Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 184 Fengling Crossing (for subscription)

King Golden Wheel is worthy of being a martial arts wizard. In less than sixteen years, Long Xiang Bo Ruo Gong has made further progress, and there is no future trouble.

You should know that with the characteristics of the dragon elephant Poruo Gong, from the ninth to the tenth level, the time required would be hundreds of years. However, the Golden Wheel Fa King reduced this process to a dozen with great perseverance and great wisdom. year.

The tenth-story dragon elephant can be powerful enough to fight the pinnacle of the master.

Last time we met, Guo Jing was still in the late stage of the Grand Master, but he was already able to reach the peak. It was probably a matter of ten years or so before reaching the peak. He was about fifty years old. Yang Guo was even more open. Now he is only more than thirty years old. This state.

Now, the King of the Golden Wheel has passed his sixtieth birthday, and has reached this point. It may sound inferior to Guo Jing and Yang Guo, but it is not.

Guo Jing and Yang Guo are the protagonists of the world, with great luck, but the King of the Golden Wheel does not have them. He was trained by himself without chance or adventure, and he is still a big villain. This is even more difficult.

Moreover, it is more difficult to practice dragon elephant Boruo Gong, reaching the peak from the outside to the inside. After training, it has the power of dragon elephant and has higher requirements on the body.

Regardless of Yang Guo's six or seven years of training in the sea under the guidance of Shendiao, his physical fitness is far inferior to the King of the Golden Wheel.Yang Guozhi is strong, strong in opening up, strong in martial arts perception.

But when it comes to opening up, the odd trick is not to convince others.

For more than ten years, most of his energy has been on the dragon elephant Poruo Gong. He has broken through the fourth level, which is already the peak of the seventh level. He has reached the realm of the Golden Wheel Fa King before he entered the Central Plains, and he has a faint sense of breaking through. .Once the boundary is broken, only the dragon elephant can fight against the late master.

The other martial arts were not left behind, except for the innate skills and Yun Shen Jue that could no longer be practiced.To achieve these, Qi Ji still did not use any reincarnation points.

In this world, except for the use of the Nine Suns Scriptures at the beginning of the year and the upgrade of the experimental dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong, it is no longer used, just like decoration.

But even if he cultivates himself, his speed is not slower than anyone else. Unconsciously, his martial arts talent is already top-notch.

So he believes more and more that every time he enters a new world and rebuilds his exercises, everything he loses is accumulating talent for himself.

Sixteen years of four-level exercises seem to be slow, but when you think about the special nature of Longxiang Poruo Gong, the more difficult it is to practice, the longer it takes, and you will know how amazing this speed is. At this age, he did not reach the seventh peak.

The seventh-layer dragon elephant Bo Ruo Gong, seems useless, but is constantly improving his physique, Qi Ji can clearly feel his progress over the years.Not to mention the doubling of combat power, there are also four or five levels of improvement.

But he is still the pinnacle of the grandmaster, and he also wants to know how far he can improve in this state.

As the pinnacle of the grandmaster, he didn't know who else could support ten moves under his hands.

It is estimated that Yang Guo will not work.

This is the foundation accumulated by the three generations.


King Jinlunfa left the customs and immediately called Qiji and Dalba to ask about what happened over the years.He burst into anger when he heard that Qi Ji force pressed the monasteries in the snowy area to discuss the Buddha's victory. When I learned that the temples sent people to ambush Qi Shi in disregard of their faces, they were furious, and they made no secret of their favoritism.

Until Qi Ji said that he killed the ambushers with the dragon elephant Poruogong, he was surprised with the color of rumbling doubts, and seemed to believe that Qi Ji's talent for martial arts training would be so good, so that Qi Ji had to reveal the dragon at the top of the seventh floor. Like Bo Ruogong, it is considered to stop.

Knowing all this, King Jinlun was very pleased.

More than ten years have passed, and he still bears his mind about his defeat back to the Xueyu. In the words of the Buddhist school, this is a demon. If this matter is not solved completely, there will be no entry in this life.

"Very well, I was still hesitating as a teacher, whether I should go to the Central Plains to get revenge," said King Golden Wheel of Falun Gong with satisfaction. "Now I don't have to hesitate anymore. Rinpoche has achieved martial arts and has become a living Buddha praised by everyone. The teacher is relieved, you are in the Jingang Temple, the future is promising, and the teacher can finally go to the Central Plains with confidence."

"Master, for so many years, haven't let go?" Qi Ji said.

"If you can't let go, you can't get rid of it. If you can't face it, you will become a teacher. This trip is imperative." Jinlunfa Wang said.

"The disciples wish Master a victory and a smooth return." Qi Ji knows that Jinlun Fa King’s character, in addition to spare no effort in defending himself, is an arrogant and paranoid person who will not easily listen to persuasion, even if he is himself. There was no further persuasion.

Anyway, he is going to the Central Plains, and he will be saved at that time.

King Golden Wheel Falun Gong left soon, and Darba accompanied him, walking quietly.

By odd estimates, he might still go to Mongolia first, meet the Mongolian Khan, and then enter the Central Plains through the battle.

At this time, Mongolia was no longer ruled by Queen Manaizhen. After Guiyouhan, the lost queen of Hai, and the change of power, the Khan position was finally transferred from the Wokuotai system to the mine dragging system, and the eldest son of dragging mine Mengge became the new one. Da Khan, now it is the ninth year of Meng Ge's reign, and he is actively preparing for the move to destroy the Song Dynasty.

King Jinlunfa was originally the national teacher canonized by Wo Kuotai. After Nai Mazhen obtained the reign, he still invited him back and continued to serve as the national teacher. When he failed in the Central Plains that year, when he said goodbye, this national teacher could be I didn't take it off, I went out of the mountain this time, naturally I had to go to see Mongolian Khan.

He also wanted to let the Taoism of King Kong Temple flourish as Mongolia conquered the world!

King Jinlunfa left for a few days, Qi Ji announced a retreat, but he quietly left the snowy area and headed east.

The sixteen years are approaching, and he will also look for the other two reincarnations.

If you don’t confirm the identity of the reincarnation earlier, you will always feel uneasy.

I just don’t know, did the reincarnation appear, did it make a sound, and behaved abnormally?If you are an acquaintance, it is easy to handle, and you can easily lock your identity.


The new year has just passed and the weather is still cold.

While the Yellow River was thawing, Qiji crossed Hebei to find a place called Fenglingdu, and checked into an old Andu shop.

When we first met at Fengling Ferry, Yang Guo missed his life.

Fenglingdu, Xiangyang City, and Unfeeling Valley are the three main locations where the plot will take place sixteen years later, and the first place to come is Fenglingdu, the place where the plot began sixteen years later.

"I just don't know how much the world has changed, and will the plot of this place happen?" Qi Ji thought, "If everything is normal, following Guo Xiang's footsteps, you can probably travel to three places and discover everything. "

"Just, will it still be normal?"

Waited day after day, until one day when the heavy snow fell again, the Yellow River was closed again, and the old Andu shop was crowded with people.The guest room where Qi Ji lived was not spared. Xiao Er persuaded him to take a few people together.

After all, after living for more than ten days, Xiao Er also knew that the monk was very talkative.

The monks are compassionate, so they don't care about the odd plan, so they directly let out the room for a family with children to live in, and go to the lobby.

At this time it was getting late, and more than a dozen guests without rooms had gathered in the lobby of the inn, sitting around the fire.Qi Ji neither moved people nor stepped forward, but found a corner and sat cross-legged.

Sweeping his eyes, he found a short, thin, first-rate martial artist with a big head, long arms, big palms, and big feet. He was probably the big-headed ghost among the ghosts in Xishan Cave.

I didn't see any masters, so I didn't care and waited quietly.

As it got dark, more than a dozen people came one after another, all of whom had to surround the fire to keep warm.

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