Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 181 The death of Huang Wei (for subscription)

But he was not too worried. With the gains from killing Gongsunzhi and Qiu Qianchi, coupled with the previous background, even if he died at this moment, he would at best be a failure of the mission and would not completely die.

That is, in the next reincarnation, the pressure will be greater, and if you fail again, there will be no chance.

In other words, the little monk is so martial arts, he should enter the intermediate world next time!

I won’t be so unlucky, I will meet such a pervert again!


Huang Rong had already fooled Yang Guo and asked him to accept the existence of the Nanhai Shenni with all suspicion. Qi Ji also settled down on the top of the cliff with Zhou Zheng and prepared to leave.

"Master knows the Nanhai God Ni?" Yang Guo still couldn't help asking.

Huang Rong's words were not kept secret, and she had communicated with Yideng again, so Qiji naturally heard it.Seeing Yang Guo's questioning, he smiled: "Yang Tanyue thinks that the little monk is so old, how can he know the extraordinary man who has appeared once in a dozen years?"

"Wait with peace of mind, my Buddha favors people who save themselves."

Speaking of leaving now, Huang Wei followed the trend and said in a few words what happened.

Roughly nothing changed, Qiu Qianren finally realized it, but in the Hall of Jueqing Valley, Gongsun Zhi appeared to seize Jueqing Pill, and Huang Wei sneaked and killed the two in the melee.

Gongsun Lue was not dead, and did not come to deal with the funeral of his parents.

"Little Taoist, you take the first step and find an opportunity to burn these love flowers." Qi Ji ordered.

"Okay, great monk, I will go now." Huang Wei agreed and galloped away.

After Huang Wei left, Zhou Zhengan followed, and Qi Ji once again transmitted the voice: "He may have found it, you follow, don't let him run away."

Zhou Zhengan nodded and followed.

That's right, the odd plan is to start with Huang Wei. This was originally his task, and it was still the main task.

I kept him before because I was always under my nose. Even if he escaped, I had the confidence to find him out soon.

But now, the main plot is over. The next climax of the plot is sixteen years later. He has already decided to return to the snow-covered plateau. It is naturally impossible for Huang Wei to go with him.

He naturally couldn't let Huang Wei leave, he could only solve it.The reason why I didn't do it by myself was to test whether someone else had completed the task by himself after killing Huang Wei.

Huang Wei's execution ability is still very strong, and the fire has already burned before his party reaches the valley.This caused everyone to speed up their pace, and rushed to the vicinity, but they heard the body of the golden iron slamming, Zhou Zhengan and Huang Wei fought together, Gongsun Lue with the few remaining disciples of Unfeeling Valley beside him, looking angry.

Whoever burns their home will not have a good face.

"What's the matter?" Huang Rong asked because of the unknown.

"It's not that dog thief. Killing my parents without telling me, and setting fire to Unfeeling Valley." Gongsun Lue gritted his teeth.

These people understood, Zhao Zhijing didn't know what was going crazy, and came to burn the Valley of Unrequited Love.Originally, they had no good impressions of Zhao Zhijing, especially Yang Guo. After knowing that Zhao Zhijing had almost defiled his aunt, they wanted to teach him when he was in Zhongnanshan.At this moment, his temperament was agitated. He was already angry because of the missing of Xiaolongnv. Seeing that Zhou Zhengan was fighting with Zhao Zhijing, he couldn't help it anymore, and he held the heavy sword and killed Huang Wei.

Li Mochou was faster than him.

Li Mochou killed people like a numb, but he would not ask why, he would only help relatives and ignore them.

Furthermore, Huang Wei ignored it.

This is the first time that Qi Ji has seen Huang Wei make an all-out effort. The style is a little different from the orthodox martial arts. It combines modern martial arts routines, does not adhere to the form, and is very powerful. The general master is not his opponent in the late stage.

Although the three people besieging him are only in the middle of the master, and the realm is the same as him, it depends on who these three are.

Li Mochou, a fairy of Chi Lian, has spent more than ten years in the arena. He really spent more than ten years fighting. He was full of poison, cruel, and easy to destroy people, and he was rich in fighting experience.

Yang Guo, the protagonist of the world, the son of luck, and martial arts has soared all the way. When he was only a teenager, he overwhelmed several masters in Mongolia, and the king of the Golden Wheel could not hold his head up.

Zhou Zhengan, even more of a disciple of a strange plan, possesses the two masterpieces of Jiuyin Scripture and Congenital Art, authentic Taoism and solid foundation.

No one is weak, no matter how strong Huang Wei is, it is difficult to escape the siege of the three.

Looking at the four people at war, Qi Ji suddenly remembered that there are limits to innate skills. If you don't reach the Dacheng stage, you will lose the Yuanyang, and then it will be difficult to improve.

Zhou Zhengan should not have made great congenital achievements, otherwise he would not be in the middle of the master.

In this way, let him marry Li Mochou, it seems a bit tricky!

In the field, Huang Wei received several heavy blows in a row, but he was still only a sword to defeat the corner, and no cards appeared, which made Qi Ji wonder.

Samsara, shouldn't it be so lacking?

The two Samsaras killed in the last world were all killed quickly, and they didn't give them a chance to play the hole cards. Huang Wei, even the space ring, shouldn't be so poor!

He didn't know that Huang Wei already had an expectation of his future, knowing that he would not let go of himself, and that he kept everything, waiting for the next world.

Anyway, there is still another chance, this world is irreversible, it is better to put everything on the next world.

With a sound of "chicks", he hit the sword again, Huang Wei didn't care, looked at the odd trick, laughed loudly: "Little monk, I want to take advantage of it, so I came to burn the valley of unfeeling feelings, and finally couldn't help it. I'm going to kill the donkey and let someone come and kill me. Why don't you do it yourself?"

"Don't look at your hard work now, watch the excitement and watch the excitement. When the time comes, I'm afraid you will all die in the hands of the little monk, hum, he is not a good thing!"

"Don't blame you for not reminding you, when the time comes, it will be too late for you to regret."

These words made the faces of the audience changed and they became unconsciously guarded.

"It's fairly reasonable. I didn't expose the reincarnation temple. I guess I dare not." Qi Ji's face was inconvenient, as if he didn't hear it, but he muttered in his heart, "Will it be obliterated if it is leaked?"

"You can still be so open, sow discord instead of swearing, maybe you have the confidence to die."

"When you die, you dare to talk nonsense!" How could Zhou Zhengan allow the culprits to slander his master, fight for injuries, and when Yang Guo and Li Mochou attacked, he swept Huang Wei across his chest.

Yang Guo struck him with a sword again, losing the vitality of his body protection, and Huang Wei's bones were broken.

"Next time... next time I meet, I will definitely... kill you one by one." Huang Wei panted, with a wicked smile on his pale face, he looked around a little bit, and said intermittently.

That voice is very permeating.

"Then wait for the next life!" Zhou Zhengan pulled out the Qingfeng sword, and Huang Wei fell to the ground and died.

Regardless of the ugly expressions around him, Qi Ji stepped forward and took off the ring from Huang Wei's body. With a little effort, it immediately broke apart.

"Sure enough, he didn't die." He thought.

If it were dead, the ring would not break so easily.Only he survived, and the space ring followed, leaving only an ordinary ring.

Quietly opened the system interface, and sure enough, one-third of the main task was completed, and the source energy points were also rewarded as usual, which was still 5 points.

Host: Qi Ji

Realm: Grand Master Pinnacle

Cultivation methods: Quanzhen Mind Method (Consummation), Nine Yin Scriptures (Consummation), Innate Gong (Da Cheng), Nine Yang Scriptures (Xiao Cheng +)

Martial Skills: Quanzhen Sword Technique (Consummation), Jin Yan Gong (Consummation), I Ching Bone Forging (Consummation), Frost-Breaking Palm Technique (Da Cheng +), Soul Transfer Technique (Consummation), Heart Destruction Palm (Xiao Cheng +) , Dafu Moquan (Xiaocheng+), Dugu Nine Swords (Consummation), One Yang Finger (Dacheng+), Strike Left and Right (Consummation), Kongming Boxing (Dacheng+), Yunshen Jue (Dacheng+), Ruyi Orchid Hand (Consummation), Long Xiang Bo Ruo Gong (3+13)...

Source energy point: 40.2

Main mission: Kill the evil demon outside the sky (13), the reward is unknown, and you cannot return until the mission is completed.(undone)

Side task 1: Assist Mongolia in destroying Da Song and reward 3 source energy points.(undone)

Side task two: assist Da Song to unify the Central Plains, reward 5 source energy points.(undone)

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