Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 186 Yang Guo's Discovery (for subscription)

Not surprisingly, when passing by Wan Beast Villa, Xishan Yikugui had a conflict with his historian brother in Longevity Villa, which caused the nine-tailed spirit fox to escape.

Qi Ji was also very surprised. He has changed the plot so much, and there is actually a nine-tailed spirit fox here!

In the last world, Qi Ji rescued Zhou Zhengan, leading Zhou Botong to know the fact that his son was still alive early on. For this reason, he did not reject Aunt Ying like the original, at least when Zhou Zhengan was married. You can appear on the same occasion as Ying Gu-although a little embarrassing.

Aunt Ying, also because of her son's survival, didn't have such strong feelings for Zhou Botong. With Zhou Zhengan, she didn't chase Zhou Botong all over the world.

But in the end, did he come to live in Black Dragon Pool again?

The world's will is really strong!

Just don’t know, will Qiu Qianren still come here to apologize?

At the top of Huashan Mountain, Zhou Botong had a son, Zhou Zhengan. Everyone at the scene knew about it, and Qiu Qianren naturally knew it.

He and Zhou Zhengan had met in the Unfeeling Valley, but they didn't speak.

Back then, it seemed that I had forgotten to ask, how did Qiu Qianren come to his realization.

After thinking about it, the two worlds add up to a mess, and they are a little confused.For example, Mei Chaofeng survived under the intervention of Qi Ji, but the world Qi Ji has always heard about him, as if disappearing out of thin air.

But these are not the key points. When martial arts reaches his level, anyone can directly suppress it-unless facing tens of thousands of troops.

In the low-level world, the things of one person and one country will not happen, but it is possible to escape from the encirclement and suppression of thousands of troops.

Back to the topic, the ghosts in Xishan Cave have mixed up the good things of Wan Beast Villa, and the two sides are not good people. Under the conflict of words, they immediately started fighting and started fighting.

Samsaras are knowledgeable and well-informed. No matter how well they pretend, they can't be as innocent as Guo Xiang when facing a group of strangers, and naturally they are not given preferential treatment.

It's just that she is proud of her high martial arts and is not afraid. She has repeatedly avoided the attacks of the beasts in "thrill", and finally got through the danger by getting into a group with a few skewers.

However, Qi Ji knew that this reincarnation had already revealed his bottom, only seeing Yang Guo staring at her, he felt that he did not need to confront Yang Guo when he was killing the reincarnation.


Yang Guo has indeed arrived, and is sitting on a big tree with Da Diao at this moment.

Originally, I wanted to ask the ghost of Xishan Yikuo for not attending the appointment on time, but when he arrived, his eyes were attracted by a young girl.

The young girl seemed to have avoided crises repeatedly, but in Yang Guo's eyes, she was a little deliberate.The rest of the people on the scene were either in a melee, or in martial arts before they were at home. For a veteran like him, he could tell the truth from the false at a glance.

The feeling that this girl gave her was no weaker than her own.

Back then, he was able to fight the late master stage, that is to say, this fifteen-year-old girl was at least in this state.

It's not that he is conceited. He was able to reach that state in martial arts when he was sixteen or seventeen. It was the result of an adventure along the way. Whether it was the cold jade bed, the snake gall, or the training of Brother Diao, it was an opportunity that others could not find. .

Now there is another little girl above him, how can he not surprise him, even... doubt.

This girl reminded him of a certain little monk back then.

Over the years, he has been practicing kung fu, doing chivalry and doing justice. In his free time, he mostly looks at the sea and misses his wife.But occasionally, I also think of the little monk who seemed to look down on everything.

The more I thought about it, the more strange it became, the more mysterious the little monk, like an unknown prophet.

On Mount Hua, he watched the foster father's contest for a few days, protecting the hearts of the two at the last minute, so that they could run their skills and survive.

Jianzhong Valley, after watching his broken arm, he cheered up a little bit.

In the Chongyang Palace, he arrived at the right time to allow King Jinlun to leave safely, and he also asked himself for Guo Xiang, as if he knew that he would take care of Xiao Guo Xiang every time. The facts have also proved that there is another one in the ancient tomb. During the fierce battle, Long Er was affected by poison in his heart, causing today's tragedy.

In the Unfeeling Valley, he deliberately waited for himself and returned Guo Xiang to reconcile himself with Aunt Guo. It seemed that it was not surprising that Master Yideng appeared.

On Duanchang Cliff, he was the first to be there, maybe he was waiting for him there, persuading himself not to commit suicide.For a long time, he has never stopped that idea, that is, he must know the whereabouts of Long Er, but he does not say that he has to wait until sixteen years later.

He had never thought about the strength of force, no matter how big he entered, he couldn't see the depth of a little monk.The adoptive father and Hong Lao Gang said that he may have used innate skills.But as far as I know, after the Chongyang real person, in addition to Master Yideng, his junior and disciple also learned this skill. No one knows whether Zhou Zhengan will be or not.

Naturally, Master Yideng would not pass on the innate merits, and Master Qiji had long since disappeared.Although he doesn't believe it, there has been no indisputable fact for decades.

He always felt that the little monk had a secret, but he couldn't figure out what it was, until he saw the little girl who was at ease among the beasts and suddenly understood.

Their similarities are not in martial arts, but in their styles.

They are very indifferent to the world, incompatible with the world, and have a sense of alienation, as if the world has nothing to do with them.

This feeling came to my mind for no reason, lingering.

He felt as if he had discovered a big secret.

So he thought of Zhao Zhijing again.

Because of his childhood experience, once again seeing Zhao Zhijing behind the little monk, Yang Guo ignored him, even if he heard that he wanted to defile his wife.

Thinking about it now, it seems that Zhao Zhijing is also like this woman and little monk.When we met again, Zhao Zhijing only listened to the words of the little monk. Why?

Thus, the scene before Zhao Zhijing's death resurfaced.

"Little monk, I want to swallow the good, so I came to burn this unfeeling valley, and finally couldn't help but kill the donkey. Let someone kill me. Why don't you do it yourself?"

"Don't look at your hard work now, watch the excitement and watch the excitement. When the time comes, I'm afraid you will all die in the hands of the little monk, hum, he is not a good thing!"

"Don't blame you for not reminding you, when the time comes, it will be too late for you to regret."

"Next time... next time we meet, we will definitely... kill you one by one."

"Next time I meet, next time I meet, why does Zhao Zhijing say that?" Yang Guo thought to himself.

"With Zhao Zhijing's qualifications, it was impossible to advance to the Grand Master, but in just two years, he not only advanced, but also became a master in the middle of the Grand Master. His combat power is still very strong. What happened in the past two years? Zhao Zhijing also has an adventure?"

"Also what he said before he died. Back then, he was immersed in the pain of Long Er's departure. He wanted to vent, thinking it was Zhao Zhijing's nonsense, but what if it wasn't? What if Zhao Zhijing's words were true. "Yang Guofu thought about it.

"Is he really not dead? Impossible. The body has been examined and it is indeed dead. Why do you want to meet next time? If you can really meet again, you won't be able to come back to life again?"

"It's impossible to live again. Is it possible to reincarnate? Reincarnation, yes, reincarnation, the little monk first saw Master Yideng and asked about reincarnation."

"Reincarnation, rebirth? Is there really reincarnation in the world?"

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Zhao Zhijing, the little monk, and the woman in front of him are all reincarnations, so they are so indifferent to everything." Thinking of this, Yang Guo was shocked by his thoughts.

"If this is the case, it means they can see through the future? What is their purpose?" Yang Guo thought of the little monk again, but it seems that he didn't show any malice when he met the little monk several times, but helped him. .

"Or as Zhao Zhijing said, the time has not come? When the time has come, the little monk is going to kill everyone?" At this time, Yang Guo was lost in thought, following the reincarnation, but could not take care of the two parties below who were fighting.

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