"Brother Zhou is leaving in such a hurry?" Guo Jing said as he led Zhou Zhengan in.

"If it is inconvenient, the little monk can avoid it." Qi Ji looked at Zhou Zhengan and said.

"It's nothing inconvenient," Zhou Zhengan said. "Pan Dao came for Li Mochou. I heard that she had appeared in Xiangyang several times."

"This is true, why did Brother Zhou look for Li Mochou?" Guo Jing asked.

Qi Ji is also very curious. Although Zhou Zhengan and Ma Yu went to Mongolia, they seem to have never seen each other again. Could it be that they have been in contact again in the past ten years?

"Speaking of ashamed, Li Mochou, to the point where he is now, is probably partly responsible for the poor Dao. Whenever he thinks about this, the poor Dao is very self-blame, and he wants to bring her back to the mountain to avoid her coming out to harm others.

"But unfortunately, she probably also knows the purpose of Peng Dao, so her whereabouts are secretive. Basically, after appearing in one place, she disappeared again within a few days, so Peng Dao has repeatedly failed to pursue it.

"It turns out that Li Mochou has been hiding from Brother Zhou Shi these years, no wonder." Guo Jing suddenly.

"Yes, this time I heard that Li Mochou appeared in Xiangyang several times, so he bid farewell to his mother and came here just to ask Brother Guo about the news." Zhou Zhengan said.

"Coincidentally, if Brother Zhou Shi asked about something else, I may not know it, but Li Mochou's whereabouts are still somewhat certain." Guo Jing smiled, "A letter from Shi Cai Zhuo Jing, he and Li Mochou went to the Valley of Desolation. went."

"Where is Unfeeling Valley?" Zhou Zhengan hadn't heard of this place.

"I don't know either." Guo Jing smiled bitterly.

"Unfeeling Valley, the little monk has been there before." Qi Ji interrupted in due course.

"Master, please let me know." Zhou Zhengan gave a ceremony, not because he was too young to despise him.

"It just so happens that the little monk is also going to go again, why not go together? That place is hard to find, I simply don't understand." Qi Ji explained.

"Alright, the master is leaving, right?" Zhou Zhengan immediately got up and said goodbye to Guo Jing, "Guo brother, don't bother me."

"Also, Brother Zhou Shi, if you see Zhuo Jing, please help me." Guo Jing begged.

"Naturally, they are all friends. Brother Guo doesn't need to worry." Zhou Zhengan turned and looked at the two of Qi Ji, "Can I go now?"

The two of Qi Ji bid farewell to Guo Jing again, left Guo's Mansion, left Xiangyang City, and headed north to the Valley of Unrequited Love.


"Hear that Master Zhou is soaring in the day?" Qi Ji asked on the road.

Huang Wei also listened attentively. He had previously suspected that the so-called day soaring was either injured or left.

"Flying in the day is a bit exaggerated, but it is an indisputable fact that Master is in retreat for three days and there is no trace." Zhou Zhengan said, "There is absolutely no possibility of going out."

"That kind of style, it's a pity that I have no opinion, and I only hate myself for being too late." Qi Ji sighed.

"As a disciple of the magical tricks in the head of Huashan On the Sword, the Taoist master, why the reputation of Jianghu is not obvious? If it weren't for meeting, the little monk would not even know the Taoist master."

"Pan Dao has not been with his mother or chasing Li Mochou these years, so there is no leisure time." Zhou Zhengan said, "Besides, those false names, Pang Dao doesn't care."

"The Taoist commander can see clearly, but I don't know what it has to do with Li Mochou? Why is it related to you that Li Mochou has become a Demon of Red Training?" Qi Ji asked again.

"It's also evil fate," Zhou Zhengan sighed. "Back then, the poor Dao practiced with the respected master and lived next to Li Mochou. At that time, he was still young and often played together. For my sister."

"I don't know when, Li Mochou actually planted the root of love. When she met again later, she wanted to marry her, but at that time, the poor Tao had already become a monk. How could she do such a thing, so she flatly refused."

"After a while, I heard that she was expelled from the ancient tomb for rebelling against the teacher, wandering around the rivers and lakes, and accidentally abandoned by Lu Zhanyuan. Since then, her temperament has changed drastically, she has fallen into the magic way, and has become a frightening Chilian fairy on the rivers and lakes."

"I had a guilty conscience, so I found her and persuaded her to leave the arena. She naturally refused, saying that as long as I promised to marry her, she would agree."

"But it's impossible, so the friendship broke down, and when she started, she was not the opponent of the poor road, and was held by the poor road."

"So she begged and asked Pindao to let her go. She was willing to change. Pindao felt soft for a while and she took the opportunity to escape. Since then, he has never been able to find him."

"She also knows that Pang Dao is looking for her, so she has been acting secretly, not staying in the same place. Every time she hears her appear, it's too late to rush past."

"This time I heard that she appeared in Xiangyang several times. I thought that Brother Guo was here, so I came here and planned to borrow the power of Brother Guo, but I didn't expect her to leave again."

Zhou Zhengan didn't hesitate, and he explained the connection between him and Li Mochou in one breath. He was also very surprised. Why didn't he have any defense in front of this person?

Have you seen it before?It's impossible, if you know it, you can't have no impression!

"Then this time, I hope the Daoist will achieve his wish." Qi Ji said in advance.

"Master, is this the way to Unfeeling Valley?" Zhou Zhengan asked suddenly.

"No, let's go to Zhongnan Mountain." Qi Ji said.

"Zhong Nanshan, why, didn't Li Mochou go to the Valley of Unfeelings?" Zhou Zhengan was puzzled.

"Guo Daxia just said that their daughter is lost again. If you guessed it correctly, the man who took away the second girl Guo knows, he will not go to the Valley of Unrequited Love. Mrs. Guo is so smart that she naturally wanted to." Qi Ji explained.

"That person will go to Zhongnan Mountain? Why?" Zhou Zhengan asked.

"Because his home is in Zhongnan Mountain!" Qi Ji replied.

Zhou Zhengan stopped talking. Although he didn't know about Yang Guo, the martial arts figures in Zhongnan Mountain, apart from their Quanzhen Sect, were only Gumu Sect.

Just talked about Li Mochou, now another one pops out.


Quanzhen Sect was in a catastrophe at this time, and there were no disciples guarded by the mountain. Surprisingly, before they reached the Chongyang Palace, they saw a person hurrying down from the mountain.

Qi Ji recognized at a glance, it was the third senior brother Huo Du.

Zhou Zhengan wanted to take it and asked about the situation, but Qi Ji urged him to go to the Chongyang Palace.

The three of them immediately speeded up, and before they reached the Double Ninth Palace, they heard voices coming from inside.

"King Jinlun, if it were not for your disciple's face, you would not be able to descend the mountain today."

"Then thank you Yang Tanyue." Before Qi Jiren arrived, the voice went in first.

King Jinlun Fa was still wondering that Dalba had such a great face, suddenly he heard a familiar voice, and when he looked up, a familiar figure came into view.

"Rinchepo, why are you here?"

He always thought that his little disciple was still in Shaolin, so he didn't even ask about it in order to make him feel at ease to understand the Dharma, but unexpectedly met here.

It's a pity that I was too embarrassed and lost his dignity as a teacher.

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