Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 180 Sixteen Years Agreement (for subscription)

Facts have proved that the Tianzhu monks are not omnipotent.

In other words, the will of the world is strong, the meridians retrograde and poison the heart, and the god monk of Tianzhu is helpless for a while, and the little dragon girl can only wait to die.

Then in the early morning of this day, before dawn, she came to Duanchang Cliff by herself, mobilized her internal strength, and shed tears and carved with a sword on the cliff, "Sixteen years later, meet here, love between husband and wife, don’t lose faith "About" sixteen characters, and then engraved a line of small characters, "Xiaolong Nvshu asked her husband Yang Lang, cherish thousands of things, so as to get together".

Put another red flower under the cliff.

The god monk of Tianzhu is not dead, so there is no need to worry about the poison of Yang Guo's love flower, so there is no gutweed.

After all this, before she came to the cliff, she said sadly: "Farewell, goodbye." She wanted to jump off.

At this moment, a voice came into her ears, causing her to be shocked.

At this time, she didn't want anyone to see it.

When I listened carefully, it seemed that someone was chanting.After following the sound to the cliff wall, I found that the sound came from the cliff wall.

"Which master is here?" Little Dragon Girl asked aloud when she couldn't see clearly in the night.

"Girl Dragon is leaving?" Qi Ji asked.

"It turns out to be Master Huijue." Xiaolongnv said, but she was shocked in her heart. She came here cautiously and carefully observed her surroundings. Although the night was still dark, a big living person was watching everything she had done above her head. , I didn't even feel the slightest.

No wonder Guoer was so afraid of this person.

Thinking in my heart, step lightly, the person has reached the top of the cliff and saw the strange trick of sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, why is the master here?" Xiaolongnv asked.

"If the little monk is here to wait for you, does Dragon Girl believe it?" Qi Ji asked back.

"Perhaps, I feel that the master is not a lie." Xiaolongnu said.

Then there was silence.

In the end, Xiaolongnv asked.

"The master saw everything I did."

"Clearly," Qi Ji replied.

"Why doesn't the master ask the reason, or dissuade it?" The little dragon girl is limited to knowing this little monk, but she doesn't know the tricky style.

"The little monk doesn't have much curiosity. If a person wants to die alone, the Buddha can't stop it." Qi Ji said.

"The god monk of Tianzhu can relieve the poison of love flowers, but it can't save my life. In order to let the past survive, I can only disappear and give him a hope of survival." The little dragon girl murmured.

It's not so much to explain to Qi Ji, it's more to convince yourself.

"So, please don't tell your children the truth." Xiaolongnv pleaded, "maybe after sixteen years, even if you know the truth later, you won't beg to die."

"Long girl, don't worry." Qi Ji didn't say agree or refuse, "Or sixteen years later, there is no surprise of her own."

The little dragon girl nodded, although she didn't understand the meaning of what she said, she just agreed, stepped off the top of the cliff, and jumped before coming to the cliff.

After a while, Qi Ji heard a soft sound in the water, so he closed his eyes and continued chanting.

The morning is about to dawn, so the morning class can't be delayed.

It was not until a long while later that Yang Guo found this Duanchang Cliff, and Huang Rong and his party followed soon.

The god monk of Tianzhu was not dead, Li Mochou followed Zhou Zhengan and kept a distance from Huang Rong and his party. Gongsun Lue was not there, and he did not know whether he was dead or staying with the owner of the valley. Anyway, until now, the fire in the Valley of Unfeelings has not burned.

Probably Gongsunzhi and Qiu Qianchi were dead, and Huang Wei had already secretly signaled success to him.

It's just that this product doesn't feel good, and there is a lot of color on him.

Qi Ji didn't hide his breath, Yang Guo soon discovered his existence and immediately came up to inquire.

"Master Huijue, you must know where Longer is right?" Yang Guo said hopefully.

He always felt that this little monk was very mysterious, but seeing it here again this time gave him hope in his heart.

"Didn't Yang Tanyue see it? Mrs. Zun's handwriting shouldn't be mistaken." Qi Ji said.

"Master, I know, I want to ask where Longer is?" Yang Guo asked.

"And then, watching her die in your arms?" The odd trick was not euphemistic. Although his words were light, everyone present could hear him.

"Master, you must know, right? Did you hide her?" Yang Guo was a little crazy.

"Yang Tanyue thinks that the little monk has the mind to do this kind of thing?" Qi Ji asked.

"I know, you don't, but Long'er, I am worried that she knows she can't live, leaving me a glimmer of hope for me to continue living." Yang Guo muttered.

"Since there is a glimmer of hope, why not seize it?" said Qi Ji, "or maybe there will be surprises in sixteen years. Even if you don't, it's not too late for you to follow it in sixteen years."

"But if you can't wait for these sixteen years, what will happen once it returns?"

"Buddha pity the world, who will know the final result before the last moment?"

"Buddha pity the world? Why don't you pity our couple?" Yang Guo seemed to be in a madness, whispering.

"After that, come here, I have something to say." Huang Rong was also listening to the conversation between the two, thinking about how to dispel Yang Guo's death will and arouse his desire to survive. At this time, he finally figured out a way.

Yang Guo jumped off the top of the cliff, Qi Ji ignored the story Huang Rong had made up for him, and looked at Zhou Zhengan, who succeeded Yang Guo.

"The Unfeeling Valley incident is over, where does the master want to go?" Zhou Zhengan asked, he was eager to know Master's plan.

"There is nothing wrong with the Central Plains, my teacher has returned to the snowy area, and the little monk will return soon." Qi Ji said.

"Xia Xia's marriage is approaching, I wonder if the master can come to the humble house to witness Xia's marriage with Mo Chou." Zhou Zhengan invited.

He knew that with Master's current appearance, he didn't want to reveal his identity to anyone. If it were not for pitying himself, Master would probably keep hiding.

But how would he want to part with Master again so soon, so he invited Qi Ji to the wedding and got married under Master's blessing.

Li Mochou didn't know this, anyone didn't know, but Huang Wei guessed it.

Huang Wei is not a stupid person. When he saw that Qi Ji could easily participate in the plot, he guessed that he had been in this world, especially when Qi Ji and Zhou Zhengan were communicating with Zhou Zhengan and sent him away, he knew that this little monk must be I knew Zhou Zhengan and couldn't help but guess who it was.

In the end, the four characters of Master Qi Ji came to mind.

Only he, the first person in Huashan's discussion of swords last time, can have such a martial arts, and can make Zhou Zhengan so respectful.

The last time you avoided him to communicate, maybe it was to reveal your identity, otherwise why would you let yourself avoid it?

It was after that day that Zhou Zhengan respected the young monk more and even listened to him to marry Li Mochou as his wife.

He doesn't care about these, nor is he qualified to care, as long as he doesn't involve himself.I can hold my thigh tightly again and lift myself up.

Killing Gongsunzhi and Qiu Qianchi not only gained enough reincarnation points, but also won the friendship of a group of people. Where can I look for such good things?

In the end, relying on these relationships to kill them unexpectedly, a large number of reincarnation points were obtained.

Even if you offend the master here, what if you can kill yourself with Gongsun Lue's martial arts?

Looking at the two people chatting on the top of the cliff, Huang Wei thought about it.

But why is there always some anxiety in my heart?Is it bad luck?Or is it that the little monk is going to attack himself?

Too weak, it is really difficult to do, if the little monk wants to kill himself, I guess I have no chance to resist!

Weakness is original sin.

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