Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 178 Master and apprentice (seeking subscription)

There were several people present, except Huang Wei, who did not know the identity of Master Yideng?Even Huang Wei knows the prestigious names of Huashan's five must-dos.

After escaping into the empty gate for decades, under the condition of Shaolin's closure of the mountain, a light is the face of Buddhism.

But is it shocking that such a highly respected person should sit down with a little monk?

But what was even more shocking was that this little monk had no timidity, and he directly raised such a difficult problem!

Buddha cultivates the afterlife, so the theory of reincarnation prevails.

The original intent of the so-called reincarnation is circulation.According to the Buddhist knowledge, all beings rely on good and evil karma, and they alternate between life and death in the six paths of heaven, humanity, asura, hell, hungry ghost, and animal life. They rotate like wheels, so it is called reincarnation. The six realms are also called the six realms of reincarnation.

But in reality, generally speaking of reincarnation, it means that a person rebuilds the first life.The later generations of Tantric Huang Sect promoted reincarnation to the extreme, so there was a reincarnated living Buddha, and a golden bottle lottery system under state control.

But no one can confirm whether there is reincarnation or not. This is a question of personal belief. If you believe it, you will have it, and if you don't believe it, you will not have it.

Reincarnation is a profound issue, and even if the Buddha returns to life, it may not be able to explain it clearly.

Well, it is limited to the low-level world. Who knows if the Buddha, hell, and the six reincarnations will actually appear after reaching the high-level world.

Obviously, this question cannot be explained clearly by a single lamp, so he said: "The Lotus Sutra says: With all the desires and predestined conditions, one falls into the three evil ways, and in the six interests of reincarnation, it suffers from bitterness. It is said to be one of the important theoretical pillars of my Buddhist school. No one has confirmed that as a believer, the old monk believes, so there is, but as a warrior, the facts tell the old monk that reincarnation may only be in the legend."

"But my Tantric Yellow Sect, but I have no doubt about the theory of reincarnation, and all the great virtues and monks can be reincarnated." Qi Ji said.

"Perhaps this is the difference between Zen Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism. I believe that only a small part of my Zen Buddhism believes in me, and more people just consider becoming a monk as a means of earning a living." Yideng said, "This is also the desire and desire of old monks. The reason you talk about Tao."

It's not that Yideng has never seen a monk from the outside school. His junior and senior monk Tianzhu is a true buddhist fellow. However, when he comes to China, no matter the school of Tibetan Buddhism or the school of Han Buddhism, he has his own essence.He was delighted at the sight of Hunting, and wanted to seek further Dharma through contact with Tantric Buddhism.

"This is the honor of the little monk. When the master's health improves, he will be able to listen to the master's teaching." Qi Ji said modestly.

"It's all about communicating with each other, talk about what to teach." Yideng said.

"Two masters, the master is here, it's time to enter the valley." Yang Guo had already seen the unfeeling valley disciples wearing green clothes. Seeing the two of them talked endlessly, he stepped forward to remind.

Qi Ji didn't care about the exchanges between Yang Guo and the disciples of Unfeeling Valley. Instead, he came to Zhou Zhengan and asked, "Does Dao Chang Zhou believe in reincarnation?"

"My Taoists have rumors of skyrocketing in the daytime. As for reincarnation, it has never been involved. It is not good." Zhou Zhengan thought for a while.

"I'll see Li Mochou in a while, what will Dao Master plan to do?" Qi Ji didn't delve into it and asked another question.

"There is no complete solution yet, let's talk about it." Zhou Zhengan was also very distressed.

"From the little monks, if the Daoist is still in the dust, why not return to the vulgarity and marry Li Mochou, not only to save Li Mochou, but also to remove a demon from the rivers and lakes, why not do it?" Qi Ji suggested.

"Master, what are you talking about? I am a Taoist priest. Quanzhen Dao is not the Zhengyi Sect. You can marry me. You are asking me to break the precepts!" Zhou Zhengan was stunned. He didn't expect the little monk in front of him to have such a suggestion.

"That's why the little monk said to make you vulgar!" Qi Ji smiled.

Although he is a single dog in several worlds, it does not mean that he wants his apprentice to be the same.

Zhou Zhengan grew up with him since he was a child, and then he was always dressed as a Taoist priest. He had little experience and no desires, so he finally became a Taoist priest.

But this is not his only choice.

Qi Ji once told him that he wanted to live as he pleased and do what he wanted. He didn't want Zhou Zhengan to give up another life because he cared about his status as a Taoist priest.

"Don't do it, I am already a monk, how can I return to the vulgar?" Zhou Zhengan shook his head.

Qi Ji looked back and saw that Yang Guo was several feet away, but Huang Wei was still beside him. He motioned Huang Wei away from him with his eyes, gathered the sound into a line, and passed into Zhou Zhengan's ears.

"The top of the Huashan Mountain, innate secret."

"Om..." Zhou Zhengan stopped immediately, only feeling that his mind was blank. After a while, he turned to look at Qi Ji, eyes flooded with tears, his eyes trembling with surprise and disbelief, and he opened his mouth tremblingly. , But did not speak.

Ten years ago, the scene in the former residence of Master came to mind again.

"The top of Huashan Mountain is an innate secret. Remember these eight words, don’t say anyone. If someone says these words to you one day, it’s a teacher, no matter who he is and what he becomes. Understand?"

"Master Guigeng?" he asked tremblingly.

"Roughly, I'm probably sixteen years old." Qi Ji said.

"Sixteen years old, sixteen years old, you are back!" Zhou Zhengan seemed to understand why Qi Ji asked Yideng whether there was reincarnation, and why he should ask himself whether he believed in reincarnation.

It's been sixteen years, Master has come back in this round.

It's no wonder that when I saw this little monk, I felt cordial, and I didn't agree with what he said.

It is no wonder that the respected Master warned himself that "no matter who he is or what he became", he had become someone else just because he returned again.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it anymore, and immediately knelt down to greet him and confide his thoughts.

But before he could move, one hand stretched out to support him: "There are some things, just know it by yourself, don't say it, don't ask."

Qi Ji didn't expect that Zhou Zhengan would think of time, even he ignored it, the time he came here again was the time when he soared in the first world.

Well, originally the theory of reincarnation was just an excuse for him to reveal his identity.

Otherwise, is there a better explanation?

"Master, how have you been in these years?" Zhou Zhengan said that he was also a master master. After the initial shock, he quickly stabilized his mind and returned to normal, and asked aloud.

This is Master’s secret, and it is also a secret shared by him and Master.

"Not bad, eating fast food and reading scriptures are no different from Taoist priests." Qi Ji said.

"Master, can you talk about your experience over the years? I am very interested in it." Zhou Zhengan asked.

"In the future, there will be opportunities to say that if you don't make a move, your wife will have an accident." Qi Ji stopped Zhou Zhengan, he had already seen Yang Guo make a move, and brought out Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang from the flowers of love.

"Master, she is not my daughter-in-law." Zhou Zhengan Nuonuo retorted, and a little bit below her feet, she was beyond the flowers of love.

"Mo Chou." He whispered.

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