Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 185 Awakening of the Samsara (seeking subscription)

Until the evening, as a rush of horseshoes approached, two women and one man entered the old Amdu store.

A young woman in her thirties, plus two boys and girls aged fifteen or sixteen, one elegant and beautiful, one with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are the three sisters and brothers of Guo Fu who are expecting to wait.

"It seems we have to wait." Without waiting for the desired result, Qi Ji sighed in disappointment.

Fengling Ferry did not appear, the next battle was to go to Wan Beast Villa, Xishan a cave ghost plus historian brothers, I don't know if there will be reincarnation.

Up to now, there are very few options available, except for those who dared to be dull, who have to come as the outermost.

It's not impossible. It's just a master who appears suddenly. Anyone will have doubts. It is difficult to get in touch with the protagonist. Except for the novice period, most of the reincarnations with confidence will not be like this.

He closed his eyes and recited the scriptures silently, listening to travelers from all over the world talking about the great achievements of the eagle man.

Guo Xiang kept wanting to hear the story of the Condor Heroes. Guo Fu knew that Yang Guo would not be seen by him, and kept ridiculing him, leaving the youngest Guo Polu caught in the middle.

Just when a middle-aged woman said that her cousin was rescued by the Eagle Man and her father was killed by the Eagle Man, Qi Ji suddenly felt a strange power, and this time, the long-lost system prompt sounded.

"Ding dong, the system specially reminds: The alien monster is close to the host for 1000 meters."

"Huh?" Qi Ji's expression changed abruptly, and a pressure rose instantly, causing everyone present to shudder.

But their martial arts are low-level, and they don't understand what happened, which is a bit inexplicable.

The coercion came quickly, and it went quickly. After decades of nurturing, Qi Ji has been able to send and receive freely. The reason for the outbreak is too surprising.

He has been practicing Yun Shen Jue for many years, his mental power is extremely powerful, and he can clearly sense a radius of tens of meters. Although he can't clearly perceive it at a distance, he can feel a little fuzzy if there are powerful characters.

The extraterritorial celestial demon was not far away from entering the alert range, and being able to hide his perception was what made him lose control for a while.

"I don't have a master, is it a novice?" Once again, he was still unable to find the trace of the reincarnation. Qi Ji asked in doubt.

Even the pinnacle master, Qi Ji is also confident that he can't hide his perception.

"Hey, why is it much quieter?" Nothing was found outside, but Qi Ji replied thoughtfully, but found that the atmosphere in the lobby was different.

The main reason is that the lack of a girl who is arrogant makes it much dull.

"No!" When Qi Ji looked at Guo Xiang, he finally found an abnormality.

I saw Guo Xiang's hand that stretched out to take the wine stopped moving, his eyes were dull, no longer agile, but the martial arts on his body climbed silently.

"The reincarnation awakens? Wouldn't it be so coincidental!" Qi Ji asked.

But the fact is like this. In just a few minutes, Guo Xiang's identity was quietly replaced, and his martial arts grew all the way to the late master stage before stopping.

Then, her gaze came alive again and became agile again.

"It's no wonder that no trace of the reincarnation has been found, and the feelings have not fully arrived, it is under the nose, it is dark under the light." Qi Ji said.

"It's just a pity that Guo Xiang is a little girl."

When he was a child, he reported to Guo Xiang, but he didn't realize that he would be taken over by the Samsaras 16 years later.

Although the body has not changed, the person is no longer the same person.


"What a bad breath!" This was Guo Xiang's first feeling when he came back.

But she didn't say it. In the world of reincarnation for the first time, keeping silent is the best choice without knowing the environment.

He picked up the wine bowl, took a sip, and began to sort out his memories, and soon learned about Guo Xiang's life.

Guo Xiang is very simple, naturally he can't remember things when he was a child. After growing up, he just lived in Xiangyang and never traveled far.

This time he came to Jinyang to send hero posts, it was the first time he went out, and then he was replaced by Samsara.

"Is this the E307 world? Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Beggar Gang, Xiangyang... a truly simple experience," thought Guo Xiang the reincarnation, "Dongxie, Xiaodongxie, what is the name?"

"Fangyang? Guo Jing has been in charge of the city guard in Xiangyang. This is the Xiangyang battle?" The Samsaras were a little surprised.

"Also, the Condor Heroes, the Condor Heroes? Another keyword? Hey, it seems that I was asking about the Condor Heroes just now, maybe it can be used as an entry point."

Thinking of this, a sweet smile appeared on the face of the Samsara, and the former Guo Xiang "come back" again.

"Many of you have seen the Condor Heroes, but I have never been lucky. If you can see him and listen to him say a few words, I...I can be more happy than anything."

Then there was Guo Fu’s dissatisfied voice: "This man's martial arts is naturally good, but compared to his father, it is far worse. Your little baby does not know the world, so if you let someone cheer up, you can tell how this person is. How amazing. Actually you have seen this person, and he even hugged you."

"Well, there are still friendships?" The reincarnation was secretly joyful, recalling his "self" temperament, and tweeted: "You are a sister, and you speak so upset, who believes in you?"

Seeing that she didn’t believe it, Guo Fu said, "You can’t do it if you don’t believe it. This is a surnamed Yang, who lived in our Peach Blossom Island when he was a child. His arm is... a way... well, you are born Within a day, you would have embraced you."

The reincarnation kept calculating in his heart, and asked with a smile on his face: "Sister, did the Eagleman really live in our Peach Blossom Island when I was young? Why haven't I heard my parents talk about it?"


The reincarnation is constantly citing Guo Fu to give out information, and Qi Ji observes silently, without worrying about being discovered by the reincarnation.

Until the big-headed ghost listens to reincarnation, the person who never forgets to know the Condor Hero, said: "It is not difficult for the girl to see the Condor Hero. I will show you to him tonight.

The reincarnation was overjoyed and immediately agreed, and then he was reprimanded by Guo Fu.

She was dissatisfied in her heart, but her identity was limited and she couldn't have a seizure, so she could only hide it, and made up her mind to kill this person before leaving.

She already knew from memory that her parents were well-known heroes in the world, and their martial arts were extremely good. Unless she decided to break with her family from now on, she wouldn't be too shameless in the public.

In the end, the reincarnation still followed the big-headed ghost out of the old Andu shop, braving the wind and snow.

Guo Fu cursed, but he lost his sister's trace in the dark night, so he could only wait until dawn.

Quietly, Qi Ji left the old Andu shop and followed the big-headed ghost all the way until they gathered together and headed towards Daomaping with dozens of horses.

The reincarnation only reveals second-rate martial arts, so that the first-rate Xishan Yikugui is very relieved.

In the darkness, none of them noticed, and one of them quietly appeared one more person immediately.

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