Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 183 Snowy Monk (seeking subscription)

After half a month, Zhou Zhengan came back, it was already the late master stage.

He came with Aunt Ying, Zhou Botong twisted, and finally did not run.

The wedding date was also set, just three days later.

Not far from the Valley of Unfeeling, Zhou Zhengan specially sent someone to notify Yang Guo. In any case, he was also the only descendant of the ancient tomb besides Li Mochou's master and apprentice, and he was regarded as the representative of the woman.

Qiu Chuji still had an opinion on Li Mochou, but he couldn't care about Zhou Zhengan. If he didn't agree to go back to the vulgarity, he would end up in trouble, and the one with a dull face was Quan Zhenjiao.

Fortunately, even if he is still vulgar, he is a Quanzheng person like Zhou Shishu. Besides, Zhou Zhengan is basically not on Zhongnan Mountain, so it doesn't matter whether he has it or not.Since marrying Li Mochou, it can be regarded as a harm to the world, he also agreed to take advantage of the trend, and also took the surviving seniors to attend Zhou Zhengan's wedding.

As for the three generations of disciples, all except the current head teacher Li Zhichang were rejected.

By the way, even if Yin Zhiping did not become a dragon knight, after the Zhongnanshan battle, he repented and still chose to commit suicide.

Other than that, there was no one else. Although someone was sent to deliver the letter to Xiangyang, it was clear that Guo Mansion was too late to arrive.

On the wedding day, Yang Guo and Tianzhu deities, Zhu Ziliu, Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang, and Gongsun Lue arrived together.The poison of love flower has been relieved, that is, the body is still very weak, supported by strong internal strength.

A wedding for a total of ten or twenty people is very simple.

As a witness to the marriage, Yi Deng added a strange plan to Zhou Zhengan's strong request.

Even if he can't disclose his identity, Zhou Zhengan wants to get married under Master's blessing.

Worshiping Tiandi and parents, even if it is over, everyone gathers together and simply eats some food to congratulate the new couple on their wedding.

"Uncle, congratulations." Seeing Li Mochou, Yang Guo thought of Little Dragon Girl, and felt inexplicably hurt.

"Thank you, you have to look a little bit more, I believe the junior sister will return safely." Li Mochou said.

Once a woman finds love, the change is not so big.At this time, Li Mochou, how can he still have the fierceness of the Red Demon?Let me say that every lady believes.

"Ten years of cultivation can get on the same boat, a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together, life is not easy, I hope to cherish it, the little monk wishes two old people together, many children and more blessings." Qiji blessed.

"Thank you, Master." Zhou Zhengan and Li Mochou thanked at the same time.

"After dawn, the little monk is about to return to the Western Regions. I will inform the two in advance that I won't bother you tomorrow morning." Qi Ji said.

"Master is so anxious to go back, why not take a few more days?" Zhou Zhengan said quickly.

"Everyone has their own conditions, their identities are different, and they have different things to do." Qi Ji said, "My teacher has already returned, and the little monk has returned early."

"Master, please, I wish the master a smooth journey." Zhou Zhengan knew that Master was reminding himself to endure the path of parting.

It didn't take long for a circle of blessings.

This is an uninhabited valley. Zhou Botong came here, so the wedding ceremony was held here. The facilities are very leaky, and even the houses are temporary cottages.

It was impossible for the couple's bridal chamber, but in the end, Zhou Zhengan and Li Mochou went in. Even if they didn't do errands, they couldn't stay outside on the wedding night.

The rest of these people stayed far away, gathered around to talk, Renfo talked about martial arts, and time passed quickly.

When the day was about to dawn, Qi Ji was the first to stand up, bid farewell to everyone, and left alone.After him, Yi Deng and his party also said goodbye, followed by Tianzhu deities.

Yang Guo and his third daughter returned to the Valley of Unfeeling, and he still needs to raise them for a while.


Two months later, Qi Ji returned to the King Kong Temple. He walked all the way back, and did not even perform his light work.

Two young novices who guarded the gate recognized him, one led him in, and the other quickly reported to King Jinlun.

These days, they don't know how many times they heard the host mention why Rinpoche has not returned.

Upon receiving the news, King Golden Wheel Falun Gong immediately came out, followed by Dalba, and saw Qi Ji standing in front of him, which made him relieved.

"Just come back, just come back." Jinlun Fa Wang said with wonder.

This is the future of their King Kong Temple, and there must be no accident.

In comparison, being betrayed by the three apprentices Huo Du is not a big deal.

"Master is worried," Qi Ji said.

"Hmph, I blame the people in the Central Plains, Rinpoche, don't worry, wait until the master trains the tenth level of the Dragon Elephant Po Ruogong, and then go to the Central Plains to seek justice for you." King Jinlunfa said.

"Master, my Buddha is compassionate, and it is not the work of Buddhist disciples to fight for strength." Qi Ji persuaded.

"Be your own way of being a teacher, Rinpoche, you just came back, take a good rest, and then practice the exercises so that you can't be bullied in the future." Jinlunfa Wang said.

It is clear that he is unwilling to seek justice for himself.Being forced to leave and leaving disciples who do not understand martial arts in the Central Plains is a thorn in the heart of King Jinlun Fa.

If you don't have a good contest, the King of the Golden Wheel will not be willing.

Qi Ji didn't persuade him anymore, anyway, it would be 16 years later when the King of the Golden Wheel reached the tenth level. When he went to the Central Plains, he also got a lot of dust and died.

If you have yourself in this world, you must at least save your life. In any case, King Golden Wheel Falun Gong has nothing to say about himself.

King Jinlun Fa continued to retreat, and Qi Ji resumed his previous days of chanting and practicing martial arts.

Three years later, Dalpa went to the Jokhang Temple with a strange plan. Without the Golden Wheel Fa King, he discussed the Buddha with various schools of Tantric Buddhism. He made a blockbuster and maintained the status of the King Kong Temple.

For another ten years, Qi Ji went to the Jokhang Temple alone. Qi Ji suppressed the various factions in discussing the Buddha, and once again shocked Xueyu.The unconvinced sects united and set an ambush on his way back, wanting to destroy him physically, but he never returned.

Afterwards, dozens of corpses were found in the setting grounds, all of which were shattered and killed by the palm of life.Only then did the various sects know that Vajra Rinpoche is not only profound in Buddhism, but also the dragon elephant Po Ruo Gong has deep attainments.

As a result, his reputation spread more widely in the snowy area, and he was regarded as a real living Buddha by the snowy area's followers.

If it weren't for the reincarnation of a living Buddha, who could have achieved such a great achievement at this age, the Golden Wheel Fa King would not do either.

As a result, King Kong Temple once surpassed Jokhang Temple and became a holy place for countless believers. Every year, people come here for pilgrimage, hoping to see the living Buddha.

The odd plan was only to complete the task assigned by the King of the Golden Wheel. He didn't know the consequences at all, but Darba came to mention it once, but when he saw that he was not interested in the odd plan, he never said it again.

In this unawareness, Qi Ji was portrayed as a generation of eminent monks, and in the minds of believers, the status has surpassed the Golden Wheel Fa King.

Until this day, there was a burst of wild laughter from the King Kong Temple, and a vigorous momentum rose.

The dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong of the Golden Wheel Fa King has broken through to the tenth level, and the sixteen-year agreement is about to come.

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