Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 177 Is There Reincarnation? (For subscription)

"Didn't the master say that Mrs. Guo will come to Zhongnanshan?" Zhou Zhengan didn't understand. "Now they haven't arrived, why are they leaving?"

"Always go to the Valley of Unrequited Love, and it's the same if you wait there." Qi Ji forcedly explained, "Or they missed it, or maybe they just went to the Valley of Unrequited Love."

"Besides, you know that Chief Daoist, Li Mochou and Yang Tanyue are from the same family, and there are still a lot of problems in their own family. It's not easy to get involved in the family, right? It's better to wait for them to solve it first, so we went to the Valley of Unfeeling It's always right."

"Okay," Zhou Zhengan didn't object, and he also felt strange that he could be regarded as an independent person, how could he not help but obey him when he met this little monk.

Fortunately, this little monk didn't have any malice, otherwise he wouldn't know if he could raise his desire to fight?

Unconsciously, like Qiu Chuji, he had a sense of vigilance in his heart, but there was no lag in action.

"It's just that, what about Zhao Zhijing, what is the master going to do?" Zhou Zhengan asked.

"How to deal? What to deal with? Isn't Daochang Zhao already separated from Quanzhen?" Qi Ji asked back, "He hasn't turned his head to another faction. It's ok to return to the vulgar. Does Quanzhenism have a canon that prevents people from leaving?"

Before Zhao Zhijing's identity was exposed, the five sons of Quanzhen, especially Zhao Zhijing's master Wang Chuyi, wanted to talk to him and wanted to bring him back.

After all, a master master who surpassed them, even if he made a "small mistake", as long as he did not damage the big festival, he could still be saved.

The Quanzhen Sect is now the time for masters.Uncle Zhou and his son's martial arts are enough, but they can't stay on Zhongnan Mountain!

Unfortunately, because there were too many things in the Chongyang Palace, there was no chance, until Yang Guo left to hug Xiao Guo Xiang, Huang Wei always followed the trick.Too many things happened in Quanzhen Sect in one day, and Wang Chuyi and others were busy arranging the internal affairs of the teaching, so there was no time to say.

Maybe they thought that since Zhao Zhijing came to Zhongnan Mountain, he was not in a hurry for a while, but in the current situation, Qi Ji obviously did not intend to return to the Chongyang Palace, but went directly to the Valley of Unrequited Love.

Naturally, Huang Wei will not leave the team. If this time is missed, Quanzhen Sect will never have the opportunity to bring him back to Quanzhen Sect.

Grandmasters are rare, and Zhou Zhengan also wanted to bring Zhao Zhijing back for Quanzhen Sect, but he unexpectedly said this.

"After all, he is a Quanzhen disciple, and his martial arts are also inherited from Quanzhen Sect. How can he leave like this?" Zhou Zhengan said.

There is a saying that he was embarrassed to speak and left without permission. He was regarded as a betrayal in the arena, and his reputation was not good.To be more serious, everyone will be punishable.

"Dao Chang Zhou still doesn't understand. Dao Chang Zhao made a mistake. In order to avoid damage to Quan Zhen's reputation, he voluntarily withdrew. This is a high morale and is entirely for the sake of Quan Zhen's reputation."

"It is true that Daochang Zhao was persuaded by the little monk to avoid making a big mistake at the last moment, but this matter has spread, and Daochang thinks that Daochang Zhao has a true footing."

"Even if the five real five sons don't talk about it, how can you ensure that the following disciples have the same mind? Will anyone think that Zhao Daochang's personal morality is at a loss and are not worthy to lead them?"

"Or maybe they have learned well, they can be forgiven after all! In this way, what will become of the Quanzhen Sect? Have you ever thought about it?"

Zhou Zheng settled down and felt cold and sweaty.

"Also, who said that Daochang Zhao's martial arts came from Quanzhen? Even though he used to study art at Quanzhen, but there are no fewer than a thousand of Quanzhen disciples, which one of the Qing came to the realm of Zhao Daochang?"

"Who hasn't had the opportunity yet, how old is Yang Tanyue, and was once Daochang Zhao's apprentice, now? Daochang Zhou is confident to suppress him?"

"Quanzhen Tao, first is the inheritance of Taoist teachings, and then martial arts. Otherwise, why is the real master of Chongyang cultivated like this, but a few disciples..."

"So, as long as the Quanzhen Taoism is immortal, what is the difference between one more person and one less person?"

It was precisely this time that the Mongolian army attacked the mountains and Quanzhen taught the disciples to leave, and this resulted in several branches of Quanzhen Tao, such as Qiu Chuji's Longmen School and Hao Datong's Huashan School.

"Thank you!" Zhou Zhengan gave a formal salute.

Originally, he was still hesitating, Mongolia was powerful, and Zhongnan Mountain was already in its territory. Under the influence of Wang Chongyang, Quanzhen Sect had been fighting against foreigners for many years. Back then, Qiu Chuji went to the west with Genghis Khan and it was also because of the existence of Dajin. , Mongolia has no threat to Da Song.

Now that the Kingdom of Jin and Xixia are all destroyed, it is inevitable that Mongolia will go south to attack the Song Dynasty. He is still worrying about how to preserve the true teachings, but now he is surprised.

Several seniors were prepared for this a long time ago, and now he was relieved by this little monk again.

The most important thing in Quanzhen Sect is the doctrine and the orthodoxy. As long as the doctrine is spread, the orthodoxy will be carried forward, no matter where it is, or in any form.


Qi Ji stopped talking, and hugged Guo Xiang down the mountain, Huang Wei followed closely, and Zhou Zhengan also went down the mountain.

Later generations of Taoist priests will be called "There is Tao and Quanzhen", and how successful they are in forming Quanzhen Sect.

In this regard, the Zhengyi inherited in the form of a family is incomparable, even if they are a thousand years earlier.

The Valley of Unfeelings is not far away, but the odd plan walks very slowly. It is called worrying about children.

At this time the weather was cold, the sky was dim, and there were faint signs of snow.

Huang Wei knew that Qi Ji had other thoughts in his mind, and he didn't say much. He still had some resistance to Zhou Zhengan, a genuine Quanzhen Taoist priest.

Qi Ji thought to himself that it should be a few days before Li Mochou and his entourage made an uproar in the ancient tomb. Yi Deng was almost heading to the Valley of Unrequited Love. It only needs to be one step earlier.

So he would rather slow down and tease Xiao Guo Xiang by the way, rather than go too early.

In this way, when they arrived at the unfeeling Taniguchi, they "coincidentally" ran into Yang Guo and his party.

"Yang Tanyue, we really have fate." Qi Ji smiled.

"Master Huijue, why are you here too?" Yang Guo at this moment was even more jealous of this little monk.

One encounter was a coincidence, and two encounters were a coincidence. He is a wise man, and one encounter after another is abnormal.

What is there in him worthy of his conspiracy?

"Of course I came to return the child." Qi Ji said, handing Guo Xiang in his arms to Yang Guo, "It's just that my feet are a little slower, but I just happened to meet Yang Tanyue."

"Then thank you Master." Yang Guo felt hehe, and took Guo Xiang with one arm and gave it to Xiaolongnu to hold him.

"Are these two masters?" Qi Ji looked at Yi Deng and asked deliberately.

Naturally, he knew Qiu Qianren with white clothes, white eyebrows and white beards and Qiu Qianren with short black hair, but he could not.

"This is Master Yideng, and this is Master Mercy." Yang Guo introduced.

"It turned out to be the Southern Emperor among the Five Wonders of Mount Hua, and the leader of the Iron Palm Water Floater, Little Monk Rinpoche, who met two masters.

"You are polite, they are all false names in the past, now there are only two monks under my Buddha seat," Yideng laughed, "Rinpoche, living Buddha, are you a descendant of Tantric?"

"The young monk is the heir of Huangjiao Jingang Temple, and he studied under the Golden Wheel Dharma King." Qi Ji reported to his family, "I was hanging in Shaolin for a single year. The master can call me Huijue."

"I have heard of the famous name of Huangjiao of Tantric Buddhism for a long time, but unfortunately I have not been sloppy. The old monk has been obsessed with Zen Buddhism for decades. Huijue, when I am idle, I can sit and talk." Yideng did not look down on the odds because of his young age and invited him.

"The little monk now has a question to ask for advice." Regardless of the shock of the people around him, the miracle raised the question first, "Dare to ask the master, is there a reincarnation?"

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