is Dao Jing Zhao. The two sergeants who took the initiative to help heal the wounded during the crisis in Xiangyang are really admirable." Guo Jing replied.

Zhou Zhengan is the same as Qiji, in his cultivation there is the whole heart method, the Nine Yin Scriptures and Innate Skills. He is very impressed, and Qiji did not hide it. He stared at him straightforwardly.

Moreover, he looked at this little monk with a sense of familiarity, as if he had known each other for a long time.

"So it's disrespectful." Zhou Zhengan said in a salute.

"The little monk is just doing what he can, but Dao Chang Zhou is here and can help Guo Daxia." Qi Ji said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Pang Dao won't stay here long and will leave soon." Zhou Zhengan said, "Come here, just say hello to Brother Guo." He looked at Guo Jing.

"That's a coincidence. We have just bid farewell to Daoxia Guo. If the Dao Chief does not dislike it, we can go together," said Qi Ji, "I just wanted to take the opportunity to ask Dao Master something."

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