Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 175 Chongyang Palace (for subscription)

"Monk Huijue, you are here too." Yang Guo greeted him and withdrew the profound iron heavy sword.

"Meet Master." Qi Ji nodded to Yang Guo as a greeting, and then bowed to King Jinlun Fa.

"Senior brother." He said to Dalba again.

"Rinpoche, you are here." Dalpa said happily.

He didn't speak Chinese, he had always been Tibetan. He grew up in King Kong Temple in this life, and he was born with this language.

"Rinpoche, didn't you enlighten the Dharma in Shaolin, why are you here?" King Golden Wheel Falun Gong endured his injuries and asked with great concern.

He can die, both Dalba and Huo can die, but Rinpoche cannot die. This is the guarantee of their inheritance from the Vajra Monastery.

So for a long time, King Jinlun Fa was not afraid of death, but he could live, no one wanted to die, right?

But now it is all right. Rinpoche is here. His martial arts are lowly. If there is an accident, what will happen to the future of the Vajra Monastery?

"Master, the disciple only stayed in Shaolin for a single year, and then left." Qi Ji replied, "because the disciple feels that blindly enlightenment of Buddhism cannot be fully understood and needs to be in the red dust."

"Very well, you are on your own way." King Jinlun nodded with a smile, "Let's go back to Jingang Temple as a teacher."

"No, the disciples still have things to do. Master will return first, and the disciples will follow up later." Qi Ji refused and looked at Dalba, "Brother, take Master away."

King Golden Wheel Falun deliberately refused, but thinking that this place was the Chongyang Palace, the site of the Han people, he was injured and could not beat these people.

The thought that Rinpoche wanted to take risks here made him very angry.

If his martial arts are invincible in the world, how can he fall to this point?

At this moment, he is more persistent in becoming stronger.

Dalba left with King Golden Wheel, and the other Mongolian masters also left. Yang Guo also reminded Ma Guangzuo to leave, so as not to be regarded as cannon fodder.

Zhou Zhengan stepped forward to meet a few seniors.

Qi Ji glanced at it. Well, there are still five. Tan Chuduan still hasn't survived to the present. In the past few years, he and Ma Yu have passed away.

No wonder they can bully Quanzhen Sect one by one.

The second-generation disciple can't do it. At any rate, there is also the finale of the Tiangang Beidou Formation, which can carry Huang Yaoshi's hole cards in the later period of the master.

The three generations of disciples are even worse. In the eyes of ordinary people, they may be big people, and they are not worth mentioning.

"Since it's all right, let's all go away!" Qi Ji said, "The Mongolians are still outside and never leave!"

"Go and take precautions." Qiu Chuji gave an order, and Quanzhen's disciple acted immediately and soon dispersed.

"Junior Brother Zhou, who is this?" Only then did Qiu Chuji have time to ask strange things.

Why did the disciples of the Mongolian national teacher Jinlunfa Wang come with Junior Brother Zhou?

"This is the monk Huijue from Xiangyang, and this is Dao Jing Zhao." Zhou Zhengan introduced, "Master Huijue and the King of the Golden Wheel are different. Don't worry, brother."

"Looking at your posture, do you want to continue fighting?" Qi Ji asked.

The will of the world is really strong and unmatched. Without Zhao Zhijing, the experience of the little dragon girl is similar to before. She met Zhou Botong, the King of the Golden Wheel, and learned how to fight each other, but in the end she was still planted in the Double Ninth Palace.

Yang Guo grabbed Guo Xiang, but couldn't save it when he rushed in. Xiaolongnu was seriously injured.Now that King Jinlun and his entourage have left, the Quanzhen Five Sons are still unrelenting.

That is, when Zhou Zhengan arrived, they knew Zhou Zhengan's martial arts, and this allowed the disciples below to disperse.

"The tomb school?" Zhou Zhengan asked.

"Not bad." Yang Guo said solemnly, he felt this person's power.

The realm is the later stage of the master, but I am afraid that it is no better than the Golden Wheel Fa King. The number of battles is the limit. If you really fight, even if there is a magic weapon in your hand, this person can't be stopped.

"They are all neighbors, why bother to such a degree? You are leaving." Zhou Zhengan said.

Although he was young, his martial arts was high, and he was Zhou Botong's apprentice, so he didn't speak easily, but once he spoke, even the Quanzhen Seven had to think about it.

"Zhao Zhijing, you are Zhao Zhijing, but you humiliated Ms. Dragon, so you dare to come here." At this moment, Yin Zhiping pointed to Huang Wei and cried out suddenly.

As soon as Huang Wei came in, Yin Zhiping felt that his figure was very familiar, but because of Huang Wei's disfigurement, he dared not recognize each other easily and did not confirm it until then.

Yin Zhiping was originally Quanzhen’s next head teacher, but his mentality was distorted because of his "opportunity". He first exposed the affairs of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv at the Heroes' Meeting. Later he wanted to join the Mongols. Fortunately, he woke up at the last minute. Blocked a sword for the little dragon girl, and now she is seriously injured.

But after recognizing Zhao Zhijing, he called out regardless.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Huang Wei, and finally found something wrong.

There are still many flaws in the disguise technique.I haven't found it before, but after being called to break his identity, there are many flaws when I look closely.

Huang Wei didn't hesitate anymore, and directly dispelled his disguise, and restored the original face of "Zhao Zhijing".


"Brother Zhao..."

There are elders and peers; there are surprises and anger...

After all, Zhao Zhijing was a traitor at this time.

Yang Guo was also angry, but it was not Zhao Zhijing, but Yin Zhiping who was angry.

The misunderstanding between him and Xiaolongnv had been resolved, and both knew that Xiaolong had not lost his life that day.Various reasons originate from misunderstanding, but not just misunderstanding.

"Junior Brother Yin, you must have evidence for your words. When did I do that?" Huang Wei was not worried.

"That night..." Yin Zhiping wanted to speak subconsciously.

"That night? What night was it? Dao Chang Yin, please tell me carefully." Qi Ji stepped forward and asked.

Yin Zhiping was dumbfounded, he couldn't tell the truth, otherwise wouldn't it mean that he was present?

"In fact, that night, the little monk happened to pass by and spoke to stop Zhao Daochang." Qi Ji said, "Under the little monk's persuasion, Zhao Daochang repented, so he left a letter and followed the little monk to start saving people."

"Therefore, there are some things that Dao Chang Yin can't say nonsense, otherwise it will affect the reputation of others."

What on earth did you say, let a lust-headed person let go of everything?Now, even Zhou Zhengan began to doubt the strength of Qi Ji.

Well, it's not rebellious anymore, and it's already atonement, so what can I say?

"If it's okay, let's say goodbye first." Yang Guo said.

"Yang Tanyue, you finally met again, why not have a wedding here?" Qi Ji suggested.

"Little monk, speak politely." Someone scolded.

In their turf, some people dare to mention such a rebellious thing?

But Quanzhen's five sons looked embarrassed, and they found Zhou Zhengan's thoughtful expression on his face.

Does this one really agree?

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