Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 176 Yang Guo's big wedding (seeking subscription)

Zhou Zhengan is indeed considering.

Different from the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, when Zhou Zhengan was studying art with Qiji, because he was adjacent to the ancient tomb, Qiji might sometimes tell him the grievances between Quanzhen and the ancient tomb.

Therefore, Zhou Zhengan knew very well about this. After all, Wang Chongyang was too hypocritical. As a Taoist priest, he dared not marry Lin Chaoying against the precepts set by him, and caused such a misunderstanding.

Qi Ji has no prejudice against the ancient tomb, even with Zhou Zhengan, so Zhou Zhengan does not reject the association with Li Mochou.

He already knew that because of Yang Guo and grandmother, the tomb and Quanzhen were very unhappy, and Yin Zhiping's innocence happened again. If the two families can be resolved through a wedding, Zhou Zhengan thinks it can still be done. of.

After all, the master once taught him to live according to his own mind, although this may be disrespectful to his uncle, but...he doesn't know him.

It's just that if you do, the faces of several seniors don't look good, after all, they are still taking care of the Chongyang Palace.

At this moment, a yelling and yelling voice came from the outside, and immediately arrived in the Chongyang Palace. It was Zhou Botong with white beard and hair.

"Uncle Master!"


There were several noises in succession, but Zhou Botong didn’t pay attention. He didn’t even have time to hide when his son was there. Seeing that there was nowhere to hide, and seeing the little dragon girl there, she didn’t care about her face. She immediately came to the little dragon girl and put a jade bottle. I taught her and said: "It's so good, the bees are crazy, the old naughty boy can't play, it's better for the girl to come!"

After speaking, he wanted to hide behind, but was caught by Zhou Zhengan.

"Meet your father." Zhou Zhengan said, and the Seventh Son of Quanzhen came forward to give a salute.

"What else have you seen? Those crazy things are coming, don't hurry to hide." Zhou Botong himself was wrong, facelessly facing everyone.

After more than ten years of absence, Zhou Botong has no physical problems, but he is in his nineties and he is still like a child.

Last time in the Valley of Unrequited Love, Qi Ji only heard his voice and never met. At this meeting, he still felt like a world away.

This was the first celebrity he met. If he hadn't met Zhou Botong when he entered the world of books for the first time, how could he easily have his current situation?

"Old naughty boy, if you are willing to promise Miss Dragon one thing, she will definitely be willing to help you solve the trouble, and even teach you the secret skill of commanding bees." Qi Ji said, with an inexplicable tone in her tone. The meaning.

See you again, don't know the opposite.

The past will never come back.

"Really, what's the matter?" Zhou Botong glanced at the little dragon girl, and asked whether the odd trick was a little monk she didn't know.

"Of course, Yang Tanyue and Dragon Girl want to get married in the Double Ninth Palace, if you can preside over the wedding for the two, Dragon Girl and Mistress Xiaoshu." Qi Ji said.

"Presiding over the wedding, isn't this good?" Zhou Botong said, "We are Quanzhen Taoism and we are not in the same way. We cannot get married. Holding a wedding here does not conform to Quanzhen's teachings!"

"It is for this reason that this wedding should be held. First, it can eliminate the misunderstanding between Quanzhen and the ancient tomb, and second, it can make up for the regrets of the real person in Chongyang. This is the best of both worlds."

"Just borrow the place, why not do it?"

"Is that so?" Zhou Botong was itchy, looking at Quanzhen Wuzi.

He is not a Taoist priest, and apart from respecting his seniors, he has no respect for him. Just looking at his lack of demeanor in front of juniors, he knows that he doesn't care about face issues.

"Uncle Master, how can you violate the rules set by the Master?" As the head teacher at the time, Qiu Chuji had to come forward, looking at the little monk Qi Ji with a bad face.

Buddhism and Taoism have not been at the same time since ancient times. In his opinion, even if this little monk has no bad thoughts, he would just watch Quanzhen jokes.

What's more, he is a disciple of King Jinlun Fa, who knows what he is making?

Junior Brother Zhou believed him very much, and now even Senior Uncle Zhou was persuaded.

It is said that the monk's tongue is bright and lotus, and it is true.

Qiu Chuji once again increased his vigilance.

"Mr. Qiu was surprised by this," Qi Ji retorted. "Dr. Chongyang established Quanzhen Dao, but it was forbidden to marry Taoists, and he didn't say that no one could get married here."

"Furthermore, Qiu Zhenren thought, how long can the Chongyang Palace stand here? The real people have spent a lot of time in Mongolia. This time our teacher and them suffered a big loss. I want to know that the Mongolians will not give up. Once the Mongolians When the army comes, no matter how many rules the Chongyang Palace has, it's just a wasteland."

"Qiu Zhenren don't tell the little monk, there is no corresponding response plan."

"In that case, what's wrong with fulfilling Yang Tanyue and Girl Long and resolving their grievances?"

Qiu Chuji was silent. He naturally knew the virtues of the Mongols and had a plan to evacuate Zhongnan Mountain.

Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv's martial arts, he was watching, except for the two uncle Zhou and his son, no one was an opponent.If the tomb can be exchanged for this, it is not impossible.

But at this time, he couldn't let go of his face.

"Juji, if you can give me a word, those bees are coming." Zhou Botong could already hear the buzzing sound, and when Qiu Chuji was silent, he urged.

"Just do what Uncle Master wants," Qiu Chuji took the opportunity to step down, "limited to a few people present."

Yang Guo had been vigilant with his sword, and finally let go of his heart. He saw a large number of bees flying into the Chongyang Palace and gave a soft "Aunt".

Xiaolong femaleqiang cheered up, whistling in her mouth, dismissed the bees, and wilted again in Yang Guo's arms.

Zhou Botong, who wanted to escape, was relieved and came to Yang Guo and said, "Come on, I will preside over the wedding for you."

She said she was going to host the wedding, but she was still thinking about the honey in the hands of the little dragon girl.Upon seeing this, Zhou Zhengan stepped forward to heal the wounds of the little dragon girl with her innate skills, so that she regained some energy.

But this is to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the effect of innate power cannot heal Xiaolongnu's injuries.

The wedding took place very quickly. It was very simple, with a pair of red candles and two happy characters. Under the witness of Qi Ji and others, Zhou Botong presided over the wedding for the two.

Perhaps it was thinking of himself and Aunt Ying, but Zhou Botong went through the process normally this time.

Once the wedding was over, she took the secret handed by the little dragon girl and disappeared without a trace of the honey.

"Yang Tanyue, if you lose your anger, how about giving that child to the little monk?" Qi Ji said when Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv were about to go back.

"Okay, Master wait a minute." Yang Guo did not object, his mind is now full of Xiaolongnv's injuries.

Zhou Zhengan couldn't solve it, and Qi Ji said that he couldn't solve it, so he could only go back and wait for death.

Zhou Zhengan couldn’t solve it. It was because of his lack of skill. After all, the little dragon girl was hit by a combination of several masters, her meridians were broken, and her injuries were more serious than Huang Rong’s back then. After experience, it may not be impossible to solve.

But because the other two reincarnations have not been discovered, Qi Ji feels that it is likely to have to wait until sixteen years later, so he is unwilling to change too much plot now.

Otherwise, if there is no plot of 16 years later, where would he go to find the other two reincarnations?

After a while, Yang Guo brought Guo Xiang and gave it to Qi Ji, who sneaked back to the tomb with the little dragon girl himself.

"Look, now that the child is found, we can go to the Valley of Unfeelings." Qi Ji looked at Zhou Zhengan and smiled.

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