Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 179 Changed ending (for subscription)

"You still caught up after all. Why, are you here to kill my demon to comfort the world?" Li Mochou mocked in the flowers of love.

"You know, I didn't mean it, I just didn't want you to kill the innocent, back then..."

Zhou Zhengan wanted to explain, but Li Mochou didn't want to listen.

"Don't mention back then, when I asked you to marry me, if you agreed, how would I break the precept and be expelled from the teacher by the master? If I didn't enter the rivers and lakes, how would I meet Lu Zhanyuan, a grieving person? All of this was caused by you. "Yes." Li Mochou said coldly.

Zhou Zhengan remained silent, but smiled bitterly in his heart: Even if he did not become a monk back then, because of the relationship between the ancient tomb and Quanzhen, how could your master let you marry a Quanzhen sect?

Every tragedy has deep reasons.

"Follow me!" Zhou Zhengan said without further explanation.

"Follow you, will you marry me?" she disdainfully said.

"I will marry you." Zhou Zhengan glanced at Qi Ji and said decisively.

"I won't marry you..." Li Mochou didn't realize until halfway through his words. He stammered and asked, "What...what did you...say?"

"I said, you come with me, go to see my father and mother, and I will marry you." Zhou Zhengan said again.

This was not only Li Mochou, but even Huang Rong and Yi Deng, two people who knew Zhou Zhengan, were taken aback. He did not expect that he had made such a determination to give up his identity and marry a demon as his wife.

They only heard from the conversation that the two had met and knew that Li Mochou came from the Tomb School and was the sister of Xiaolongnv, but they did not know the relationship between the two.

"Are you serious?" Li Mochou asked tremblingly, "Aren't you lying to me?"

"I never lie. I either don't do it or don't say it. Since I said it, it is the result of serious consideration," Zhou Zhengan said. "You will go with me. After I go back, I will ask Brother Qiu to return home and marry you ."

"If you still want to marry me."

"Yes, of course I do. I have been waiting for this day for more than ten years." Li Mochou couldn't help crying, and the sword fell to the ground.

Originally, she didn't think about it, but at the beginning of her love, it suddenly came into her heart.

What is love in the world?What is love?It is the eternity of that moment.

Later, she fell in love with Lu Zhanyuan, isn't it because Lu Zhanyuan looks like him?But in the end, he was abandoned, leading to mass killings and bloody revenge on the rivers and lakes.

But in my heart, there is always some hope.I was worried about being disappointed again, so I kept hiding and hiding until I met again today.

The question that caught him off guard back then ushered in a completely different answer.

After waiting for more than ten years and finally waiting for a turnaround, how can we not cry with joy?

"Master!" Hong Lingbo cautiously called out when he had never seen Master in such a state.

"It's okay, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with being a teacher." Li Mochou stopped crying.

"Wait a moment, I will save you." Zhou Zhengan said, a sword hilt suddenly appeared on his hand.

"Take it, go!" Qi Ji's voice sounded.

"I'm so kind, and I saved a couple again." Qi Ji evaluated himself.

After watching the bloody reality theater, Qi Ji was very satisfied. At least one tragedy was saved, and his apprentice no longer needs to be a single dog.

So he took out the Qingfeng sword while others were not paying attention, and handed it to Zhou Zhengan.

There are many ways to pick up Li Mochou, but Qi Ji chose to destroy it directly, and he used Dugu's saber.

The most beautiful things are often the most dangerous, and it is better not to survive in the world.If Qiu Qianchi didn't burn the Unfeeling Valley in the end, Qi Ji would let Huang Wei do it.

He is a little monk who is devoted to chanting scriptures, how can he go about things that destroy the environment?

"Thank you, Master!" As soon as Zhou Zhenganjian started with it, he recognized that this was the saber used by the master, and he believed in his reincarnation even more.

After thanking him, he swung his sword and cut the flowers, intending to open a path directly.

He is a master master with a deep internal strength. Although it is only a crosscut and straight cut, it is also extraordinary. The disciple of Unfeeling Valley knew that he was not an opponent, and did not make a sound to stop him, but just reported to Qiu Qianchi.

Zhou Zhengan was busy cleaning up the love flower, but Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv had already returned Guo Xiang to Huang Rong.The grievances and hatred between these people, Qi Ji did not want to bother.

Came here again, but with a fluke mentality, wondering if I can find the traces of the other two reincarnations.But unfortunately, it still disappointed him.

"It seems that we have to wait until sixteen years later." He said inwardly.

Zhou Zhengan broke his love, opened up a path, and brought Li Mochou to Qi Ji.

"Mo Chou, this is Master Huijue. If it weren't for Master to be alert, I still can't let go and dare not return to the vulgar." Zhou Zhengan said, returning Qingfengjian.

Before Li Mochou, the child wondered why Zhou Zhengan would come to see this little monk first, and then he suddenly came across.

"Thank you, Master, for your accomplishment," Li Mo said softly, completely different from her previous temperament. She would never speak like this before.

Hong Lingbo also followed the master and saluted.

"You don't need to be polite," Qi Ji folded his hands together, "Just keep the sword for self-defense for now. Yang Tanyue and Madam Guo still have things to solve. You should help them first, and then it's not too late to go out."

"As for Miss Li, take a step back and take a step back. It's best to avoid it."

"Master, I am not afraid of them." Li Mochou said.

"Of course, is this a question of fear? Since you have chosen another way of life, you need to give up something. Miss Li is a smart person, what do you think?" Qi Ji asked.

"Thank you for your guidance, I understand." Li Mochou thought for a while.

"Where does the master want to go? I still have something to ask." Zhou Zhengan asked.

"I won't leave the Valley of Unrequited Love anyway. I have a goodbye." Qi Ji said, "The little monk doesn't want to be involved in their affairs, so I will leave first."

"By the way, Daochang Zhao will be with you and can also help." Qi Ji looked at Huang Wei.

"The monk rest assured, Xiao Dao will do his best." Huang Wei instantly understood the meaning of the strange plan. When the time came, Gongsunzhi and Qiu Qianchi should be on the road.

"Take it for yourself, don't make any accidents." Qi Ji said, heading into the valley.

Unfeeling Valley, he is already very familiar.

After Li Mochou followed Zhou Zhengan, many things would change. Gongsunzhi would no longer collude with him, Gongsun Lue probably wouldn't die ashamed, and Tianzhu monk would never die again.

A lot of people were saved accidentally, which would have to build many levels of Buddha statues.

I just don't know, he saved Zhou Zhengan from Qiu Qianren's hand, and Huang Rong can deceive Xiao Guo Xiang back from him.

However, with the addition of Zhou Zhengan and Huang Wei, wouldn't it be possible for Qiu Qianren to take Guo Xiang away?

It's also impossible. After all, there is a pig teammate Guo Fu who eagerly delivered to the door.Qi Ji didn't want to participate in Huang Rong's affairs. A large part of the reason was because Guo Fu was there.

The spoiled bear child is not easy to kill, but it is better not to see it.

So he came to Juding alone, waiting for the arrival of the little dragon girl.

If you can't wait, it means that the Tianzhu monk can heal her. At that time, the plot will be greatly changed. Will there be a plot sixteen years later?

But since he can save people, he won’t regret the odd plan. Tianzhu is also a noble monk, and he is worth saving.

Thinking of the Tianzhu monk, thinking of his medical skills, Qi Ji felt regretful, as if the two previous worlds had forgotten to learn a few professional skills except for martial arts.

Qimen gossip has learned a lot. It is to go to Peach Blossom Island. Medicine is only slightly involved, not proficient, like disguise, pharmacy, casting soldiers, tailors, chefs...

Well, forget it, this is the world of books, real existence, not games.

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